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RichProd PoorCast (Black Sabbath AOTW)

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Join us on the journey that everyone should be on: Financial education! We're learning and so are you. Besides that we talk about "Back-to-school" supplies and when you should throw away your greetings cards. All this and an album to review? That's right! we are full to the brim with the stuff you want to know. Ozzy blasts us away with Black Sabbath's debut album "Paranoid" and we have a little surprise waiting for our next album! Make sure you jump into our discord and say GDAY MATE! Thank you so much for listening and we will see you next Thursday <3

Hello and welcome to the podcast. To podcast, we talk life, work and occasionally music. My name is Switchblades for Kids and the other half of the podcast. I am Blake Bentley. Hello. How are you doing? Here you go, Ben. Yeah, man, living it one hell of a day. Yes.

Exhausted. I'm so tired. I'm going to start off. I've got a little story go and a question,

actually. You wouldn't know. You actually wouldn't know yet. You're going to get there, but you don't know yet. Dude, shopping for school stuff sucks so bad. Okay, so we have this huge list. Okay. We go to the shops today, right? Yeah. So we go to the shops today because we're like, we have to do this. Like, Harper starts school in like three weeks or something. Two weeks, I think. And we have to get our school stuff. So we go to we go to Office Works. We have our huge list and what I've gone through, and it's like two entire packs of Twistable Crayons and two packs of triangle coloring in pencils. And it's just heaps. It's just heaps of heaps and heaps of shit. Right? For prep triangle, they had to be triangle. Yeah. This is for prep. So this is for not even school yet. Dude, that's two years away. We spent like almost $150. Oh, my God. It's next stuff. Yeah, sorry, go on. Yeah, almost $150 and all the stuff. And then I think it was like 120 ish. And then we had to still go get Harper's school shorts and like the what are those skirt shorts called? Scorts. Scorts. They do have another name, whatever they're called. I spend about $300 today on stuff that I didn't look. It doesn't end because I know when they get to primary and then high school, you know how many bags I went through in high school? Yeah. And they're not cheap. I have the list and it shows the list for each grade for primary. And it just gets bigger and bigger each year. It just gets bigger and bigger. So I'm like, cool. So that's one child. I have another child. You have three. Oh, yeah. Look, I'll be honest, I didn't expect to spend so much on prep. I thought maybe a couple of books and some pencils and like a pencil case and that cool. We've got so many pencil cases here. But it was like, no, we're getting a new one for school. We have like twelve here. We're going to use the new ones for school. There's a Queensland what is it called? It's a handwriting book. So it's almost like an activity book. Yeah, but it's like an actual Queensland education. Yeah, it's like $18. Yeah. Why? We were going to buy the prep one for Quinn now because she's already sort of understanding letters. She already wrote her name. She does stupid shit, like really well. I'll tell you what, though, if you buy it now, and she uses it. Now you'll have to buy it again so she can do it again at school. Yeah, that's it. I was so close to getting her the math one. It'd just be like, get good at math because daddy's bad at math. Here's a finance book. Learn taxes. How is that, child? You want to help me pay some bills? Yeah, that's it. Take this for me, please. So, yeah, that was shopping is already so exhausting. It's already such an exhausting fucking process. And I hate shopping. There's more children. It is just the worst. But I tell you what I did do, which I'm super proud of. So I took lunch. I went to Toowoomba, and my favorite fast food place of all time is there, which is a Japanese place that does like everything's just precooked. So you literally just walk up and you'll go I'll get a large with white rice and then these salads and this dressing and these three different types of meal, like meat dishes and yeah, put some fucking mayo on it and I'll easily spend like 25 times. It's a better Japanese subway, dude. It's so good. So good. I love it so much. But I took a can of tuna and cornfens, dedicated that's grinding, and I ate that instead because I already had a can of tuna here. And I already had corn fence. Yeah, it's rough. But I tell you what, I actually feel good that I did that. That's good. I got a nice long black. So I got something. Yeah, it was something. It wasn't too flash, but it was something. But how you been, man? How's your week? What happened today? Well, not a great deal happened through the week, but today was like just a bigger day. Like, I made the lawn in July. That so it was great gardening talk. Remember dad chat? Dad chat? We'd be up to if we were going to do a dad chat, it'd be dad Chat Four. Really? Yeah, dude. Because our last one was the Keyboard Warriors. When we were talking about Ukraine and shit. No, today, me and Kim, we were talking heaps yesterday about just getting shit together. We had our first business meeting. First business meeting. And it inspired me to obviously go back and do more. And we went back. I talked to Kim about it later that night. And she's like, I'm just really fucking tired at the moment. I don't want to don't hit me up about this now because it is pretty heavy to go. We're going to change fucking everything so that we fucking have a good life soon. But yeah, she came to me after lunch today, and she's like, cool, let's sort it out. What do you want to happen? And I was like, well, I want us to have ten K by the end of the year. Nice. That's a very achievable goal. Exactly. And that's what I thought. I was like, sitting here and I was just like, well, we could absolutely go ball to the wall and just cut everything out. But I was like, let's not do that. Because then you're not living. You don't want to sacrifice everything. Exactly. And you have kids. It's not as easy to sacrifice everything if you were living by yourself, brother. Yeah, it would be immensely. I would live in a single room with a toilet. You know what? Forget the shower. I'll just shower at the gym. You know what, actually? Forget the house. I'll live in my car and I'll go to gym every day and shower there. I would buy a fucking van and do what my brother did for ages. And he just lived out of his van and he had like one of those little propane cooktops and he would just eat ramen. It was great. He saved so much money and now he's fucking like I asked him how much he had saved up and he's like, I'm half weighted, not halfway. So he's got like three house deposits. That's how he sort of put it. And I was like, my dude, what are you doing? He's like, I'm just going to keep working my four jobs. I'm like, okay. That's right. I figured we just have, like, an outrageous amount of jobs. But yeah, Kim came to me after lunch and she's like, let's do it. Let's sort out. And I was like, okay, cool. And the first thing we did, we just made a budget. We literally just use one of those online budget calculator fucking thing. And we just put it all down. We had our phones and we're just going through all of our statements what we're actually spending money on, and shill like that laid it all out. And what was said was that we could get it was near $600 of leftover, right. If we were to live exactly how we yeah, if you spent nothing else if you didn't buy anything from a servo or anything out of your normal grocery shopping or no take out. Well, no, we factored in take out twice a fortnight. So once a week. Once a week. And it was literally just pizza, which cost us $15. Yeah. Because you just get like three $5 pieces or something. No, we got two extra large pieces. That's right. Yeah. They're like $7 or something. We do that calories, man. It's like 6700 kilojoules, whatever that is in fucking calories. So I get the pepperoni. It's like divided by three roughly. Yeah. And it was roughly 2000 calories. Yeah. Yeah. And I used to eat by myself. One extra large pepperoni pizza. Yeah, dude, by myself. It's fucking great. And yeah, the next delicious. You feel you feel a little bit bad, but yeah. So after we did the budget, we looked at it and we're like, okay, cool. That's like a perfect sort of scenario sort of thing that's with all the bills, with every sort of little extra sort of bit that we sort of added in and we sort of factored in extras for, like, gross reasons, show like that. So we're like, OK, cool, we can save 600 a fortnight, sort of shit. And and I just looked at it straight away and I was like, we're just going to harve it. We're just going to set the goal as if we get 300 every fucking pay. We're good if we don't spend the 600 a month. 600 a month. So whatever. I think it comes out to, like, seven, nearly eight k, I think, any year. But we added a little bit more to the groceries so that if we didn't spend all the money on the groceries, that just goes straight into the extra. It's a little thing, it's a little step, but it's a start and we just go. If we live like this, we will have a massive not a massive amount, but an actual start to fucking savings, which is great because I've been living horribly. Last year, I bought everything I fucking wanted to last year, which was just, like, financially very silly. Yeah. Like, I just did it. I just did it. Yeah. And now I've got a gym, I've got, like, a Roller, I've got an exercise bike, I bought fucking collard. I bought all of these fucking things that I was just like, I want them and I'm just going to have them. And now sounds stupid. I got everything I wanted, but I don't want anything anymore. I don't want anything. The only thing that I know I want now is to fucking get rich. And that's it. Yeah, I would agree. I would also agree. I want to get rich, man. Yeah. Obviously. We had this business meeting and I was like, these are all the things that Jackie and I are planning. And we have many goals. There's many goals that Jackie and I have now. There's many financial I have physical goals, there's business goals, there's investing goals. There's all these big goals that we have. And it's a lot to think about at first, but because Jackie and I have been talking about this for, like, I think, a month now and just going over everything and just continuing to talk about it, the more you're both on board with it as well and on the same page, it's just so much easier. It's so much easier because you find, like, you just talk about it more and it just becomes more of, like, your normal conversation. It's less about, like I was saying to Jackie too, because I said something to you yesterday that you didn't understand at first, and then you sort of got by the end, which was, I don't want to get paid a wage. Yeah. And you kept saying you're like, I don't want to get paid by my work or by my wage or whatever. I don't want to have a paycheck. And I was just like, well, how do you fucking get money? And then you said something like all the way the businesses work, when you step back, I don't need to get paid by any of them.

A lot of it is like yeah, like your car is paid for by a business that you own or you own your house and ideally you will have paid it off in that. But in my thinking, the way I interpret this as not wanting to get a paycheck is I just need to find other ways to get money. That's it. That's it at the end of the day. So if I start a business, my idea is to not take money out of that business, like as much as I can help if I buy any form of because it's like buying shares essentially, right? Starting a business is the same investment as any other investment you could do. It's just a different type of work that you have to put in. You buy shares, you've still got to work to get the money to then put into the shares. With a business, you need to borrow money. Sometimes you have the money, sometimes it's small enough that you can start it yourself, that you need to start something and you invest your time into it. And ideally you don't have to take money from it because then you can reinvest that money into its own thing so it can grow. You can scale it, you can invest that into other things. That's the goal. The goal is to not get a paycheck. And what I mean by not getting a paycheck is by just finding any other avenue to make money. That's it. At the end of the day, I still want to make as much money as possible. Yeah. But I don't want to be hanging on for a weekly paycheck. Yeah. That's all it is. That's all it is. At the end of the day. I just want to know that financially, my expenses

what's the word? I'm real tired anyway. My income outweighs, my outgoing my outgoings, right? Yeah. And what I mean by that is just a yearly so I know that I'll always have more money than I spend and it just compounds and it builds on top of each other and it sits in a good long term interest bank account rather than a fucking shit bank account, which is what I've been with, right? Getting literally like 0.5% interest or something. I now get 4.8%. So it's a huge jump. Welcome to the prod finance holding segment. Finance where we talk money and how to get rich or die. Trying to call it the so good. Cash is so good. It's just trying to do as much smart things as we can. I'm just reading as much as I can. I'm listening to as much finance and business podcasts and trying to consume as much content as I can. That is actually going to help me on another thing. This is a good story. This is part of the Office Works thing. Recently, I've started valuing my time way higher than money because I never have. I'd give my time out to anyone and everyone and I'd just waste my time and I wouldn't give a fuck. I have been valuing my time so highly that so today, Jackie had the trolley, trying to put it back into one of the trolley bays. And there were these three girls talking and she said, excuse me. And they didn't hear it. I was like, Guys, excuse me. And I said it again all three times. We were very nice. Fourth time, boy, howdy got out of the way. Literally, I was like, excuse me. And like, screamed at them and they're like, oh, fuck. And started moving. I don't have time. I'm not wasting my time. I see that as just like, you might have just been not loud enough or they just don't fucking care. Yeah. And you know what? I don't care which one it was. I've done that when fucking someone almost backed into my entire family. In a car. Sorry? In a car. It's not funny. It's the way you say it. So we're in a car park and we're walking past all the cars, like you're in a car park. Obviously, there's fucking cars everywhere, right? So I'm on the lookout, as you always are. But I was just out the front, literally, just by like a couple of steps. Queen's holding onto the pram, MAB's in the pram and Kim's pushing the fucking pram. And I'm just out in front. I'm just like, I'm going to get to the car first so I can open it up so that Kim can put the kids in and I load the groceries in, right? Fucking this car, like, backs out slowly. P plato backs out and then just steps on it a little bit and comes within inches of knocking. Quinn and I fucking am just like I look like the passenger side windows down. I just grab it and I'm like, fucking stop. Can't just get in the fucking window. And I just yelled at this poor young lady that just copped a verbal fucking thing. And her foot is on the brake. She's like, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm like, fuck off. Just fuck it off. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to have any sort of interaction. I want you just to fuck off. Yeah? I'm not here to give you a lesson. I'm not your teacher. You already have your P plates. You already should fucking know not to have some sort of coordination to know how to fucking use your accelerator, right? Yeah. So fuck off. I don't want to fucking talk to you. It's unnecessary. And we don't have to waste our time with this shit. I don't want to ever see these people again. I don't care for them. No. And it's the thing off. Like, she wanted to apologize. She wanted to say, I'm sorry. And I just kept walking. I was like, I don't give a fuck. Fuck off. Just go away. Literally, go away. Exactly. Because they were like, oh, fucking then they started moving and shit because I'm a six foot, 230 kilo man screaming at them. And they're all like, 511 fucking 80 kilos soaking wet. And I'm just like, fuck off. I don't have time. I'm doing school shopping. I have to go to the actual big shops to buy more. Just fuck off. Yeah, I feel like I feel like without reading a book called The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck, I feel like we're already there. I don't think we need to read that book to do exactly what we're doing. I'm not being an asshole. I'm just I don't have the time. And I value my time more than I do sitting there and waiting for three women to have a conversation. I don't care what the conversation move. Don't do it in a fucking aisle. Oh, man. Don't you stand in front of us. It happens all the time in Coles or even in Costco. Costco is the fucking worse for it because the trolleys are so fucking obnoxiously and arrogantly huge. So big. And people drive them around like they're aimless fucking it's like some major drivers. And this place is packed, and they're just, like, moving totally free to just fucking go forward, right? And they're just like, I'm right behind them. And I'm like, I could ankle you so fucking bad and just say, I'm sorry. See you later. Sorry. You're right. Goodbye. I've got no debit. Yeah, we got nothing for you. Probably never see them again. Who cares? Who cares? That was my day. The week has been a week. We went to the gym yesterday. I'm still sore. I feel great. I've got no soreness. My calves are sore because of my leg day, the day before. My calves are nice. My shoulders in here, I believe it was the side raises, I think is what really fucking burnt me out, dude. Because you got to do three sets of 20. It's so good. That's so good. It's a lot, man. Your push pull legs routine is rough. And you know what's funny is we missed out on a workout as well. We missed out on one single exercise. I just completely forgot it was just push press. So it's basically like just shoulder press, but you take off a fair bit of weight and you're doing shoulder press. It's a lot more reps. It's the 20 reps game. 15 to 20 reps. But once you get to the like, you can't do that. You've got to bring it down and then push it up. Like, you got to, like, jump push it up. Yeah. And you just get your 20 reps. You get your 20 reps. Okay. It is rough. Like, I've finished that and my tries have just been like, yeah, you know, but it's oh, my goodness. My tries are feeling it a little bit. They're feeling it a little bit. They're not as bad, though, because I work tries every day. Yeah. Didn't go to the gym today because it was busy. I had a busy, busy day. And I got to the end of the day and I was just like, I'm done. I'm not going to gym. I'm not working out today. We did a big session yesterday. I'm good. It was a good session. I'm really happy with World's Gym every month. We can do that once a month and that's going to be so fucking good. So on the first weekend of every month, we're going to a gym, we're going to hang out, work out, and then we're going to it's World Gym. But anyway, we're going to hang out, work out, and then we're going to have a bit of a business meeting. I think that's the plan. That's the plan. And we'll just see what happens from there. Yeah, 100%, we'll just see. But yeah, this year, my whole goal for this year is just to become to work on my finances. Because same as you, we both earn enough to sort our lives out. But it's just not knowing where the money goes, right? Yeah. In my case, knowing exactly where it went and not having anything to show for it because I didn't want to take out for takeout. Yeah. So food is our number one thing. Food is our number one thing that we spend money on that we shouldn't. And we've cut our food down. So we started cutting our food out. We started saying, I will just do take out once a week. Months ago, around the time I started going to gym, that's when we started saying we'll go once a week. And we started just going less and less because we were going to go every Thursday. It came to the Thursday and I was like, sort of can't be fucked. We'll just do something at home. Like, I can't be fucked going down to grab something. And then Jake said, yeah, we'll fucking will just eat at home. And then we just went like a month without getting fast food because it was just too much of a hassle for me to get into the car and drive down to get food. I just couldn't be fucked. But so what I have been doing more ish, though, is breakfast. I don't eat breakfast unless it's like something that I've gone and got the only time I eat breakfast. So I don't eat breakfast at home. And it's not out of that. I just don't really enjoy eating breakfast that often. But I'll enjoy a breakfast if it's more like a brunch, because then I tend to not have lunch that day and then I'll eat dinner, right? Yeah. It's just how I operate. It's just how I feel most comfortable. As far as eating goes, I don't feel like I need to eat breakfast every day. I'll have a coffee when I get to work because it's free and it's one of those fucking crazy what is it like an espresso machine? It's not an espresso machine. It's like yeah, you just press a button on whatever type of coffee and it makes it up. Yeah, that's cool. I actually work Mac. When I was working at Mac, they had one of them and it was so good you could just literally press a button and a cup would fall. And then the coffee would come out. And I was like, I'm going back to work. Yes. That's how I start my day. I get to work and I'm like, might just go fucking get a coffee, walk down, get a coffee, get back to my desk and might just read a book for a little bit. Oh, man, I can't wait. I'm going back to work tomorrow for a week and then I've got a duty on Saturday and I'm just taking books. I'm just going to be like, I'm not working. There's no way in hell I'm fucking working for a singular week at my old fucking unit. Yeah, that's then just go to my new unit. Yeah, I'm not doing it. No, I wouldn't either. I was even going to call up Red and I was going to be like, hey, man, do you really need me for this week? Can I work from home so I don't have to shave? I do not want to shave tomorrow for this. I'm really happy with my beard growth at the moment because this is in such a short amount of time. Usually this takes me like a fucking whole month. Yeah, but like, you don't it's great. You wouldn't really grow your beard out too often, would you? It would be literally Christmas time. That is it. The last time I had this was last Christmas. Yeah, it's ridiculous, actually. No, because we had a little bit of covered time off and then I had random courses that we were running in the middle of the year. And I had about three weeks off. Nice. That was really cool. But to capital off, we're both doing good. Yeah. We're working on our lives. Yeah, we're working on it. I want to get rich. I want to get rich. Let's get rich. I don't really care about the fame thing. Neither do I. I don't think that's going to be full enough of that alone. I said that to Jackie. I couldn't give a fuck about fame. Honestly. I really couldn't. I don't care to be popular. It's just I don't care enough is what it is. I don't care enough. And I feel like to be successful in a medium where you have to be famous, right, acting or music or whatever, I don't care. No, I don't care. The amount of people I've seen that are just, like, famous, that are fucking sad because they're famous. It's like, all right, it's a horrible life, actually, but I still want to go to the shops and not have to worry. Exactly, yeah. If I had to go school shopping for my kids and I was famous, I'd neck myself. You would just be like, I'm not going outside. I'm going to do it all online. Yeah. Or I'd have to pay someone to go do it. And that's a thing. Personal shoppers. I didn't know that was a thing. People who don't have time and can't go out in public. But anyway, let me tell you about someone who couldn't go out in public because of a very silly reason. But let me ask you a question. Let me ask you a question, okay? When you get a birthday card or a Christmas card, when do you throw it away? Look, you are my honest opinion. Honestly, you get a birthday card today, you don't know because it gets thrown out eventually. Exactly. I don't know when. Right here from my mum and family, my 30th nice birthday card, right? And I've still got it. My birthday was fucking last month, right? Almost an entire month ago. Look at that. You've even got a greeting card. Looks like a birthday card. I have a birthday card from August last year. Yeah. Mind you, it is from the kids, okay? It's a bit hard to throw away out because it's like Harper finally old enough to start writing stuff and drawing pictures and shit. So I've got a little not a shrine, but just a little collection of bits and pieces and that's probably just going to live there. Other than that, if it was like a Christmas card from someone from work, you'd just be like, I'd leave it up until, like, New Year's maybe, and then just be like, okay, cool. I'm collecting all these and they're all just going in the bin. Yeah. I don't really jackie usually throws them out. I don't know when she throws them out. So from what I've learned in my research, Blake, I've been researching, actually, I'll bring this. No, I'm going to leave it there. Fucking I don't care. I typed in because I got interested because I looked at the birthday card on my fucking thing and I was like, when do I get rid of that? How long do you keep birthday cards and Christmas cards? Apparently you keep Christmas cards, you keep it on display up until, like, New Year. That makes sense. But for birthday cards, it's a little bit different. Obviously you need, like, the sentimental ones or the ones from your kids. That makes sense. Where you'd keep it for a little bit longer. You'd keep it until they realized that you don't have it sort of thing, or they haven't seen it. The out of sight, out of mind sort of. Thing. Or you'd keep it longer because it's like a hand crafted one. Like this dude's actually fucking or this person has folded card and decorated it and fucking or they've written it like a really personal message, right? You'd keep it for a lot longer and you'd probably just put it in like a fucking shoe box or something. Exactly. Yeah. That's what a lot of people do. Or they put them on displays and shit like that. Some people fucking frame certain fucking things. I've never had I'll tell you what, I've seen it once. But this was like a birthday card from the fucking Queen sort of shit. I don't think it was from the Queen, but it was someone that sort of thing. We spoke about this yesterday. We're fucking robots. I couldn't care unless it's like that one, unless it's genuinely like a card that actually brings me, like, joy. I'm going to Marie Kondo the fuck out of the card. That brings me joy. That card there brings me joy. I got some other bits and pieces because I've got my foam pads on the wall. I don't know why. And I fucking no more nails than to the wall as well. This room is a fucking mess when I think about it. And I feel sorry for whoever's going to move into this house after I leave because I don't know what the fucking going to do with this room. But there's no power in here. There's no fucking light. I'm using a ring light and an extension cord to power everything in here and to light everything in here. So it sucks to be like, this is a message to the future tenants of this house. I'm sorry. Figure out what to do in this because it's also so small that you could barely fit a bed in here. And the doors are set up in a way where it's a double door. And it's just I hit my mic. It's nothing. What the fuck do you do with this room anyway? Continue, sir. Can do so after looking at how long do I keep them for, right? Sort of gotten to the nitty gritty of it. It led me to the history of greeting cards. And it can be traced back to ancient Chinese who exchanged messages of goodwill to celebrate the New Year. So it was a New Year's thing. But even the early Egyptians conveyed their greetings on paparazz scrolls. It is fucking ancient, my man. Yeah, I can imagine. Yeah. There's like really old British ones where this is a weird one because I just have to read the message. This is a Valentine's card. Even though it's not a Valentine's card. It's just like a greeting card that has a message that seems like a Valentine in it. But it has the word valentine. It's opening reads, I am already sick of love. And then right at the end, it says, My very gentle Valentine. It's weird. It's a weird thing, right? This also led me to something else, which is very strange. Have you ever heard of a man called Craig? Shergold? Can't say I have. I don't think anyone would blame you, because he died 21 April 2020. Okay. He was 40 years old. He had terminal brain cancer. Very unfortunate. Yes. He didn't die from the brain cancer. Okay? But when he learned about the brain cancer, his friends and relatives began a chain letter campaign requesting individuals to send greeting cards to him with a goal of beating the Guinness Book of World Records for 1 million greeting cards received. Right. Who has that already? Who has a million already? This is from a thing back in I think it was 90s. Yeah. Sorry, this is in the 80s. In the 80s, someone got a million fucking greeting cards, right? Michael Jackson, maybe? It could have been the Pope, who knows? But Craig received greeting cards from all over the world, including Madonna and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Yeah. Because they heard about this phenomena of it wasn't even a phenomenon. It's just like they heard about it and they were like, Well, I can send that. That's a very easy thing that I can do. Here you go. Here you go. Brain cancer guy. Here's a fucking greeting card. Yeah. What's his name? Craig. Craig. Craig. Dear Craig, I'm so sorry to hear about your condition. Yeah, madonna. Madonna. The end. And The Terminator sends him one as well. You won't be back.

So the campaign was successful. In 1991, he was added to the Guinness World Book of Records, having received 16,250,692 get weld cards by May 1990. Okay, wait, I think you've mentioned something about a get well card recently, haven't you? Maybe. I don't know. Maybe I'm just getting dangerous. He also received it again the next year, getting 33 million cards by May 1990. A lot of people have terminal brain cancer, though. This is what led me down to the next thing, okay? I read about this after reading about, like, how long do I keep fucking birthday card? Then it was, what did they fucking come from? Then it was, who's this fucking guy who has the most this was a phenomena all right. It was in popular media, so I was like you know what I mean? Like Internet. It was actually on TV for a while as well. Yeah, I'm sure this guy they would have been used like they've made a fucking movie about this guy receiving, like, getting brain cancer, receiving a fucking bajillion fucking greetings cards. Millions of greetings cards. And they made a fucking movie with Thomas Sangster. The fucking is an English actor known for Love Actually, nanny McPhee, Phoenix and Furb and Game of Thrones. No shit. Who was he in Game of Thrones? Jojen Reed. Couldn't tell. He's two years number four. No shit. Two seasons worth. I'm pretty sure you'd know him if you've seen him as the guy. I'm pretty sure he's the fucking the guy who helps drag fucking Brand with that chick. He's him and his sister. Yeah, Hodor, the Archer chick. And then the kid who fucking it's late season sort of stuff. Spoiler alert, everyone. It's been fucking years. Watch the show already. And Kurt Cameron. I don't even know who the fuck Kurt Cameron is. The point is that it was so popular that it's such a small, random thing of like, hey, we're just going to get everyone that we know in town to send him a greetings card. And then it spread, right? Spread like a fucking meme. And that's what led me to lists of internet phenomena. Yeah. So this is like literally what I'm looking at is just this massive list of sensations and memes catchphrases images, viral videos, jokes, and just popular themes that have happened throughout history. And if I say Shake Weight, you know exactly what it is. Yeah, I do. And the thing is that you could probably buy them, but it turned out to be like just a fucking meme, right? If I said bongo cat or fucking caramel dancing. Oh, my God. You know these things just by and Big Chungus. You know who Big Chungus is? Yeah. These are just weird fucking things that we know about because they were so popular and they affected such a large amount in such a niche way, right? This led me to, like I was just, like, scrolling through this and I was like, man, this is wild. And then I sent an email category and there's Craig showGOLD here. That's how I got linked. Here was Craig showGOLD, who was the cancer patient, receiving an estimated I just got up this number again. 350,000,000. 350,000,000 greeting cards. Yeah, it's just nuts. But I looked two more links down and I see lighthouse and naval vessel. Urban legend. Excuse me. This was like an email thing. You've never heard of it? I've never heard of no. What is this, by the way? Everyone, this is my fucking afternoon. Just clicking links in Wikipedia and getting lost. I support Wikipedia now. Oh, nice. Yeah, I send them like a few dollars a month. No, I don't want them to shut down. Well, I went on for something I can't even remember what the fuck? Grant in Mahara. Hitler went on. Yeah. Hitler and three. I just went on to read something about Grant Imahara, because he passed, I think, like last year or the year before. Yeah, I think it was like 2020 maybe. And I was just like, brain aneurysm, by the way. Fucking Aneurysm in his 30s, man. All yeah. 30s. Yeah. But yeah, I went on and it was just like it just does the usual, like, hey, look, we don't advertise. We stay alive. Give you the goods, the generosity of the users who want to donate. And I was like, I'll do a one off. I was like, give them like, ten months. I was like, I just give them, like, a dollar 50 a month. Good. Because the dollar 50 is so little that I genuinely will never notice it. And you know what? You know what's crazy? It's not like you're getting a pro edition of Wikipedia. No. You're just helping these guys out that are fucking such a massive service. We use it every week. Yeah, every week to look at all the fucking albums and shit that we do, which I haven't done as well. Anyway, continue. Before we get into talking about music, before we get there, this is the last part of it. This is where I wanted to stop because I had clicked on all these things, literally just wanting to know, when do I get rid of this birthday card? It led me to a joke. Turns out the lighthouse and naval vessel Urban legend is a joke, but it has been sent through emails for years. It is still a common thing in the Navy, in everyone's Navy. Like English speaking navy, I should say. Yeah, because it's more of a parable teaching the dangers of inflexibility and self importance. I'll tell you the joke. I'll tell you the joke. Tell me. Tell us the joke. All right, this is a left. This is a transcript of a radio conversation of A-U-S. Naval ship with Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland in October 1995. The radio conversation was released by the Chief of Naval Operations 10 October 95. The Americans please divert your course 15 degrees to the north to avoid a collision. Canadians recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the south to avoid collision. Yeah, I do know this. The Americans say this is the captain of USS Nimitz. I say again, divert your course. The Canadian said no. I say again, you divert your course. The Americans said, this is the US. Aircraft carrier USS Nimitz. The second largest ship in the United States Atlantic Fleet. We are accompanied by three destroyers, three cruisers, and numerous support vessels. I demand that you change your course 15 degrees north. That's one five degrees north, or countermeasures will be undertaken to ensure the safety of this ship. Canadians say, this is a lighthouse. You're calling me? I've heard that. Yeah. I didn't know it was a thing. It was a massive email chain thing that went around. And it still goes around. It still goes around because I was looking at it and there was, like as recent as fucking last year. Things are still put up about it, which is just nuts. It's just nutty. But I read it on a thing about how Americans think of themselves type thing. It's like, only American would think this. And then it just had the joke or something. You know what I mean? Telling a lighthouse to move because we're America and we don't move for anyone. Something like that. It was like some dumb joke, like that and then I had the joke after it. Yeah, that is quite funny, though. That's the one. So, yeah, I still don't know. Wendy, Chuck,

if you want to keep it, put it in your drawer. If you don't bin it now, ben it yeah, that's it. That's it. No one's going to be upset at you for bidding the fucking card. Well, I'll tell you, nine out of ten times people buy because it's just expected. Exactly. But this is my journey through Wikipedia. Welcome to my journey. Yeah, that's pretty much all I got for I love getting through such a weird question, not ever finding an answer, but getting a joke at the end. That's what I like. Yeah, you went in to answer a question, you came out 10 hours later with the joke. I really like that joke. You're like, what happened today? I don't remember where I was or what I did. You know what? That's funny. In my office. And then it was nighttime. I did it at TAFE as well. I did it at TAFE. I used to just click on random links and Wikipedia. I don't know what that is. I don't know what that is. I used to learn about random philosophy things. Why not in TAFE? And then one time I found how to well, not how to make it, but like this random chemical thing that was like, this is this chemical. It was some sort of chemical structure that was used to fucking it's the fuel for jets and rockets. Jet fuel can't mount steel beams. It's an inside job. It's not even used in this way. It's not even used. I think everyone knows it. Hey, man, if you can't melt steel beams, are you leading into Black Sabbath? Oh, my God. It is the Sabbath. Speaking about music, Sunday is the Sabbath. And Black Sabbath. Black. Black Sabbath. This week we listened to Paranoid by Black Sabbath. Did you know that there was a remastered version? Yeah, that's what I was listening to. Yeah. Cool. So look, I will admit I didn't listen to it nearly as much as I should have. Okay, I listened to it maybe three times, but two of those times were with the kids for the most part. One was in the car, so it was quite low. I didn't really hear it. The other time was just us being idiots yesterday afternoon, and I just put it on the speaker and then we were just like rocking out and me and Harper were just like, air guitaring around the lounge. So I wasn't really listening to it then either. And then I was listening to it just like periodically during the week. I think I listened to it a total of three times, which is not enough, but at the same time, I've listened to this album a lot. You know what I mean? I could have reviewed it without listening to it again, but it was just nice to listen to. Bit of Ozzy Osborne. Dude, I fucking love Ozzy. I grew up listening to Ozzy Osbourne. Dude, I'm such a big fan. Paranoid is such a good song. Fucking Iron Man. I've been listening to Iron Man in a long time. And I tell you what, fucking it's good when I first listened to it because I was in the car coming back home from depositing my semen to a laboratory to get tested. Because I had a septomy two months ago. I'm getting it tested. I want to make sure that I'm never having a kid again. Yeah, that's good. But I was driving back and Iron Man came on. Dude, I felt chills. I was like, these days, fucking it just it felt good. Felt really good. Felt dude, the the guitar it feels like the guitar solid. Goes for ten minutes and it's so good. It's not a bad thing. That's not a bad thing. No, it's a good thing. No, it didn't it didn't drag on. It was just it was it's a fucking it's the whole head the whole actually, there was a weird song, though. There is a weird song that one. After Paranoid. After Paranoid. Yeah. Planet Caravan. Yeah. Where it's just like that is that is cruising with bongos. Yeah. It's it's like it's like it's almost like an intermission. Yeah. But after after two songs. Yeah. I feel like I got to crank that. Okay, we're just going to play this while Tommy gets a drink. Planet Caravan. Ozzy needs to go fucking take a leak. They made sure that when they released an album, they're going to play this stuff live. It's like we'll make sure that we've got breaks. Yeah. It's a song that's enough time that most of the band could probably go chill for a bit for at least a minute or two. And then they're good. And then it goes straight into Iron Man, which is a fucking banger. Electric Funeral. Great song as well. Yeah, very taken back by it. It's side B originally. That's side. B. So side A is first four songs. Side B is the last four songs. First four other than Planet Caravan, which is a bit weird. But look, everything out is still really good. Warpigs has been a song on my playlist for years. It was in my top songs of last year. Yeah. Because it's just always in my playlist. It's in my gym playlist. It's in my normal playlist. I listen to Warpigs all the fucking time. All the fucking time. Paranoid, every now and then, I men. I listen to a little bit Crazy Train. I listen to because Crazy Trains are great. All the balls, dude. So good. But yeah, I like Ozzy Osborne. I don't know how else I can really say a whole lot about it. Right? I like Ozzy Osborne. I like Black Sabbath. This is a good album. When did it come out? No, when did it come out because I think it was like the 60s or something like that. 1970. Oh, shit. When did fucking maybe he didn't. I'm thinking of Zack Wild. Maybe he was in the Ozzy Osborne when Ozzy fucking went solo. Probably. Yeah. You know Sharon

Her? What a fucking jeezer. Oh, man. Yeah, ozzy Osborn, an English singer songwriter and television personality. I told Harper it was very funny. I was like, you know Queen Bob from Trolls, too? She's like, yeah, you know her dad? Yeah. I was like, this is her dad. She's like, what? Small world. And she's just like, that's cool. And then we're rocking out to, like, fucking I think it was Paranoid at the time. It was good. Yeah. Bossy is good if you enjoy going back. Oh, you know what? If you're young and you're listening to this podcast and you've never listened to Ozzy Osborne or Black Sabbath, listen to Warpigs, Paranoid and Iron Man first, and then just give the rest to Go if you enjoyed it. Yeah, and crazy train. Listen to Crazy Train, too, which is not Black Sabbath. That's ozzy osborne. But still very, very good song. Yeah, crazy.

It's a really good song. I rate it. Look, I probably go an eight out of ten. I just want to know formally, Black Savvy, but I'm just trying to find the actual fucking because this is just Ozzy Osborne, the Mayan, right? Yes. I want the solo act, which it's just him solo, correct? Yes, sir. But I want to know when fucking Zack Wild entered the Beast entered the mix. No. You know what I mean? Because I'm named after this to Zack Wild or Black Label Society. Maybe I'm wrong. Ozilborn? No, he was with OS Osborne. There you go. Yeah, it makes sense. There we go. Excellent. Osborne found Zach Wild, who was most enjoying placement for Roads to date. Together they recorded no rest for the wicked. Subsequent ozzy reunited with Bandmate Giza geeza on base. No more tears. Osmosis, dude. Yeah, Osmosis. I actually remember this album. I used to freak out when I seen this album, so because of the eyes and the teeth all over the body made me just go, what the fuck? And I remember dad loved this album and the way he had his room set up because he had, like, a fucking little man cave like this. You know what I mean? And the one thing I remember was from where the front door was, or not the front door, but, like, the door to the room, he had his computer set up so that it was away from the front door, but he was looking at the front door. His back was sort of against the wall, and then there was a window just to his left, but he had this long bit of PVC tube that he set up at the front door to have it open just a crack, have this tiny little desk fan push air into the tube. And then he had, like a little bit of ducting and it would just blow cold air at him because he could get some of the aircon instead of, like, opening the fucking door, just getting aircon. He's like, I'm listening to music. PVC tube in the straight on my balls. We've come a long way. I just smacked it three times. This is my air conditioner sitting next to me. I also have a tiny little fan under my desk that blows cool air back at me from the other way. So any air that the air conditioner misses me with yeah, like a little one on that, it blows it back up. So I have cool air coming this way and then I have cool air coming from the opposite way from the cool air that's missed me. So I'm getting a double whammy. You're doing well. It's good. Yeah, I rated eight out of ten. It's good. It is a good album. I definitely didn't no, I think I listened to it maybe one more go through than you. But I was paying attention the whole time I was driving in Shillafat, but there was an entire I literally just sat down on the couch and just put on headphones and just listen to it. So I just didn't do that. It's so cool to hear something so old. This is like a piece of fucking history. And I just sort of took it in as that I pretty much sat there for the entire fucking time and was just blanked out, just like, listening to it. And it's probably the best way to absorb it. It was released 53 years ago. 53 years ago, this song came out like, what would you say? There's no, like, fucking this will stand the test of time sort of thing, this album. I think so. Especially with its three Big Banger songs. Obviously there are some and also they're just a little bit odd, but they're not loser songs. They're not trash filter. They're fucking they're good songs. Besides the caravan one. But it's just like a little interlude. You would just treat it as a two minute interlude. You'll only ever listen to that if you listen to this album. Yeah. That's the only time you'll ever listen to that. The only time you'll listen to anything other than War, Pigs, Iron Man and Paranoid is if you listen to this album specifically because those three songs will continuously be used through film. Dude. Iron man in iron man. Yeah. Right at the end of fucking, the movie just gets punched through. That's great. First iron man. Very good. Yeah. Should watch that again, Damon. Yeah, look, I give it a fucking because of the way I was listening to it. I was just absorbing everything. And you sort of get the feel that it was done with such care sort of thing. They really were super passionate about this one. This was like, we have to do this right and we're going to fucking make it. And which they did. They took off like crazy. And I got big nostalgia vibes from it. There's a lot in this album where it's just like, oh, man, that's where I've heard that riff before. Or I can totally understand where this other band, that's like a newer band, these guys got their inspiration from fucking like Black Sabbath or Ozzy Osborne or fucking around, whatever that fucking error was of Chugging. Fucking this is like the breakout fucking album in the UK for metal and wasn't even like heavy metal. It's just fucking dude, fucking using heavy distortion and smashing drums, you know what I mean? Yeah. It's warm even today. I listen to it today as well, on the drive. Because again, look, I won't lie, I skip the caravan. One every single song. But listening to War Pigs, man, it gets me fucking rolled up. Yeah, man, it gets me ready to just destroy everything. I just want to scream at three random girls standing in front of a fucking trolley bag. Yeah. Iron man gets me right up. I love it. It's fucking the brand. And as soon as it picks up tempo,

I want to listen to get it right now. Good album. I give it a fucking eight and a half, an 8.7 and 8.8, you know what I mean? It's great. It's great. It's an album that won't be forgotten. No, and I'm not going to give it a ten out of ten because it's not the kind of thing that I'm like. The entire album was amazing and I'll never listen to anything else ever again. But it's fucking good. And even if you only take away the signature songs, which is Paranoid Warpigs and Iron Man, that's still good. That's still good. Whereas just to reiterate your point, I'm still going back to Weathens Fantasy and Apaches Renaissance because I've got both the full albums sprinkled into my fucking PR list. It's great. It's great. We got Just Dance for the switch for Christmas and there's two Apache songs on there. One is Witch and one's Majesty. Cool. Yeah. That's actually pretty cool. Yeah, it's fucking cool, man. Because I was just like, I love both these songs and now I get to dance around with my kids to listen. That is great. Yeah. But you had an idea for an album. Yes, I did. You mentioned this and I do. I have an idea. And here it is. This week's album is it's not even an idea anymore. It's solid in stone. It's Rage Against The Machine self titled album. I know. I was going to say Evil Empire because of Bulls On Parade, but why not in the spirit of it's the start of the fucking year. Let's go to the start of the fucking Rage Against The Machine, dude. Rage is so good, right? I love Rage Against the Machine. I know it's crazy because it's start of the year and everyone's like, oh man, there's been other albums that will be good. Rage against the fucking machine. This is the year to do it. I'm going to add that in that song. It's just going to get sprinkled in every now and then. It gives me big Guitar Hero vibes, man. Like constant. Speaking of which, I'm going to figure out how to do figure out claim Hero. Play some Guitar Hero again, man. That'd be cool. I'd be really happy to know. Fuck you. Actually, you know what? Quinn? Quinn wants to play video games now. I got her to play Teken. Quinn beats me at tekken. She doesn't know what the fuck she's doing. But she's looking down doing this. And I can't get it hit in. Yeah, I've lost. I'm not bad at tekken. I am losing. Oh, man. It's not so. I have a few friends quickly before we go. I have a few friends who have where I've played Tekken against fucking a couple of the boys from high school that you do know. I won't DOX them. Docks them. A couple of boys in my grade and they still play games together and shit. So this is going on like same as it's sort of us, right? They're just still friends. And they always play Tech in. Like I used to go to the fucking arcade every Thursday at late night. I remember Grabs playing. And I played Tekin the entire time. I just sit there and play Tech and Six all fucking night Tech and Seven came out. A couple of the boys, they were just like, we play occasionally. And I've played against them occasionally, bro. We actually learn how to play the fucking game. So it's the kind of thing where it's like if you aren't good at sidestepping or knowing what the other person is going to do or knowing the actual moves, you don't win. I know ten hit combos for all the characters I play. I know juggles. I'm not that good. Played that game. I'm nowhere near that. Played it way too much. And I really enjoyed Tekken Five so much that I learned almost every move for it was Horn and Steve. And then when Tekken Six and that's what me and Quinn were playing was Tekken Six. And I was like, oh, I'm going to play Steve. And I dominated. I love Steve. Steve is the best fucking character. Just boxing and doing the step back in fucking and the whole dodge in fucking boss. I love it so much. It's such a cool fucking game. Bruce used to be like that. He did moy Thai. So he was a Moy Thai fighter. He used to be able to do the same sort of backsteps and shit. Yeah. And then Dragonov was another cool one because he did like he was a Russian fighter. Weird. Dragon of was weird for me. He had to grab combo. Counters, like really cool shit. He seemed like a cool yeah, you'd sound like a mid. And then it would be like you'd counter and you'd jump on their arm, wrap your leg around their foot. You know what I mean? Break their arm. It was just sick. He was cool. The game's cool. Tekken is a fun game. Ten out of ten out of ten tekken go to bed. Yeah, a lot of I think that's us. I think we need to call it welcome to 2023. This year, we're going to get rich. Yeah, we're going to get rich. Diatron. No, we're just going to learn how to get I speaking of rich. Get rich. Over the next six, after fucking Rage Against the Machine, we're listening to a 50 Cent album.

I'm dan. Yeah. All right. I fucking love everything. Yeah, I want to do it just because get rid of Diatron. Yeah,

I think that's us. Should we do the outro? Thanks for listening. You guys know exactly what to do. You know who we are. Blake Bentley. At this point I hope so. Swish blades to keep his shoulders hurt. Doing this pain. You know, there's a picture of us, me, you, Jacob, that Kim took. And it's me like this next to you guys. It's such a weird photo. It looks so, like, uncanny. Because I'm just, like I've looked at a lot of old photos recently, and there's a few of us and Jacob and just weird idiot. And I love it. Yeah. Thanks for watching.

Look. Yeah. You know who we are. You know what to do. Like subscribe share. Fucking see you next Thursday. We love you. Yeah.

RichProd PoorCast (Black Sabbath AOTW)
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