Talkin' about music...


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HEY! MERRY CHRISTMAS! Hope you are doing well. Blake got the spicy cough so we had a week off but now you get 2 weeks worth of us talking shit. Zakk shows off his first aid skills while patching up his son and Blake gives us his take on the 2022 Mr. Olympia Men's Physique winner. We get introspective with Jaden on his debut album "SYRE" and try to unravel the mysteries that lie within. We will be taking another week off to spend with our families and will be back for the NEW YEAR! A whole new start to get what you want done, just gotta stick to it! Thank you guys so much and MERRY CHRISTMAS! We will see you next year <3

Hello and welcome. Welcome back to the prodcast. We're back. We never stopped except the last week. Welcome back to the podcast. Podcast. We talk life, work, and occasionally music. My name is Switchblades for Kids and the other half of the podcast. My name is Blake Bentley. Hello. Um hey. Doing this. I'm going to address it right at the top. I made a post saying we wouldn't be back till after Christmas. My time and stuff wasn't real good, so I forgot we were recording tonight. I thought today was Christmas in my head when I wrote the post. Oh, that's right. Yeah. I made a post. Yeah, I made a post. If anyone didn't read it, I made a post saying we wouldn't be recording until the New Year. Because that's what I thought was happening at the time. Here we are. And here we are. We're back. Here we are. How are you doing, man? It's been a big fortnight. Yeah, it's been a big VBucks. Yeah. Roblox. What? Ethereum bitcoin. Fucking just a lot of shit's happened. I had stuff written down because I was like, if we're not going to record this week, I'll just write down random things just a little bit. Okay. So you know how your kids, if you're laying down, they like to belly flop on you, MAV? I decided to put his feet right up against my side and then attempt to belly flop. So only his legs attempted my gut. And he just went face first into the carpet. And he split, like his lip, like in the in the lip? Like under there. Wow. You know the little tie? Yeah, man. Yeah. So it was just fucking he got up and he looks at me. He's like, blood just fucking spewed out of his fucking mouth. And I'm like, Fuck's sake. And Kim's like, Kim free. I'm calling the ambulance. I'm like, no, don't fucking call the ambulance. Give me some paper towel. And then I just wrestle into the ground, open his fuck it like grab his lip, open it up. And I'm just shoving paper towel in it and just holding it close. And

that was literally Monday after we recorded the did you take him to the doctors? Eventually fucking no. I cleaned it up, eventually coagulated and formed a clot. And then it just healed. And he's fine. Yeah. Nice. It split open again the next day when he decided to do the exact same fucking thing he learned, right? Not this kid. He thought, dad's lying down again. Better fucking jump on him. And then he tried to stomp me. He tried to jump onto my fucking belly and then slipped and just went did it again. So, yeah, he fucking split it open again. And I just did the exact same thing. Kim fucking stood up and she's like, no, not again. Fine. It's fine. It's giving me some more paper towel. And just shoved it in there. Listened to him winch for a little bit. And I just kept looking at him. I was like, you're okay, bud. You're all right? It's going to be okay. Don't be an idiot next time. Yeah, I can do it again. Just kept jabbing fucking the corners of the paper towel into his lip. What a kid. What a kid. That's literally the day after we recorded last time. Wow. Yeah. But yeah, other than that, pretty good. How have you been doing? You know what I got covered. I was going to say, this is now your hour to explain how covered was okay. I don't know what I don't know what fucking strain I got. Sorry, I just found my pencil and the tips all chewed off. I think that was arlo. I think just the tip, it's chewed off like a dog would do it. But I'm pretty sure it was arlo. No, I don't know what strain it was, but a strain that doesn't you don't get a sore throat. That's all I know. But I got terrible fevers. Where I was having I had my first day. It was a Saturday. I woke up. I felt like shit. That was the day of my Christmas party for my site. And then the following week was meant to be my Christmas party, like for head office, for us, for marketing and sales and shit, right? Yeah. So I was like, oh, cool. So I'm going to miss both, right? So that's the first thing that I realized when I get Jackie to fucking do a test. Because I didn't feel great. She said, we're going to do a test. Faint line. I was like, get fucked. My week's fucking ruined. Great. All gone down the drain. Yeah, but this next entire week is big poopoos. So first day felt fucking terrible. Absolutely terrible. I was like asleep on my couch. I have a couch now because we moved the couch in here. And I quarantined in here for like two days because Jackie was testing negative for two days. Yeah. So I was the only one. So I was like, well, I guess I'm living here. And the first day it was remember when we had those real fucking hot days? Like four days in a row that were fucking hot? Yes, I remember them shortly. Yes. So that was the start of it, I'm pretty sure, because we got up to like 38 degrees in this room. And because I was sick, I was cold. So I turned my air conditioner off and went to sleep. And Jackie walks and she's like, oh my god. It's actually like an uphill. You're a dog in a car. Yeah, literally. And I'm sitting there sweating under a blanket like, but I'm cold. So she was like, turn the fucking air conditioner on, you absolute lunatic. And meanwhile, you've got like the blanket pond and you're like, literally dying. So I went and turned the fat. So that's what I got mainly it was like a bad fever and migraines. I had a migraine for like four days in a row. And it was the entire time it was just thumping and looking at anything hurt. I wanted to do anything and look at nothing. I remember you explaining it like when you got on after all of it. And you were like, that is the worst fucking shit ever. I was like, no wonder. Like, no wonder people fucking die from that shit. Because they would do exactly what you do. And they would just be like, you know what? I'm going to fucking stay warm. And then blood boils. And then you're fucking dead. Yeah, I could see after I woke up and was like, I'm dying. I was like, I need like, four liters of water stat. So once I woke up and was like that, turned the air conditioner on, sat in front of it. And I was like, oh, thank god. Yeah. Thank God. And then cool back there. And then yeah, it was like fucking then I would like, remember. Not remember, but I would know. Like, I could feel it coming. Like a big fever fucking hit for like three days. I'd be like, I'm not feeling too bad. I've got a sore head. Migraines persisting, but it's dulling down a little bit. It's not too bad. And then all of a sudden I'd be like, oh, boy, it's coming. That we'd like, chill. You get all around you and you're just like and I was like, no, I'm going to go I'm going to go lay down in front of the air conditioner and just cry. And that's what I'd do. And then it would hit. And then I'd be like fully dying underneath a blanket. I think I'm actually dying. It was really bad. But yeah, no, look, I didn't have the sore throat, which was the best part. I've heard a lot about having a sore throat. And that would suck. Speaking of sore throats, I had fucking tonsillitis. Yeah. So shit. And I was getting the same like the first I think it was the first two nights. Yeah, same fevers. Like, probably not as hectic as yours, but it's a fucking fever. Yeah. As soon as I got that chill, I'd tell him, I'd be like, I've got a fever coming. And she'd be like, cool. I'm going to go get the panel. I have a ProfileN. And you were going to fucking like, you're going to smash them now. And then you just ride it out. And I'm like, yeah, cool. And then it would come for like, maybe I think, like 2 hours. And then I'll just be fine. And then I just have this really shitty sore throat that's like pussy and shit. Oh, man. Yeah. No, fuck tonsillitis. And you know what? Shit. Fucking so Kim went to the docks because she well, Queen got it first. And then Kim got it. And then I got it, as it always happens. Yeah, fucking Kim went to the docks and the dock looked in her mouth and apparently it was like, okay. I say, okay, cool. You got fucking tonsillitis. Really bad fucking tonsillitis. Adult tonsillitis. This is going to suck for ages. And she's like, okay. And then the doc's like, I'm going to fill you out a prescription for two times. I'm going to give you the max amount I can for a moxicillin or penicillin. And fucking went to the counter, the chemist, and was like, yeah, I need this. And the chicks like that's a lot. And then she's like, yeah, the doc said I need all of it. And it's hard to come by, apparently. Fucking penicillin to come by nowadays. Yeah. So yeah, I found that when Harper had pneumonia. Yeah, we had to get the infant dose because there's no children's dose in Australia. It's ridiculous. There's infant doses and that's it. Yeah, we had to give Martin fucking Quinn. Yeah. And for a five year old, I think the infant dose is a daily dose for a five year old. So a weekly dose for an infant is a daily dose for a five year old. So I had to go to the chemist every day because they can't give me seven days worth because I'm going to kill my baby. That's seven days because it's an infant. And it must be for a baby. Like, no, you don't have the fucking what I need, so give me what I fucking want. But it's law regulation. But yeah, we got it. Yeah, it's still annoying, but yeah, I don't know how he felt. It sucks me. Well, we're still taking him now because we have to run through the entire so when I went into work and I went straight to the dock and I was like, hey, look, my Mrs got it. I'm literally just starting to get it. It was like, literally the night before, had the massive fever, told Kim, parallel ibuprofen, and the next morning went straight into the docks. And I was like, look, Mrs got it. I'm just getting it now. I've already started taking her fucking Amoxicillin. And she just looks at me and she goes, are you fucking nuts? I'm like, what do you read? And she's like, just keep taking it. Whatever. We were going to give you the same shit, but whatever it is, just keep taking it. Don't stop taking it until it's all done. I'm like, okay, fair enough. It's just antibiotics. Like, what's the fucking problem? And she's like, because if you stop taking it and then you feel good and then you'll feel fucking ten times worse. Yeah. Like if you stop taking it after, you just feel good. It's a course of antibiotics. Yeah. So get this. Apparently that's how super bugs are created in hospitals. Because fucking patients are like, oh, I feel good. I'm not going to take my antibiotics today. And then they get sick again. But it's like worse. And then they feel good again after taking all the antibiotics. Then they stop taking them. Then they get even worse again. Eventually it'll fucking kill them if they keep the cycle up. But once it's mutated to be so fucking bad and it spreads. It just goes to that level. And it's like, okay, cool. We were down here. Down here with the fucking where it was like, manageable up here now. Instant symptom is death. Death. Yeah. You just straight up die. This doc was just like, first of all, you should have come to us first. I'm like, okay. And she's like, you're an idiot. Okay, what do I do now? She's like, just keep taking it. Run through the entire fucking bottle and then you're done. Okay. And I was like, okay, cool. I feel pretty good now. I have one this morning. I stopped taking them. But I felt good after all that. How do you feel? I felt pretty good after the second day. So I just stopped taking the antibiotics. Actually, I've still got them. Do you want them back? Like, I know they're hard to cut off.

You chose death. Yeah, that's it. Get away from me. You got a die. Go back. Wind the windows up. Don't turn the car on and just sit there and wait. Literally. You have asked for it. You shall receive. You die. But no. Yeah, look. Covered. Not great, we'll admit. Yeah. Oh, dude, last night dude, last night was so bad. All the shipment. Yeah, shipment was good. So remember how Arlo woke up? Yes. Well, I went to lay down in his bed. And as I put my elbow down, it was very wet and chunky. It is. And then I was like, oh, surely not. Jackie was literally on the toilet vomiting when I laid down. And I was like, turn the light on. Vomit everywhere. I was like, that's all of your arm? Yeah. And we had loaded potatoes, like potato skin. They were really good. Well, Aloe vomited all of the ham. And it was like white with ham chunks. It's I was fucked. And I was just like, cool. Okay. Took my shirt off, wiped it all down. Wiped our low all down. Cleaned us both up as best as I could. Clean the bed up through all the fucking sheets and everything in the washing machine. And then I was like, guess we're sleeping on my couch tonight, huh? Came in here and Jake was like, here, take this. Like his little container in case because he's probably going to spew again. I was like, all right. So we're sitting on my chair for ages. And then I hit grab it fucking straight in the container. Got a little bit on both of us. Got his teddy bear. I was like, new teddy bear. That one's gone in the wash. So it straight in the wash. It's done. It's gone. New teddy bear. Here we go. Cleaned up and everything. Sit back on. He vomited. Like maybe another one time, I think. And then we moved to the couch. And then he vomited a few more times. Anyway, every time we would vomit because it was getting really fucking late at this point. Right after the first after I got back to the computer, it was like eleven. So we're just watching random shirt. I think we watched Mighty Car Mods for fucking hours. Yeah. And just watching Mighty Car mods and stuff. And he vomited. Then I'd have to clean everything up and eventually move to the couch. Every time it would happen, it would be like maybe 20 minutes between each vomit. And I would basically just get to the point of falling asleep. And then it vomit. And then I would get up, clean everything, clean him, clean me, all of that back on the couch. And then I'd just be trying to sue them and rub his back and everything. And then eventually doze off. And then it vomit. And then I'd like and it was hell, man. What is it with like, once a little kid gets sick, everyone's fucking sick, and then you were never better again. It feels like it's a constant fucking cycle, man. Yeah, because before the tap had pneumonia and we were in hospital before that, I'm pretty sure we were sick with something. It's just a fucking season for it, man. It is ridiculous being nonstop this year. Yeah. So this household has been sick for the last four or five months solid. It's rough. Yeah. So I was up real late with Arlo last night until, I don't know, fuck, two in the morning or something. Maybe later. And eventually I woke up in the morning. Like, what did I do? I went out. I can't even remember. It's a fucking blow. Because I woke up at six. Because I woke up at six and I did something. I think I took Arlo where I was talking to Jackie Down, and I was like, I need to go to bed because Aloe didn't sleep last night. Jackie did sleep last night. She was sick, but she slept, so she wasn't as bad. But I was like, I'm going to go lay down. Aloe came to bed as well with me. And then Jackie came to bed. We all slept until like 1030. Oh, wow. Yeah, because it was just like, bro, we were never dying. Yeah, we were fucking dying. So, yeah, that was fun. It's been a long fortnight. Everyone. Look, let's move on. Yeah, okay. No, just because let's move on from sickness. Can I tell you what else we've been doing? You know what we've been doing? We've been playing a lot of Cod, right? Yeah, we've been playing an incredible amount of Cod shipments back. Is this where you gamers out there? Is this where you announce your professional contract? Yeah. Entering into professional cod. Start the Codly. I'm recruiting. No, it's just fun. I've noticed if I'm not because it's usually I'll get on and the first thing I do, I do this as a habit now. I'll start up F L 21 because there's a new update for F L studio. Everyone out there that's a producer fucking it is sick because you get to fucking fuck with your things. You got like you can change colors, backgrounds. It's it's it's a whole new experience. And it's still the exact same process as before, where you start a new idea, you flesh it out, you never finish it and you start another one. But, yeah, I've been getting in the habit of starting up FL and then opening up an old project that I think has a lot of potential and attempting just to finish it and just get it done. And so that what I'm going to make up because I still haven't made it, because I've just been going through heap of projects because we're going to release this sweet mixtape of 2021 for 2022, obviously. But, yeah, I've been collating all of the good songs and finishing them up and showing that so that we have an actual project to release. I reckon, like, it would be at probably the start of the next year, we should release the songs with vocals on there too, into the mixtape. Just like sprinkle them in there. Yeah. This will probably end up being like about 15 tracks, 16 tracks or something like that. But like yeah, exactly. Who goes, it'll all get mastered. It'll be mixed and shall I? Yeah, we'll go through them. We won't just release them as they are right now. We'll adjust them a little, clean them up a little bit. Exactly. And a lot of them are just ideas. Yeah, a lot of them are just ideas. So we can clean up the idea a little bit. But I've made it sort of a habit before. A startup cod is open up FL and start finishing tracks so that we have a proper polished mixtape to release. That is just us on a record, you know what I mean? Yeah. And so, yeah, make sure you guys look out for that. We will do promo the shit out of it. Yeah, we will be announcing everywhere to everyone. Yeah. And for at least three months after it's released, we'll keep saying, hey, go and listen to our 2021 mixtape. It's 2023. We know, but it's just released. It took us two years to make it early 2024. But yeah, we released it finally. Yeah. Look, it could take us a little while to actually release it too. It's still going to be the mixtape of 2021, whatever it is that you end up calling it. But yeah, no, that's the new stuff in the music world for us at least. So, yeah, it's looking pretty good. It's looking upwards is what I would say. What else been going on, Homie? What have you been cracking? Just trying to live, honestly. I've just been surviving, dude. I've just been surviving for the past however long it's been. Two weeks. I've just been in survival mode. Men. It has been hard with Harper being sick and getting pneumonia and everything, and us getting covered, and it's just been just living rough. Yeah, it's been rough, but yeah, no, I'm doing pretty good. Been making a little bit more music myself, actually. Like dicking around with music more as well. I've been making it a habit. It's actually still open right now, so I haven't opened. I was looking at some other beats and stuff, like some old beats from earlier this year. It's been happening, man. Yeah, man. We have to talk about that off pod for now, because that's behind the scenes. We can't release behind the scenes information. Not without this would be a perfect time to plug a patreon if we had one. God, wouldn't it? We should start one. We should start one. I don't think we have enough people listening. I'd say. Not enough people joining the discord. If you're not already there, jump in the discord, have a chat with us and say good day. I feel like, yeah, we'll see. Because I'm trying to think of, like, where the best place for us to talk to any listeners out there who want to talk to us for whatever reason other than Direct DMing, which is what I normally get. That's normally what I get is that through Facebook yeah. And Instagram. So Direct DMs, they're from friends and family for the most part. We have been getting a little bit attraction here and there on places, but since getting sick, I just haven't done I started doing like, shorts and instantly got sick. Yeah, it was literally I got shorts and then I think Harper got sick. So then that week was I just wrote that week off. The following week someone got sick. I think it was Jackie was sick, so I was like, staying home to look after the kids or something. And then we got covered that weekend, so it was just like it was just a non stop fucking hit. Keep on coming I'm really sad that I missed my Christmas party, though. It was a paid trip up north, so I was getting paid travel. I was getting paid for the entire day being there, which was like a twelve hour day. Except that all the day was presentations, right? Yeah, there was presentations, but it was like 90% of basically just hanging out, talking and eating food. And it was all really good food. It was all really good Christmas Eve sort of food. Like, it was like the whole fucking Christmas lunch type thing. For lunch there was morning tea, afternoon tea, dinner, all of this paid for. They had dinner at the local club, so they went down to the club drank dinner. All of it paid for. And a hotel. And a hotel. So I had the option to just get absolutely plastered, drink as much as I wanted, eat as much as I wanted. But no, I had to get COVID, didn't I? Had to get covered. Yeah, you did. Is that an Ovation keyboard in the background? Yeah, I've had it for a little while. Oh, that's where I remember, actually. I remember you buying it now because I was like, I want a keyboard. I want a big one. All right. I thought you have the same size. No, I don't think it's that big. That's an 88. I don't think one is an 88. All right. I can't see what it is anyway. It was hidden behind a bunch of shit and I can't be fucking fishing with such a bargain. How much did you pay for it? I think it was like 300. Yeah. Okay. Mine was like 199. Yeah, that's pretty good. That's pretty good. Midi keyboards are good if you can play. Yeah, if you can't play, that doesn't mean anything. I can't play. I've barely practiced with it, which I should practice more with it. But it's just nice having it because we could work with someone or you could work with someone who can play piano fluently and you can fucking record some keys straight in there. Yeah, imagine someone comes over and they're like, oh yeah, I play heaps of piano. You're like, do you want to just lay some shit? And you just hit record it notes into automation and hit go, and then they just play a full thing and you save it. And then you turn that into a song, brother. Yeah, that's it. Hopefully it's just as easy as that. Yeah, look, it won't be, but yeah, look, a lot has happened, and also at the same time, I feel like nothing's happened because all I've been doing is just sitting at home, just surviving with sick children and sick Jackie and sick me and a fucking dog.

Can I fucking just hit something up? I just realized it's our mate Chris's birthday today. And the only reason I remember that is because it's four days after my birthday, which was on the 14th. Yes. Happy birthday to Zach. Thank you. Everyone said that with me as well, just so you're aware. Come on, guys, start it up. Where are you? On the bus.

I got some presents. So my mom and my mom loves Seinfeld. My mom loves Seinfeld so much. I know. I used to watch it. I think Serenity there. So she got me this, like, light up little neon sign. That's a real fucking shame that it isn't like an actual neon sign. There's like LEDs in the back, so the lit up parts are like little squares all over it but still surrender. Very cool. I want to get some lit neon signs back. Neon signs? Yeah, 100% say the broadcast what I also got was this. I don't know if you can see that it says General's Dying Bed. It's by Charles Yale harrison Now, I know. How weird does this look that I'm holding this, right? My brother fucking made this. You've told me that. He binds small walls into small versions of them. Tiny books. That's what they called. That's what he call them. Tiny books. Look at it. It's like a real hard cover. I don't know if you can hear this. Real fucking hardcover and all perfectly formatted. It all works. Dude, it's so cool. Can you have to sell them legally? Yes. Because it's just a reprint. Yeah. Can you sell reprints, though? Yes. I don't see why not. Copyright. But he should sell these because they're really fucking cool. All hand made. I don't know if you can see on the top. He could just make it as we need to get in business with this, man, because he could just make it as a custom gifting type thing where he makes custom ones for people. Write the program. He wrote a program. He actually fucking coded a program so that all of the words so that when he gets, like, all of the words from whatever fucking book it is, it goes into this program so that it formats it, and then squeezes it all and fucking disperses it across other pages so that when you see a word and it ends at the page, but it still continues over the other side and has a little hyphen. You know what I mean? Like just a long word. It doesn't do that. No, it does that because of the program that he has written. Right. He's incredibly fucking intelligent, my brother. And we keep telling him, man, you need to fucking sell the heap of these and make a shit ton of money. Because this right here, if you were to say, hey, it's a tiny book, but it's a full fucking it's it's the entirety of fucking General's Dying Bed, which is which? Hold on. I'm telling you, this is the perfect gift. There's got to be a legal way around, right? Yeah. There's got to be a legal way around, right? Doing a custom book, as in, like, yeah, you're buying, like, your partner's favorite book, and the deal is that you tell us what the book is, who wrote it or whatever, and then we just send you a tiny version of that book. Yeah. And you get a tiny library. I'm going to look into the legalities of this, and we're going to go to your brother, and we're going to make this a business. So he's in the learning phase of all of this. This took him. There's no reason we can't also be in the learning phase of things. Exactly. Hey, we need to surround ourselves with people smarter than us at other things, and so does he. He needs to surround himself with people that are. Smarter at things than he is. Exactly. This right here, if you would have a little flea market, how much would you pay? Easy. 30, $40. Easy. Because it's tiny, it's handmade, it's fucking like the real stitching up the top. It's not the fake stitching. This is an actual properly bound book and a tiny hard cover. This fucking thing. Paperback, baby. Paperback. Dude, we could do a market, I shit you not. If we dump some money into this with your brother, the three of us, I reckon we could do something here. I told him we're going to talk about this off pod. We're talking about this off bod, for sure. Very cool gift idea. Very cool present. Talk about it off bod, please. I was like, we can't lose. What do you think about leather bound books? Like, leather binding, these little books? And he's like, it can be done. It's not hard. It's a little bit more difficult. Probably a money thing, too. Yeah. Well, the thing is, if you're binding full size books, that's a lot more material, but you can get from Spotlight, like the fucking rolls of leather, right? Yeah. How many books scanny make a tiny little book? Leather bound book? Easy heaps. Easy heaps. Tools, man. Leather working tools. Yeah, they are fucking hard. And working the leather, you got to actually stretch that shit and fucking press it. He needs an iron, like a specific type of fucking iron to press these fucking things. But he's look, regardless, I absolutely fucking love it. It's so cool, man. It's so fucking cool. Yeah, it's such a cool idea. I love it. I'd love it too. That's so wild. Yeah. It's just so nutty. When he handed me this because I knew I asked for this. I asked for this at the start of the year, and I gave him the book. I said, Read the book, and then can you make it into a tiny book for me? And he said, I'm not going to read the book, but I'll make it into a tiny book. That's very funny. Okay, that's good because now I get to keep my copy because that's my second copy of General's Dying Bed. If I can recommend a book to anyone, if they're into fucking World War One, which everyone is, because it's such a fucking hot topic at the moment. It is. And it's fucking have you seen that guy doing the shorts? Fantastic. No, there's a lot of people doing the shorts. What do you mean? You can't just be like, have you seen the no in the last I think he's he's been making them for two months, and he's gotten 1 million followers in two months. Oh, wow. Okay. Like, every single one that he releases is is goes viral because he's just got this fucking formula. Like he's worked out the fucking it's a TikTok train type thing. He's worked it out, man. And he owns the audio like he is the one. Right? He is the one who owns that fucking audio. It's good. What does he talk to? I don't know his fucking name. Is it like warship? Yeah. He's like, sharing all the World War Two stories. World War One and World War Two stories that he knows. Right, okay. Right. Now that makes more sense because you were just like, that does Tick Docks or shorts? He'll play two characters, essentially. So he'll play one was the sniper. Was it the Norwegian guy who used to eat snow and use iron sites? It was finish Finnish. Right. So what was he called? Like, the ghost of fucking Kiev? Kia.

The first one that he, I think went viral with was a World War Two bomber. So an American bomber was flying back and it was barely making it because it had been shot at almost out of the sky. And I think it was a German fighter or a Japanese fighter flew up next to him and escorted him, like, back because he was just like, enough people have died at this point. They can't do anything. They just need to go home. And he escorted them back. Yeah. That was the story that he told through a TikTok. Right. Wow. It's fucking cool. And he just made all these really cool Tik tok's and all these stories about all these people, and he's just, like, sharing all these cool World War One and two stories. It's mint. Wow. I think that's really cool. Yeah. Show you afterwards. I'll show you after and I'll tag it in the fucking I don't know the description or something. Yeah, if I can find it. I'll be able to find it shortly. But anyway, blake very cool book. You know what's in TikTok is? It music. Talking about music.

Yeah. You know what? Let's do a short episode. We need a short episode. It's fucking late and I'm fucked up, baby. And I'm tired as hell as well before we get into this. Push pull Legs program is so fucking good. It's working. I love it so much. Nice. I'm not even doing the rest days. I'm just doing the work because it's starting off at such a low intensity. It just brings you all the way back and you just start again, sort of shit. But I'm feeling it. Nice. I love it. I'm tempted to do something similar. Just quickly we'll talk. Jim. First of all, seabum. Big, big congratulations to seabum four. Fourth. Was it? Men physique. Is. It classic physique, though. Classic Physique. Yeah. Classic physique. Mr. Olympia, 2022. Chris Bumstead seabum. We know him. What? I love him. There was no rest of them. They sucked us. Have you seen his acceptance speech yet? No. It was beautiful. Beautiful. It was just beautiful. It's very beautiful. It's beautiful. It's the only way to use

shit. Excellent. It's beautiful. The contestants were beautiful. My supporters. It's just really beautiful to see, obviously, with his list. That's excellent because now all the way to post all the comment every time. Beautiful. Three beautifuls at a row. Yeah, it's very funny. So big. Congratulations to Cbum. What a man. I don't know who he won anything else other than that. Because, let's see, he's the only IFBB pro that I follow, other than because everyone else I follow is retired or yeah, actually, they're all retired. Everyone else that I follow. It is like Jay Cutler. Greg, man. Greg, do you say, dusetti, I'm not a doctor. Buy my cookbook.

Try my pancakes. Godfrey right? Anabolic pancakes. If you don't know, Greg is Coach Greg. You get a check about he's funny. Greg I actually follow, like I watch his YouTube videos. It's funny. He's funny. I think he's funny. He's so high pitched. Tennyson. Another one. Noel Diesel. I love Noel Daddy. Noel jesse James West. Love that guy. He's funny. He does some fucking he is a hard worker, I will not lie. Is constantly putting shit out. Yeah, he's a hard worker, man. I would say his work ethic would be close to Mr. Beast. I say close because Mr. Beast cannot be beat. Anyone who's like, Man, I've seen so many fucking videos. There was a behind the scenes video about him launching burger. Beast. Beast Burger, which was, like, at some mall that ended up having fucking, like, an outrageous amount of people. They have the world record of most burgers sold in a day at, like, 6700 burgers in a day. That's a lot. That's a lot. Yeah. Well, when you think of, like, one of those Beast Burgers as, like, $20 that's a day's revenue. $20 for a fucking sandwich. All the burger that's american. No, that's probably cheaper. It's probably 20 Australian dollars, I'd reckon. Yeah, I guess if you're converting it, yeah, it's probably 20 Australian dollars. It must be hell of burger. His bed, right, where he sleeps every night is in his office. At the office. He has a house that he doesn't go to and live in. No. You know why? Because there'd be a lot of people out the front all the time. Security, I'm guessing. Security. Probably will be security. Yeah. Because think about it. He would have security at his facility because of how much money he invests into his business at his facility. He would have 24 hours surveillance, 24 hours security. People there at all times. Why wouldn't you sleep there? You have the money to build a house inside of this office. Why wouldn't you just do it? Yeah, he's constantly getting food delivered to you and fucking coffee whenever you want. You're so rich that people just go, oh, it's for Mr. Beast. Okay, here you go. Yeah. Although he's also not the richest person, his net wealth, other than the business itself, is nothing. He owns very little. He lives very cheaply, for the most part. Well, he lives where he works. Yeah, his whole bed it's like a studio apartment and an office together is what he's got at his big facility where he builds these giant sets and does these huge shoots and all that. That's where he lives. It's just nuts. It's wild, man. It's so weird to think about, honestly. When do you anyway step it back? When's he going to be like, look, maybe a video a week. Now I'm starting to get burnt out. Do you know how he works? He will work like 16 to 17 hours days every day until he gets burnt out. Then he'll have like half a day or a day off, and then he'll just do it again. That's his work ethic. Actually, you know what? That's funny to say that, because I remember when I seen an interview where it was him and his three friends would watch YouTube, like all the trending stuff on YouTube and take notes. And then they would try and obviously all four of them are trying to make videos as well, but they're trying to also take all of everything. So it's like four people working to make one thing that's really fucking good. And it makes a lot of sense. Like, obviously, if you've got one person working on one thing, you're getting one man hour per hour. Right? But if you're getting four man hours per fucking hour, like you were working a quarter of the well, you're working at your fucking 100% potential sort of shit. But so is the four other people. That's 400%. I know that it makes a lot of sense. That like, did it? Yeah. Then it just then it just compounded. Then just kept compounding. And then obviously there was there's one there's going to be one of the four who were better at controlling everything and like, you know, not controlling everything, but better at being the head person. Yeah. And that just happened to be Jimmy. Yeah, that's it. What a guy. But anyway, I'm sure he listens to music. He probably does. Thanks for listening, everyone. Bye. Yeah, no, this this fortnight we listened to Jaden Smith's song. It was a week for me. I didn't listen to, like, any music for the last week. Honestly, the last, like, eight days, I didn't listen to any music. I'm not going to lie. Would you believe we did the exact same thing we did two weeks ago? We didn't pick another listen to after this. That's fine. We can we can do two things at once while you're explaining how much hang on, hang on, hang on. We will actually not be back until the new year this time. Well, I thought we're doing one more nine. Oh, yeah. Jesus. The 25th? Yeah. Oh, this is it. Right? So the next time we're recorders on the first. Yeah. Okay, cool. So we got on the first, but we're gonna we're going to come back. Okay. So we're going to come back to the new year much more organized and prepared. I had covered. I didn't organize anything. We're going to do our top albums. We're going to do our most our 2022 rapt. Yeah, we're going to do a rapt on all that stuff. So we'll hit you with a special back to welcome to 2023 episode. And what did we think of 2022 and music? That's what the next episode is going to be. So do we just not listen to an album on Christmas? You know what I'm thinking? It's Christmas, dude. What do you think of music wise? When do you hear Christmas? Christmas songs. Exactly. Mariah Carey. No folk. Christmas is you. No, I vote for no album. So right. Yeah. Because we're not going to record for two weeks again. No. And it's Christmas. Who cares? So enjoy your Christmas, everyone. Fuck. Exactly. Enjoy your Christmas. Don't think about the pod. We're not going to be thinking about the pod except for when we get back on the first and we record on the first to release on the fifth. Okay. Obviously you're listening to this on a Thursday the 22nd because this is live. I swear to God, if you're listening to this on Christmas live in Toronto. What are you doing? Turn it off. Around Christmas. No. If I'm going to consume any content on Christmas, it's probably going to be the Mighty Car mods episode. That the movie length episode they release every Christmas. Holy shit. I never knew they did that. Yeah. Every Christmas they release a movie length episode of something and I watch it every year. I usually watch it with the kids at this point. That's pretty cool if they're awake. Because, man, Christmas is long. Christmas is a long it's a big day. It's Christmas Eve. We don't get home. We may not get home until Boxing Day. We will leave on Christmas Eve. And we may not get home till Boxing Day. Wow. Okay. Right. Okay. Well, let's get of sir good. The end. Wow. I think it's really fucking good. Yeah, but it's not great. Hey, it's not great. There are some parts in it. Can I just say? There are some parts in it where you're just like, what the fuck are you talking about? What are you saying? You were trying to sound like real fucking deep and intellectual and worse. Cyr is five years old at this point. Yeah, but the message that he's trying to convey with all this shit, like, what are you doing? Yeah, he's an icon, though. He is. So he can say fucking some random dumb shit and everyone's, tell you what, Batman is a fucking hard track. Yeah, batman goes hard too. Batman is someone there was a big controversy about Batman being jump in. By who? Jumpman by Drake. Like being very similar.

It's literally like the same thing. But who cares? They probably made it. I think Drake was involved in it anyway. It's fun. Yeah. No one ended up giving a fucking yeah, exactly. But icons were hot. Bad and hot. I like blue. Like, the entire four songs. I actually like all of them. That's all I was just about to say. I was just looking at it then, and I was just like, I remember all these fucking things. I listened to this heaps 90 and Lost Boy Go for way too long. Yes, they're both very long songs. And I tended to skip them both. But other than that, I liked the concept of Blue also. He did it with his new album, too. Yeah. Eris oh, wait, no. Are you talking about Cool fucking Cool Music, volume three or whatever it was? Cool mixtape. No, not the mixtape. Yeah, that has some cool fucking shirt because it's pink. P-I-N-K. I'm probably going to listen to this album, like off. Summer Time in Paris is actually really good, too. I have an idea for the first, like just to skip over fucking Sire for a moment. Yeah. How about we just finish it up? Yeah, all right. It's a good point. I recommend it if you want to listen to just some kind of good hip hop stuff from Joe. I think it's a driving album. Yeah, I agree. Actually, it's a driving album. You can drive for fucking however long that fucking album goes for. And then straight away, straight after that, put in Queens of the Stone Age songs. But the deaf. Yeah. And then there you're fucking almost two and a half hour long driving fucking playlist. I rated I rated eight out of ten. I liked rating, you know, 8.1 out of ten. Wow. I was going to say 8.5, but then I was like, is it two? Is it really 2.5 off of ten? No, it's three off of ten. Yeah, it's good. 1.5, not two. I can't math. I had covered all right. Yeah, that's right. It severely diminishes your cognitive skills. What your covered skills? Oh, I had COVID once. I think

my idea for the first album of 2023, album of the week for the podcast yes. Is the first album released in 2023. Oh, d the first album. Oh, boy. And think about this. It's only going to be a day. It's only going to be a day if all we got to do is look and see who's going to release an album on the 1 January 2023, and then we have a fallback. Because if nothing releases, if no big deal. There will be releases. Of course there'll be releases. It's music. There's going to be a release somewhere in the world. It's got to be something that we got to listen to. Something on Spotify. Yeah. Is that what we got to say? Something on Spotify. Something on Spotify. Okay. Because then like I was going to say, because people release albums all the fucking time. Yeah, but we'll figure it out. It's fun. First album. Okay. I'm damn I'm damn. Or it can be fucking whatever. I don't care. We'll figure it out and we'll yeah, exactly. That's what we're saying. We're going to have a fallback.

You're an idiot. This is going on. I'm an idiot. You're an idiot. I love the grinch. Every year we watch the Grinch. Save for an idiot. You're an idiot. You got to watch Die Hard. No. We don't watch diehard. We do the grinch. We've watched Die Hard for nearly eleven years. Every every year. Eleven years. No, I just never watched it. I've watched it, but I never watch it on Christmas. No. Why? Because Christmas is a fucking long day for me. This is a fucking long day. And sometimes I don't get home till Boxing Day. Forgive me if I don't want to watch any Christmas shit after that. Yippeek, motherfucker. Yeah, look, fair enough. Fair enough. Look, let me just say this. We are going to obviously have the Christmas PPP poopy woop scoopdy poopty. Whoop. But if you are struggling out there and you're thinking gonna be alone on Christmas, man, fucking, you're not. You can just jump into our discord and fucking have a chat to us on Christmas Day. No. Over the Christmas holidays. Do you know how many fucking don't make a promise that I can't keep? I'm not saying I'll probably fucking be playing games at night. You won't be. You'll be fucking if I come home, I will be. Yeah. But yeah, no, I can see myself fucking putting the kids to bed and then just being like, well, nothing else left to do but fucking Christmas cod. But yeah, it's a time where people are fucking high in emotions and high in fucking spendings. And if you're fucking neither of those people jump into our fucking discolor, fucking say good day. I'm going to start doing Christmas shopping. Literally. January. I'm not doing this again. Oh, dude, duke Hobbit hit me. And I don't have sick pay yet as well, so I've got a week of no pay. Yeah, this is rough. It's just shit. It's going to be really hard. Never mind the fact that fucking all the new things are coming out and they've just doubled the price of everything. Everything so expensive. It's so expensive to live, Zach. You know, fucking you know what? Fucking shit me off? Santa photos, motherfucker. I don't oh, man. 30. $34. $34 to get some fucking pictures. It was one picture. One picture. You get like a couple of different fucking where did you go? Did you go Springfield? Yeah, Springfield. One looks really nice, though. Yeah, it was a really nice picture. Nicer than to warm up. But then they're like, we took about 20 pictures because they snapped through and the kids are fucking moving around and shilling that. And then they're like, yeah, there's an online service where you can retrieve all of the photos. And I was like, oh, cool. We already paid the $34. We probably have access to all those photos. Kim logs in. Fucking we're looking at it, and it says, unlock the entire gallery for $20. Bitch. These are our fucking pictures. No, they're not. Your victory dollars. What do we pay $34 for the fucking shitty prints? We could have fucking printed these ourselves. We could have got them all digital. No, you paid $34 for the fucking for the building and decorations and the time for Santa Grinch motherfucker. They got to earn a living, too. All right, you know what? Santa wasn't even that chatty this year. He was a real Santa. Fucking real grinchy looking Santa.

You know what? All he said to Quid was, what do you want for Christmas? And then not even one ho ho. And then I said to him, hey, Merry Christmas. Thank you very much, Santa. And he says, yeah, no worries, bud. Catch a letter. One fucking job, Santa. You're supposed to say Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Ho ho ho. Fucking you can't fucking shit. That's why I'm pissed. Fine. $34 fine, bud. Yeah, you know what? I'm on board now. Fuck that guy. Out, Santa's. $35. Yeah. Out. Santa was good. He didn't say, Happy New Year. Ho ho. No, he didn't say that. Just fucking boof Santa right in the fucking face. Give him the old left right good night, Eric. Yeah, that's it

insane. That probably a very fucking hard job, where you've just got to sit there and kids are jumping around and screaming and crying and not wanting their picture taken, and there being little cuts, and then you've just got to sit there and appropriately touch little kids and then go, okay, cool. Get off me now. See you later. Next. And it's just a constant run. Just we don't sit on Santa. I don't sit on Santa. No, as in, like, the kids don't either. Why not? First get these are definitely not I'm pretty sure she has ADHD, which in girls shows very much different to boys. Boys are hyperactive, so boys will be hyperactive, and they'll have all those tendencies that we know what ADHD is. Yeah. Girls, however, will be extremely shy, hypersensitive. This is just how ADHD and it's only been recent that people have figured out how the ADHD works in small girls. So, like, hypersensitive, shy. Like, there's all these other characteristics. It's basically the identical opposite of boys. So everything you think in a boy with ADHD so I can't learn. They still have issues with focusing on stuff, but, yeah, it's just different. It just shows differently in girls than a dozen boys. Right. That's cool. And I'm on the belief that Harper has ADHD because she's hypersensitive, she's overly shy and still getting to a point where she can it's like crippling. Right? It's like crippling how fucking shy and shit she gets. She can't talk to people. She can't go away from Jackie. She thinks about death all the time. She understands the concept. Of death. She understands that you go to sleep and you don't wake up and she goes, what happens? And we have to say, no one knows. No one knows what happens. She is five and she understands the concept of death and what it means and how it works and all that sort of fucking mystery. Yeah. And I'm like, you were too young for this, man. I think it's because of her overtly shyness and her she's just constantly thinking. It just makes me think more and more like it's ADHD hypersensitive. Like scared for Jackie to leave and stuff because she doesn't want Jackie to die. It's ridiculous. Did you guys play peekaboo? That's object permanence where you're just like, I'm gone, I'm still here, I'm gone. That's fucking wild. No, but we believe it's ADHD, right? And she's not being diagnosed, but we've talked to therapists about it and they're like, yeah, it sounds like symptoms of ADHD. So we're in the new year, taking her to go see a therapist, a play therapist, I think it is. It's a bit different, but yeah, fun. New year, new me. Make sure you get your resolutions in, Blake. Yeah. Make sure you go to gym. Everyone. Make sure you start that and then fuck off because you fill my gym up and I don't want you there. Yeah, go to the gym. Actually, you know what? Can you just not do it? No. Can you just skip this year so I can just go to a gym by myself? Go to the gym and then realize that you're never going to make it. All right? That's a lie. Because if I can do it, anyone can do it because I'm a lazy fucker around, fucking everyone. You don't have to go to a gym. Just fucking go for a walk. A walk. Go for a run, do some push ups, do some sit up. You know what I started doing on our walks? I'm doing sprinting now. So we go to the netball courts and I literally do sprints of the netball courts with Harper. So I'll let her run, like, about a third of the way and then just a net. And I'll sprint as fast as I can. Literally as fast as I can. Like, what happened after you did that? Oh, I was really sore. It was unbearable. Sprint of framewald. My quads, dude. Oh, boy. I could feel it when I was sprinting, though. Just the energy of pushing myself forward as fast as I can was killing my legs. Oh, yes. I was like, I'm going to do this more often. I'm going to do sprints. Sprints are fun. I literally did sprints until I was exhausted and had to lie down on the grass. Excellent. And I feel like that's a good amount of sprinting to do. This is the thing. There probably would have been, like, random people that would have been walking by. Yeah, they were. They would have looked over and then they would have kept on fucking walking. I didn't give a fuck. No, this is the thing. This is for other people, yeah, because there are so many people no one gives a fuck. Fuck what you do. There were people walking dogs around. I remember vividly, like, a few people that were walking around while I was doing these sprints. They don't give a fuck. They don't even remember that I ever did it. They will never remember that I was there doing sprints unless I do it every day. Because then they'll know as me as the guy who sprints at the netball court. Yeah. And they'll be like, hey, there was this crazy dude at the netball and he was just he does it every day. He's getting fast, man. So fast. He's going so quick. You know him, right? You know the guy that I'm talking about? I know that fucking guy. He's at that fucking netball court sprinting. Every afternoon he's there and he just does sprints, but he's getting real fast. You know what makes me think that no one actually gives a fuck is the fact that there are so many people walking around with their phones, filming themselves talking to their phone and recording shit and just walking around, like in shopping centers and fucking out in the street. I'm actually yet to I'm still yet to see someone doing that. I've seen it. I've seen it the other day at a Ryan. Really? No shit. They're doing like a live stream. Wow. No shit. And I'll just walk past it and Kim was like, that's kind of, what the fuck is that person doing? And I was like, probably streaming, probably like doing a live stream sort of thing. He's probably making money right now. He's probably fucking cashing in. But like, it was just like he was just sort of like talking and walking and just like reading comments. And that was pretty much it. He was just walking around. I think he went into literally to go shopping. I was going to go shop. Stream. I would prefer to get a cameraman to follow us around and do I would actually feel more comfortable than holding a phone. I would feel more comfortable walking around holding a mic, talking into a lake or something right here, and just talk into it or putting it on the end of something stupid like a fucking banana. Like a Gus Johnson video. Or he always has it like tape tour roller, just dumb shit. Anyway, fucking wrap this shit up. Yeah, no. Merry Christmas, everyone. Happy. Merry Christmas. We will find happy New Year. Yeah, guys, we'll see you guys soon. Thank you so much for fucking sticking with us this year. You guys are fantastic, marvelous humans. Yeah, thanks for the year, guys. If you want to give someone a Christmas present, give them the podcast. Tell them, hey, look, we're a gift that should be given. I love it so much. Because if I was to get this as a present, like, hey, I think you know what you should listen this. Here's a funky. Here's a subscription to Audible. Here's the first podcast you've got to listen to on your subscription. And it's this. You've been chipped. You got fucked up. Look, they don't like you because there are many times where Zach has said to send this to someone you fucking hate. Send this to someone you fucking hate right now at Christmas. Oh, my God. It's a perfect fucking non Christmas present. If you don't know what to give someone or no, not what to give someone. It's what you give to someone that you fucking hate. We're going to give someone a present. We're going to make something for that one year. We're going to make, like, a pen or a shirt or a hat. A pen that runs out of ink straight away. Or a pen that just doesn't have ink in it. You have it. This is someone you hate. Yeah. And we'll put it in a fancy case and everything. And underneath the pen, there'll be a note, and you'll read it, and it'll say something along the lines of, you suck the big ones. Here's a pen. PS. It's got no wink. Like, ages ago, they were selling those egg guitars. It'd be like that. It's a non present. It's great. Or jarred dirt. Jarred dirt. I did that. I did a jar of dirt one year. I put a gift card in the jar of dirt, but I did a jar of dirt. It's very funny. Jackie and I thought it was hilarious. No one else laughed upright. A jar of dirt. That's funny. I opened it up and they're like, this is a jar of dirt. I pissed myself. And no one else laughed. They're like, who would have got a jar of dirt? I was just like, why? Are you kidding me? So what you're supposed to do is you're supposed to tip it out, and then you've got dirt on the ground.

What do I do with it? Yeah, but it was the first we do stealing Santa. We do $215 gift. And you can either steal a gift from someone else or you can open a new one. Yeah, obviously, no one wanted the jarf dope until they realized there's a fucking $100 gift out to the fucking no. It's $15, maybe. High five. Thanks for listening, everyone. Yeah, let's let's wrap it up. I don't even want to do I don't even want to do the normal outRoad. You guys know what to do. Share likes it's Christmas. Merry Christmas, everyone. My name is Switchblades for kids. There we go. Fucking thank you so much. We'll see you in your year, baby. See you next year. Oh, my God. We can say that. See you next year. Yeah, not next Thursday. See you next we'll see you next well, not next Thursday. No, it's next year. It's next year. See? Next year. You fucking fuck. You feed filthy animals. Wow.

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