I Can't Stop Shuffling (LMFAO AOTW)
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And welcome to the Prod.cast!
A podcast where we talk life, work, and occasionally music, my name is SwitchBladesForKids
and the other half of the podcast?
Ah, hello!
It's me!
It's the beetle!
It's the reincarnated beetle himself!
It's Mr. Blay, how are we doing?
How are we going?
Doing good!
What are we up to?
Where are we?
When is it?
How did I get here?
How did I get here?
Who did you tell you, dude?
Ah, dude.
It's been such a slow day.
When you sent that message, it was like, hey man, we're going to recall today, I was sitting
out in the backyard and I was watching the kids play and I just finished whittling.
I don't know, it sounds so retarded, but I was like, Maverick's playing with this, like,
a little bit of like, fence paling.
And so he was just whacking, fucking bubbles that Quinn was born.
And he just got this pale, and he was just like, "Whaack, fucking like, smat and shit!"
And I was like, "Hey Ma, bring that over here!"
And then I was like, "Hey Quinn, go and get me a texter!"
And I drank this like, outline of like, a gun, and I was like, "I'm gonna make this!"
And it was like, full on five minute crafts, just got like, a sword, and I was just like,
And I was like, "Pumped out this like, gun!"
And I got like, a fucking, I got one of my knives and I was just like, whittling,
like, so it was all nice and smooth.
And Maverick gets this gun, and he's like, "Ahh!"
And it's like, "I love it!"
And he's like, "It's a gun!"
And by the barrel and swing it.
Didn't care that I was like, "Oh, it's supposed to be like, "Beau, beau, beau, you know?"
It was fucking, "Use it and just go whack it!"
And just hit things, just hit things.
Oh man, classic Mav, classic Mav.
I will admit, I too have just been hanging out with the kids a lot.
It's been nice.
It's the dream, honestly.
We are, "Oh, dude, actually, you know what?
Before we get into anything?"
Yes, today we went on an adventure.
We've been doing this more often, where we just go explore shit.
One of the boys from work was like, "Oh, yeah, you gotta check out this creek down."
You know, he told me where.
He was like, "It down here, it's like 30, 40 minutes out, out of town."
It's fucking awesome, I'm like, "Alright, beau."
So we go through this long ass drive out there.
And anyway, we get to the spot that he was talking about.
And I'm like, "Man, this spot sucks."
Like, "He is placed sucks."
It sucks so bad.
Like, the creek was just all rock, and there's tiny little creek.
And it looked like it kept going as all rock for fucking ages.
Like, in both one direction was barbed wire off.
And the other way was just open.
And I'm like, "Ah, this is pretty shit."
I'm like, "What if we just follow, what if we followed the creek down?"
And maybe we'll be able to find another spot, you know?
So anyway, "Oh, there's my son just banging on the door."
"Allow, I'm recording, bud."
Please stop banging on my door.
Don't you realize it's Sunday morning?
Yeah, it's Sunday morning, dude.
This is chill time.
But yeah, anyway, so we followed this creek down.
And it goes on a, like, through a paddock.
So it's like a main street, or like a main road, a council road.
But it goes through private property.
So we get onto this paddock and surrounded by cows.
There's cows fucking everywhere.
And we're like, "Yeah, I'm like, "Ah, this is pretty cool."
Like, put the windows down, like, they look within touching distance.
And the kids are like, "Lobb."
And then, anyway, we pull up at this little crossing
and I'm like, "This, now this looks like the spot."
Like, "This looks like the spot."
So we pull over, get out, like, walking around, having a look,
get into our swimmers and stuff,
and we start exploring, and out of nowhere, right?
Two things.
We're like, "We're walking down this creek."
That we're walking up.
So we're walking in the, like, against the cows towards them.
So we literally walk through.
I heard of cows.
I ran them and, like, amongst them.
And we sort of cross paths.
They keep going the other way.
We keep going this way.
And a random dog.
A random dog.
No collar, no nothing.
Just runs up and is like, "Hey, I'm friendly."
And I'm like, "All right, cool."
So we explored this creek.
With, through a herd of cows,
with a dog that was an arrow,
and we found a swimming, like, a little swimming area
in this creek, like, this tiny little, you know,
the whole time you're walking through it's, like, ankle deep.
You know, like, walking on, like, rock beds, it sucks.
You know, it's horrible.
Like, I actually hurt my foot.
From doing it, right?
Like, it sucks.
I hate it.
I'm like, "I need some water shoes or something."
But, um, we finally get to this tiny little clearing.
That is, like, genuinely, like, up to my nipple.
Like, it is...
It is...
Yeah, it's like sick.
It's a sick little area.
So, anyway, kids have a bit of a swim and everything.
But it was, like, the coolest thing, man.
Just on a random Saturday, or, like, went through a drive,
surrounded by cows and silence and a random dog,
swimming in a little creek.
And, like, Jack is, like, "Did you bring your phone?"
He's like, "No."
"No, I actually did it."
So, as I did you bring your, she's like, "No."
He's like, "How good is that?"
"It's like that."
"How good is that?"
"It's like that."
"How good is that?"
And we just fucking hung out, man.
We just hung out for, like, an hour in this creek.
It was good.
It's just essentially what I want to do.
I just want to do more of this shit.
Like, this is...
What is, like, what a core memory for, like, a ride?
I hate saying core memory because it's, like,
there's just something that your kids would ever forget.
It's, like, time that, like, Dad, mom and dad took us to this weird place.
And then there were shitloads of cows everywhere.
And a friendly dog.
And we were swimming.
That's it.
Like, that's literally what it is.
It was just this weird little, like,
and because it was...
Where we crossed, it was the smallest crossing out of all of them that we crossed, right?
It was the smallest one, but for some reason I thought...
Because I saw them one side, it was grass,
so leading into the creek.
So you actually walked on grass to get into the water, right?
And it was, like, that seems much nicer.
That seems much nicer than the fucking rocks.
And then I could see up one side of the embankment,
like, it was, like, a clear run.
Like, you could just walk the whole way down.
So I was like, well, if we walk down the creek,
and we don't want to walk on the creek anymore,
we can just go up on the embankment and walk back.
That's exactly what we did.
Yeah, you spent, like, an hour going down this creek,
and you're like, "I must have gone a long distance."
I definitely didn't.
I absolutely did not.
Oh no, Zach!
Oh no, it's me!
Oh no, my internet died.
Was it me?
We're back!
We're back!
Oh, dude.
Technical issues!
Monothe technical issues!
Monothe technical issues!
Monothe, woo!
Go ahead, love internet!
Man, I love the internet!
Yes, speaking of the internet.
That will be honest, I'm glad that we're going to keep in that story
because it was a fun little thing that we did.
And I really enjoyed it, and I want to do more stuff like that.
But, anyway, that's what we did.
Other than that, all I've been doing is dreaming of owning a farm
for the last, like, 12 months,
and especially the last, like, three, two months, two, three months.
It's all I've been doing is dreaming about this farm.
I would say you've been dreaming about this farm for at least two years.
Oh, yeah, probably two years.
I think it was when you got this place, you...
I think you told me, like, I'm already thinking about the next one.
And I was like, that's excellent.
And then it, I think it was like six months after that,
you were like, dude, how fun's gardening?
Yeah, yeah, literally.
I was like, dude, growing stuff from nothing?
Oh, man!
From a tiny little, something that you can barely even see,
turning into something you can eat.
And I knew that you were on the trail of, like,
becoming a fucking...
In less than three years, Blake will be a farmer,
and you'll have a tractor, and you'll be, like,
becoming a swimming simulator, like,
how I always wanted to play farming simulator with the boys.
I'm just gonna do it in real life instead.
I'm just gonna do it in real life.
It's just easier.
It's just easier than organizing the boys to get on and play some fucking farm simulator.
What do we should be farm simulator?
I'm down to play farm simulator, because it's on GamePom.
You played it.
I have.
Yeah, I enjoyed it.
We should stream farm simulator.
We should stream farm simulator, man.
It was actually...
I think it was me, you and John, or me.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, we were in the cars, we were just like...
We just ran into each other with cars and stuff.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
No, we should actually try farm.
We should actually try and harvest something.
Yeah, let's make a farm.
Hey, babe, man.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
The comic addicts who was like, "Man, I'm really fine.
This is interesting."
Yeah, like I am a mechanic.
I was a mechanic.
I'm sorry, do we do this stuff, man.
I don't get it.
It's so dumb.
I think I'd like to do this in real life.
I could do this in a video game.
Literally, like, it's like I found the one thing that is my entire personality
and it's all I wanna do.
It's all I wanna do.
And this might be way too, like, esoteric, or maybe I'm reading too far into it, but like...
We play a lot of shooter games because we want to experience combat, maybe.
And that, you know...
Yeah, I post...
I post like...
I post like...
I post like...
Yeah, dude.
I put so many, like, posts up about, like, non-trad west and stuff like that.
Yeah, it's so...
Where it's like...
Men only want two things.
It's like...
To die in glorious...
And to hand combat.
And to have a farm with a family and 10 cows.
It's like men and you two...
Couple of acres.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Men only want two things.
And it's true.
Dude, isn't it true, man?
Like, there's two ways that I wanna go out, surrounded by my family, who I love,
like, on my deathbed quietly, everyone around.
And then the other way is swing and assort, hold and like, to the final...
Second life.
Just getting...
Getting mowed down by a fucking superior combat.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, literally.
Just getting absolutely...
Getting my shit handed to me by someone who is much stronger in...
They're better than me.
It's a weird thing to...
Because, like, think about this.
We've got, like,
simulators for, like, combat...
Especially for shooting and stuff.
Yeah, we play top of we play.
Well, no, no, I think we can just...
Yeah, yeah, yeah, joblastin'.
So, as you can do it, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, joblasting, real, like, a...
A paintball and...
And airsoft and stuff, and that.
But if you wanna feel that the thrill of beating a man to a pulp,
you box or you kickbox or you...
You know what I mean?
Like, there are physical combat sports.
I'm thinking about drawing it.
So am I.
And I wanna get my kids into it as well.
I think they would fucking absolutely go nuts.
And I think you'll think of the exact same thing.
Like, in karate or taikwondo or fucking jujitsu or something.
I'm actually...
I'm hoping wherever it is that we buy this farm.
Because I still wanna be close to, like, a major city.
Like, if we go tazi, we're pretty sure it's tazi.
But if we go down tazi, like, within 30 minutes of, like,
Hobart or something like that, or longsand, or different port...
Some form of major city where I could do some martial arts or some sort of
whether it's...
Like, taikwondo, karate, fucking, like, more Thai boxing, kickbox, something.
Just something.
Something that men and the kids could go...
And, to be honest, all four of us could go.
Especially if we don't really need money too much.
If we're living off-grid.
We work on our own time.
You know what I mean?
I wanna homeschool the kids.
Like, I reckon that'll be sick.
So, like, doing all four of us going out to...
You know what I mean?
Like, we're all four of us.
Just like a little gym and getting fucking wild.
Yeah, why not?
You know what I mean?
Get immersed in the culture.
Well, look at the Gracie family, man.
That's what they fucking...
They made their entire identity about being the best Brazilian...
...to, like, fighters ever.
And they are.
They're just, like, their whole family...
BJJ is just...
BJJ is just...
You do BJJ if you want to actually hurt a person.
If you... It's weird though.
There's... Like...
Actually, I wanna say this before I go on to my rant about BJJ
'cause I really like BJJ.
Yeah, that's right.
There's other things that, like, are not for work in a street fight.
But there's times where it's like, it did work in a street fight.
And especially watching LATS...
...fucking J-Literally.
...reinately watching BJJ take place in a bar...
...in a club.
Like, in literally...
...a surrounded by daydudes, right?
...and LATS literally just stopping a fight.
...just single-handedly...
Just run the dude and just go on.
Just literally...
...just literally...
...just literally single-handedly dropped into the ground and said,
"You're okay.
You're good.
Not gonna hurt you.
Just come down.
Come down.
I was watching...
...I'm looking at LATS and he's like, "Come down.
Come down."
Because me and you were at the bar and then I would just go...
And then his LATS on the ground,
...changed choking something out and, like...
...all right, well, I guess I better finish this drink.
Wait, we're not getting that one back.
Yeah, I was like, "Well, we're not staying here."
This is the coolest club that we've been to today, so...
...I'm like, "LATS, already got us kicked out of one place."
I think we definitely aren't staying here.
The one thing, so the one thing about like...
...actually doing, like, say, a combat sport or something like that...
...is I was talking about it with Kim last night...
...and we were watching funnily enough, watching maps...
...which are married for the time.
...and it's just because it's like that guilty pleasure of fucking sitting there...
...and know that they're all actors or they're getting produced and stuff like that...
...it's supposed to be real.
It's definitely not.
It's absolutely not real.
We know that.
No way, we know that.
No fucking no.
And so watching that, but one of the ads came on and it was for footy...
...and it was like watching, you know, NRL and stuff like that...
...and all these dudes getting fucking, like, pumped up in the score and tries...
...and fucking making good passes and dodging motherfuckers...
...and I was like, "That looks really cool."
...that's great, and Kim was like, "Do you reckon we'd ever start watching footy again?"
I was like, "I don't want to watch people play footy."
I don't give a fuck.
No, I need to do it.
And she's like, "Oh, what's going on?"
I was like, "Cuz, you know what, I'd rather play really shitty footy."
...and watch football.
And I think someone fucking, you know, it's probably like a real fight club.
Fucking reference to be like, it's masturbation.
You're watching sports instead of doing the sport.
Yeah, you're driving so much.
You'd rather be doing it.
You'd rather be doing it.
Yeah, and I think, you know, doing the actual...
...this is where it comes into, you know, actually doing the martial art...
...or doing the, you know, the combat, or whatever it is...
...that would be the fucking absolute, like, the closest we could get...
...to getting 60 million friends to fight.
Yeah, I mean.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I see what you're saying.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure.
It's the closest we can get to the literal...
...fotching a whole living...
...living another empire.
...living like a world.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
...it's the closest we can get.
Yeah, I feel that.
We can get that.
I feel that.
I feel like, yeah, the next step is, like, becoming as dangerous as possible.
Dude, I've got to show you that YouTube series.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
There was a YouTube series I watched recently.
I modestly told you about it last week.
Where, ooh, your children.
Screamy scream.
I thought that was going...
...where they...
...it's about self-defense.
And it's like all these weird situation...
...like situations, so, like, they're fighting on a bus.
Oh, yeah.
They have many showmiers.
Yeah, there's like a zombie one.
There's like a knife attack.
There's, like, just a bunch of other different things.
The knife...
Like, I said, I think I said last week, the knife one is...
...you just don't fight a dude with a knife.
...like, these guys are professional fighters, and they died every single time.
Like, they all died every time.
Like, one dude had, like, 37, 40, 50 stab wounds.
Like, in the span of, like, it's, like, 15 seconds, not even that.
Because, just literally, like...
What was...
What was that?
I had something about, like, the thing about knife fights is...
...and I've heard this a long time ago, is...
...the winner dies in the street.
I'm sorry, the loser dies in the street, and the winner dies in hospital.
Like, your knife fight...
...it doesn't matter how good you are with a knife fight, like...
You've got it too much with the knife?
Yeah, fuck. If you're the one guy with the knife, it can easily turn around on you.
It's... no, it's not a guarantee.
Yeah, that's it.
Because you're right, because this is the thing, whatever one says is...
...you don't notice being stabbed at the time.
That's the thing you feel like you've been punched.
Apparently, this is what people say who have been stabbed.
They're like, "Didn't even notice I got stabbed, I thought I'd been punched."
So, you know, the adrenaline running in your body, you're both just stabbing each other.
You're both dying.
That's it.
At the end of the day.
Yeah, you're both just leaking...
Yeah, fuck in the life of...
You're both dying.
You're both just dying.
So, knife fights...
And there was one situation there where it was like...
...they basically would hold like eyes closed and then a situation would happen.
And each time it was different.
So at the start, it was like...
...they counted down from five and on three, the guy pushed them.
So that was the first one.
So it was like, you know, out of nowhere.
Like, his eyes were closed, he pushed them at three.
So it was like, they have to figure out what's going on, fight back, whatever.
And one of them was like after he counts...
The guy counting himself.
So the guy counts down from five and then the thing happens, right?
So he counts down to one, he opens his eyes.
There's a knife right in his face and the guy goes, give me a wallet, give me everything.
Only one dude fought him.
Everyone else was like, "All good, man.
All good."
Like, pretended to grab his wallet.
He got my phone, he got my phone, he got my phone, and wallet, man.
All good, no worries.
All right, happy days.
Walk away.
Only one guy fought him.
And, funnily enough, the one guy who fought him, like, caught him off guard.
And, like, they just...
Well, because he would have expected...
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
And so they fought for a while, he didn't actually get stabbed, and he managed to run out of the room and shit.
But, like, yeah, essentially...
Fucking eye fights, you just don't.
You just don't.
Yeah, no, no.
I watch the likes.
How many times have you seen dudes fucking like the, the, the, the, when live leak was a thing?
Yeah, dude.
You see, like, barfights happen at, and then like, one dude be like, "I've got a knife."
And then the next thing is the whole fucking floor is painted with blood.
Yeah, yeah.
And it's just fucking, it's a mess.
Like, you, you don't want to be a part of it.
No, I do it.
No fights, man.
Don't, don't get involved.
Someone got a knife, just give him the wallet.
Like, trust me.
Or, actually, a both gonna die.
At least one of you will die.
And, like, if you kill the other guy, then what?
You go to prison for killing someone.
It's like, it's a, it's an absolute...
It's an absolute...
It's my wallet.
Yeah, it's an absolute loose loose.
It's just, you know what I mean?
Like, no matter what.
It's a loose loose.
Just get out.
And, it's all that has a nice fit.
Anyway, that was like a super scary thing that I noticed on this, like, martial artist thing.
Is that no matter how strong, no matter how good, no matter how mastered, a knife will beat you every day.
The way he keeps...
It's like, have you seen that Detroit Open Survival team dude that dusted?
Like that dude?
Oh, yeah.
He's like, you could have a gun right in your face and it's like right here.
Or like, right in his face.
And he's like,
Yeah, he's like, like, he was like...
He does like the...
He does the like, hip twist and throws his shoulder and like...
And just palms, you know, palms the gun away.
And it's like, and that is how you disarm a gun.
It's like, uh...
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's like, what's the karate dude?
I forget his name.
But he's always talking, he talks about like, catching a blade.
He's like, with the creases.
So if it comes in for the neck...
You grab it?
What if you did neck crease?
You grab the knife.
It's like...
That's the...
Like, legitimately he's like a fake martial artist.
Yeah, yeah.
He teaches all the fake...
Yeah, you know, catch up with the crease.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's like the crease in your arm.
Yeah, he's like...
Catch the knife.
Right here.
Right in this joint.
That's just so dumb dude.
But, like, uh, this is dude called, um...
His name's Ian from Forgotten Weapons.
I think I know this.
Has a whole channel about like, old World War I, even way back before World War I.
Sort of weapons and shit like that and up to current sort of stuff.
That's why.
Just, you would never see it unless he...
Like, as he works in a museum, a gun museum.
And it's like, all these other fucking cool guns.
It's some of the coolest shit I've ever seen.
It does like, really in-depth stuff on them.
He was doing like a fucking gag with like, about like, how to just some...
Like a guy that was just like, alright, so you got to go and write in your face and he's like, so what you want to do is...
And he's like, put his hands on his ass and...
What you want to do is...
And then just gonna go bang.
Just gonna bang.
That's like, CGI's like, doesn't matter what the fuck you do.
You are not quicker than a guy pulling a trigger.
A couple of millimeters.
You're not gonna win.
Yeah, you're not gonna win.
You're not gonna win.
Yeah, you're not gonna win.
Yeah, you're not gonna win.
Are you telling me?
Are you genuinely telling me that there is something in your wallet that is more important than your life?
Oh no.
The end is not?
The wallet itself is 12 years old, like...
And I would still be like, damn, I missed that wallet.
Yeah, you know what you could say though?
You're like, I have a wallet.
Can I please keep the wallet?
You can take all the money in the car.
So I just want the wallet man that sends me in.
Here, take it from my car.
He's the money.
I have fucking cash.
I've got a fucking...
I've got an abs.
Like a fucking cash?
What the fuck have I got cash?
Actually, I've got...
I found 10 bucks in my pocket the other day.
I've got a fucking pocket on because obviously, you know, I haven't been wearing jackets because it's a fucking heart.
But I put like a jacket on because it was raining.
So, jacket on, hands on my pockets.
Oh, what is this? 10 bucks?
It's like...
It's the best...
Actually, it is the best 10 bucks I've ever found.
You know what I mean?
Like when you find money like that, it is like just then.
The best $50 you've ever owned is the $50 you didn't know you owned.
Kim went through one of my books.
I've got like a whole bookshelf just there.
I know you've seen it.
But like, she opened up one of them just to show the kids.
It was...
I think it was like my...
I've got like the big book of all the Sherlock Holmes.
Oh yeah, cool.
It might have been that one or it might have been like the...
We've got like Grimm's fairy tales like the whole...
Every fairy tale, so I think.
She opened it up, found $70.
And I was like, what the fuck?
And she was like, "Oh, that's right.
Remember we used to hide money in books?"
You're like, "No!
When did I do that?
How long has the $70 been here?"
Yeah, exactly.
And I was like, "Wow, man, $70.
That just popped out."
I thought about that with the Bible.
Because apparently people do that with Bibles all the time.
They hide by the Bible.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Oh, I...
Mine was free.
I got this from...
Mine was not.
Oh, I got it.
It's the Gideon's version, which apparently is like the...
The most common version given out now, apparently.
So I heard that the New King James version.
Yeah, that is the most...
That's the most common...
This is also New King...
This is the same.
But the Gideon's one is essentially they...
Business people, Christians, business Christians.
And they...
Business Christians.
It's like you know my business, don't know?
You know my don't know, man?
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Big business Christians.
And they donate money to...
Give out Bibles.
That's the thing.
So they...
Oh, yeah, actually, I've think I've seen...
I think fuck...
I had the stuff at Capoeco.
They were all Gideon's Bibles.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So these are the most commonly given out Bibles.
Because they...
You don't buy them.
You don't purchase them.
They are given.
And like, yeah, my...
The past work was just like, I'm pretty sure I've got one around here somewhere.
So I've just been searching for a while.
He's like, "Here you go.
It's still in this plastic wrapper.
Here you go."
I was just like, "Ah, cool."
How fucking thin...
I forgot that ages...
Bibles pages are so thin.
I said that to you.
Remember, and you were like, "Yeah, they're really good for cigarettes."
Oh, yeah, that's what...
Yeah, I forgot.
Because like...
Let me just preface this entire conversation.
It's right about to get into.
Let me get...
Let me just preface everything you're about to say.
I have a holy bottle.
Yeah, and I have new testament with Psalms.
All right, okay, so...
I've got old and new.
Yeah, so this is only new testament in Psalms.
This is not old testament.
So I'll tell you what right now, just before we begin saying what about to say...
Old Testament is so very hard to read.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I don't read Old Testament stuff too much, but I know a lot about it.
Never mind the fact that, like, look at all the text.
I know, dude.
It's not...
Look at all the...
Look how fine fucking print it is.
Old said to Moses.
They're any called to Moses.
Anyway, the reason why I got the Bible in the first place, my thinking was...
I was like...
Listening to a podcast, a four-head famous, you know, General Sam and...
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
They had Wendogoon on the podcast.
Another name?
Yeah, so he does like, really does like fucking five-hour long videos, honestly.
About, like, unexplained mysteries and...
Yeah, yeah.
Natural phenomena and stuff like that.
And the other thing that is really, really fucking big on is studying Christianity.
And all of it, like, everything involved with the Bible and...
Apparently, I didn't know this.
I did not fucking know this.
So, there's like, uh, fucking hell, I'm just...
I don't know if this is...
It's something like 60 books in total.
72 books for just the old New Testament.
And these were like...
The way he was deciding...
And books and like, letters and other stuff, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
And the letters to Rome and all that sort of shit from...
What's the name Paul?
There's haps of stuff, honestly.
But, like, it was all condensed from like three different committees that came together.
That were like, "Okay, cool, this is exactly what can go on the Bible."
Because it's, you know, it's relevant and it corroborates itself, right?
So, that's just like 70...
I think it's about 70 or 60 something in the stories.
There is over 2,000 stories from the life and times of Jesus Christ, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
How the fuck do you read the rest of them?
Yeah, that's...
So there's...
They're books, so they're like, for instance, the Book of Enoch, right?
Which is not in the Bible.
The Book of Enoch is not in the Bible, but you can read the Book of Enoch.
It is a...
A Christian text, I suppose, or a Jewish text or whatever you want to hebrate...
Whatever it is, it's religious text.
Because the Book of Enoch is...
Enoch is before Moses, I believe.
So before the flood, before the Nephilim were wiped out off the earth...
This is the thing of the fucking...
Like the Quran and the Torah...
All of the actual other scripts, the manuscript that I believe in.
Well, they all believe in Moses.
This is the crazy thing.
They all believe in Moses.
So it's like, Jesus is not the...
Like one thing that binds them all together.
It's like Abraham is the one thing.
You know what I mean?
It is God Himself.
It is Jesus.
They're not Jesus.
It is like all these other pre-Jesus prophets, Enoch and Paul the Baptist and all these other people, right?
Paul the Baptist is not Hebrew.
He was like Jesus Christ, I'm sorry.
But anyway, yeah.
They all believe in the same thing.
Just real quick.
I've heard I haven't actually fact checked this, but I have heard.
Jesus spoke Aramaic.
Not Hebrew.
He spoke Aramaic, right?
I've had an idea what that meant.
It's like just an old language.
It is the language of 2K as a music.
It is like language they used.
And it is what we...
What's the word?
What's transcribe?
Yeah, translate.
It's what we have translated a lot of the old text from.
It's from Aramaic to English.
Oh, right.
To whatever, right?
Whatever language we need.
And in Aramaic, again, have not fact checked this.
I do want to double check in fact check this, but I've heard that God in Aramaic is a lot.
That is the word that it is.
All right?
So Jesus 2,000 years ago was walking around saying praise a lot.
He was not eating pork.
He put his forehead to the ground to pray to God.
There's all these things that he did that Christians don't do, but Muslims do.
I'm just saying it's very hot.
But that's what the Quran says.
The Quran says that Jesus was Muslim.
That is what the Quran is.
It is that the translation of what the religion was back then has been changed.
And that the Bible is the incorrect version of what has happened and the Quran is the correct version of what has happened.
That's all that they are saying, right?
Well, this is what has actually sparked me into wanting to learn more.
It's the thing of, I purely got a Bible so that I could just read it and just sort of understand it.
It's not like I'm shopping around for religion or anything.
I literally want to read the Bible.
Without any sort of...
It's purely for knowledge.
Yeah, and the thing that gets me, and this is what makes me feel like there's some truth behind it, is in our society, it literally feels like you get made fun of to read the Bible.
That is what...
You know what I mean?
It's weird, you go, "Oh yeah, I'm going to read the Bible."
Yeah, people are like, "Why would you read the Bible?"
It's like, "It's a book and I just want to read it."
What are you religious now?
It's like, "Why is it so bad? Why is that so wrong to be really..."
You know what I mean? Why do we have we, and it's only in the last like hundred years that it's been like this?
Because if you think, I was talking to Jackie, even my mum and dad about how long Australia has been colonized for, like 1771.
Colonized, like since we were made...
My sense was landed, you know what I mean?
Oh 1777.
Yeah, there you go.
And that is really not that long ago, when you truly think about it, it is not that long ago in the broad scale of how long we have been around for.
Now of course I've checked that out.
No, it's like 17-something, definitely 17-something though.
Because 1776 was the...
When the Americans got their independence.
And New Zealand was colonized like 18-01 or something, like 18-04, something like that.
Yeah, it was 1770.
Yeah, there you go.
I knew it was like 1770.
But anyway, so when you think about it, right?
Really not that long ago.
It's really not.
That people genuinely was just everyone had a bug, and everyone read the bug, and everyone was religious of some sort.
It's just that's what life was, like you just were religious, right?
So I don't understand how, and the other thing, we've been told that all of our past civilizations were idiots.
They were like barbarians, and...
But you know what I mean?
No, that's what we're taught.
We're taught like they were fucking uncivilized, unintelligent idiots.
When in reality, they were more intelligent than us.
I think it's as simple that there was...
You know how you hear that saying, "modern problems require modern solutions?"
There were no modern problems.
It was the same simple problem that required a simple solution.
Yeah, it was simple problems.
And it was like, "Okay, my family needs to eat, so I need to go and get the food, or make the money to go and get the food."
There was three steps max, you know what I mean?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And now it's...
And now the way we lived is...
It's ridiculous.
I think about this like every day now.
Every day that we live, no other human has lived this way.
Every time that we open our eyes and live, you know what I mean?
Like because our technology evolves so quickly, because things change so quickly.
Because of like what we're doing right now when you actually think about it.
Like only 15 years ago was not possible.
You know what I mean?
Like what we're doing right now?
Only 15 years ago was barely possible.
Was barely possible.
Yeah, we had mics and cameras, but they were fucking trash quality men.
And I remember till 10th, I'm team speak with these horrible quality microphones.
And it would just be this crackly ass, and it'd be lag between different countries.
Like if you're speaking to an American, you'd speak and you'd have to wait for them to hear it so that they'd speak.
And then you'd...
And there was a huge delay between conversations of playing...
If you're playing video games with like American literature, dude, like...
Holy fuck.
And now it's instant.
It's instant, like communication.
You know what's...
Oh yeah, for us, especially it is.
But like, have you ever been watching the news?
Have you ever watched like Channel Nine or Channel Ten?
I do mind if I'm an absolute person, not too big go on.
It's the same.
It's on in the book.
So we will boost it now watching like today or whatever.
And they'll have like a foreign correspondent in America.
And there will still be delay for some reason.
Yeah, yeah, actually we're right.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you are right.
You're right.
If I can talk to, you know, because I talk to Wizard Hat...
...on this.
...extending exactly where I am, spoke to Wizard Hat.
And there was no delay.
It's almost like they're using the same technology.
It's fucking...
It's almost like they haven't updated their...
Like, you know what I mean?
It's almost like they're still using the same systems that they've used for the last 30 years, you know?
30-year-old cameras, 30-year-old fucking network.
What could we put underground to make our internet go...
...intel your man.
Or your cop is the way.
Copper is the way, instead of this weird glass that might break?
Five or...
Five or optis.
Ugh, yucky.
Could be copper.
Give me...
Give me stone and mud.
Give me the bricks.
Take me back to stone and mud.
All right?
Oh, man.
Yeah, it's back to it.
Let's get...
Take me back to when it was a string and you...
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And you...
Cup at the end and you talk into it and it vibrated through the string and you could hear it on the other end.
I think that's how it's meant to be.
If only we could find out some way to, to like, hook up some sort of monotone and it would go...
...and what we could do is create a series of beeps and boobs and make lannas.
That's how we'll talk to each other for now and then we'll know it latency.
No, we'll know it latency.
No, we'll know it latency.
Oh, my god.
Fuck you, dear.
We've come full circle.
We've come full circle.
They have actually talked about putting sails back on those.
So we have...
We are...
We are coming full circle.
We are actually coming full circle.
And it's like they've completely forgotten.
Like they've just gone.
There's new power saving...
Wind power and technology coming out.
It's just sails.
They sails.
It's like we didn't travel around the world for thousands of years with sails, you know what I mean?
This is what I meant.
Like, oh, dude.
I'm going to get a bit conspired around here now.
Let's go.
But in Turkey they found remains of like these ancient cities and like weird rooms.
And weird buildings and all these just weird setup things.
That was...
It's all stone.
It's all just stone.
And what this archaeologist was saying was if it was us, 11,000 years in the future.
If we left, if we died, if we disappeared, if we... whatever.
What would be left of what you see here today?
The answer is nothing.
So what we see here today in 11,000 years will have all degraded to nothing.
Yeah, that's a good point.
It will have all...
It will have all...
Yeah, 11,000 years, everything that I'm looking at right now will be either buried or destroyed or composted or broken down or gone in 11,000 years.
You know what the only thing that will be left standing, is stone.
That is the only granite, specifically.
So things made out of granite will still be standing, right?
So you think about a civilization of 11,000 years ago, perhaps had a lot of perishable items, right?
Perhaps their buildings and walls were covered with plaster and fucking studded walls and all sorts of stuff that literally just degraded over 11,000 years and the only things that were left were the...
Stead like the foundations.
What I'm trying to say is that there's a chance that the civilizations of 11,000, 13,000 years ago, like pyramids, all that sort of stuff, there's a chance that they actually had tech of some sort.
It would not be exactly the same as what we're looking at.
But there's the same...
You know what I mean? There is genuine like theories that they could have had technology.
Someone found a fucking computer. Technically it was a computer.
I think it's like 2,000 years old roughly. And what it did, because it was like from the Greek times, it might have been older than that.
They found it in a boat, right? And then they did some x-rays on it.
And it is like a calculator.
It's like a calculator to calculate where the moon's positioned to like the other planets in the solar system and according to the sun.
It accurately predicted solar eclipses and high tide and all sorts of stuff.
That's very fucking cool.
Yeah, from like 2,000 years ago, it was like a gift to like Julie Caesar or something like that.
That's what it actually was.
So you know what I mean?
Like the fact that they had the intelligence to create something like that.
An actionable like working powered calendar to show the fucking...
How the planets operate around the sun and how it operates with us and when we'd have a solar eclipse and when we'd have different types of like weather thing.
The Greeks literally recorded the circumference of the earth by utilizing different stars and different points on the earth to calculate you know the degrees of one point to another so that they could theorize the rest of the planet and they actually figured out the size of...
These are literally smarter than us people and you're telling me that they're meant to be barbarians and that they lived like savages just because they killed each other with swords.
We just killed each other's we guns.
You know what I mean? We just eat each other we guns is no difference.
They just say people. They're just smarter than us actually to be honest.
They're actually smarter than us but yeah look long conspiracy theory over.
The pyramids are batteries.
The charging the charging is still working. No no no no they need saltwater.
They need to be filled with saltwater and they need their caps put back on.
I got it.
According to conspiracy theorists.
They need to be filled with saltwater and the caps need to be put back on the top and then it will charge the...
You know spaceship that isn't here anymore you know because...
You didn't think of the smell.
Look the people they didn't die or just they left they left earth.
They had enough and they left earth and they took every all of the technology with them and they let everything rot here and we were left over.
That's the truth everyone. We are an interspecies into galactic species just not us here on earth.
The other us that are out there somewhere.
Yeah the neflying pyramids and stuff.
I wonder like...
I wonder if our...
What do you call them descendants?
You know?
Think the same of us.
In the 11,000 years.
I wonder if our parallels. I wonder if in the 11,000 years they'll still have music.
I wonder what that music is.
I wonder what that music is.
It's such a harsh door.
That was harsh door.
That was like...
That's okay.
I'm just saying.
Talkin' about music.
This week...
We listened to LMFEO.
We listened to... sorry for party rocking.
*I'm really like LMFEO. I really like it.
But you know what? I'm gonna say...
I have one...
I haven't listened to this album for many many many years.
I actually haven't.
Yeah, neither.
Yeah, it's been a while.
One thing that I'm gonna say is that...
Man, the lyrics aged real poorly.
In my life, like...
Because every time I hear it, I'm like literally it's just about like clubbing and...
...drinking and party.
And I'm like...
That was...
That's exactly what I was thinking.
I was like, man, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013.
Those were like the big party years in my opinion.
That is when all music was about...
Getting loose, cutting sick on the dance floor, about going clubbing.
That was like club party life.
That was peak, in my opinion, peak club party life.
Where you wouldn't get stabbed.
Stabbing's happened very very very rarely.
Whereas they happened fairly commonly now.
Drinks weren't crazy, unaffordable.
Like you could actually go out.
You could actually go out every weekend.
On like an average wage.
And still have money for bills.
Definitely people that did.
Yeah, 100%.
I worked with many people who did.
You know what I mean?
And like they still had a car.
They were paying off a car.
They were renting.
They were saving.
I'm actually surprised.
Clubs still exist at this point.
But the rising cost of living.
I don't know how they know me.
I actually don't know how they do it.
I don't know.
But yeah, it was definitely a sign of the times of like clubbing, partying, like dude...
Every song is shot.
Shot shots.
And more shots.
It is...
You know what though?
That is the only gripe that I have with it.
That is the only gripe.
That's the only issue is that it's all about partying and drinking.
Which is not actually something that I'm like now sitting here like, man,
I want to listen to party songs and drinking songs.
I want to listen about, you know, drinking again, sloshed and waking up in the gutter.
And I don't want to do that anymore.
Call me old fashioned bud, but I don't like that no more.
Yeah, I'm right there with you.
Yeah, bed up.
Really good.
What are you reckon?
What are you reckon?
Tell me what you think.
Let's get into the nitty gritty.
Oh, okay.
No, no, no.
You're like, I have a 10 minute essay prepared.
Let me call it my cue cards.
Oh, gee, there's a bunch that's shit out of my desk.
I'm that angry.
I'm wild out there with LMFAOs.
2011 album.
Some look.
I want to say I'm joking, but it's a weird thing of when you're listening to, it's what you said.
It's the lyrics are, you're going out and you're partying and you're clubbing and you're drinking.
You're finding these hot chicks.
You're getting naked.
All of these cool things.
Awesome in a song.
But I tell you what, I don't think you'd play this music and these things would happen.
No, no.
Have you ever seen, there's a yogit ad that I watched last night because I was watching Max.
I haven't seen it.
I'll tell you upfront, I more than likely have not seen it.
I'm so glad because I can give you the complete rundown.
And it'll be a complete parallel to all of LMFAOs like the entire album.
It's an ad for coconut fucking yogit, right?
As soon as you pick up this coconut yogit, you put a spoonful in your mouth, you're transported
to the beach.
Oh, I love it.
And on the beach.
And then, and it's all these pretty ladies and they're like, "Ah, dancing!"
And they're constantly dancing and then they're running down a pier.
And then they dive into some water and then they take another scoop and then they're in
the back of a like a jeep or something like that and then like surfing.
If I ate that fucking coconut yogit, you know that's not gonna help.
I'm standing in the same fucking place.
You don't get transported.
I'm gonna take another scoop and we're like, "Where the fuck my jeep?"
Yeah, yeah.
Where's my beach?
Where's my beach?
Where's my beach?
It's the exact same feeling I get listening to LMFAO.
You go, "Man, it was fun to like party and she like that."
And but like, you don't get that listening to this album.
You don't go, "Man, right now I'm in the party."
And I don't think it's the same thing.
If you were to force this, like that ad, you'll force this onto other people and be like,
"Especially nowadays, this is the party."
And you go, "Listen to this and you'll be at the party."
It's not gonna happen.
It's not gonna happen.
But what I will say is this, every day I'm shuffling, fucking sick.
Every day I was shuffling.
I put it on the loudspeaker work.
I was shuffling.
Yeah, shuffling.
Oh yeah, dude.
And like, there's other songs on here that fucking rock.
Like, there's a lot of, actually to be honest, like remind me of you with Calvin Harris,
like, best night, that I am.
All night long, dude.
All night long, slaps.
Hot dog is a good one as well.
Like all the other songs that aren't the main ones, they slap, but they all have the
same problem.
Because that it's about partying.
You think about it reminds me of you because it reminds me of the LMFAO of the girl from
the party.
We came here to party.
The party.
I'm in Miami, bitch, is all about fucking getting girls naked, drunk and partying and that's
the party.
Best night party.
All night long.
Party and sexist time with you, sexist time.
Like the name of the album is sorry for party rocking.
It is.
I am.
I'm an old man yelling at your clasps.
Oh man, you're sick.
I'm an old man yelling at your clasps.
I'm right there with you.
I'm so right there with you.
I just look, I fucking love the music.
This is the problem.
As I love all of the songs, I actually really do, but I just feel like it's time to put
this album away.
You know what I mean?
Like, I feel like no one else is going to appreciate it unless you were going to the
clubs and listening to these songs at the clubs, which is what we were.
This is, dude.
This is the thing.
Just, just, not that I'm, like, crazy.
- But I went to Nuffton, but I went to Nuffton Gear Party,
I went to Nuffton Shuffle at the club listening to fucking party ruckians.
- Sorry.
- And I got a couple tops.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- The, now what I wanna say is, can you imagine taking this slice of time, right, this as a
concept, you take that, you go back in time 11 and 11 and fucking.
- Yeah do, yeah do, it's nuts, right?
- Do you imagine like listening to champagne showers while you're slaughtering your enemies?
- Right.
- What'd you do it?
- Like it's just, you think about this, it's so weird man.
It's such a, we live in a dystopian fucking world, dude.
We really do, like everyone, like you know, back in the fucking 50s, 40s, they were all
like dreaming of this weird dystopian future.
We live it, dude.
We're in it.
Like everyone thought it would be like super weird, spacey, sci-fi.
- No, it's like normal, just everything sucks.
Instead of something suck, everything sucks, that's the difference, right?
Like that's all it is.
- I've also watched a World War II docko this morning.
I woke up really early, I woke up at 3.30 this morning.
- I've had, yeah, I've had not like, days and, yeah.
- I watched an entire World War II documentary series, like, and then the kids woke up.
- There they go now.
- I watched this entire thing and I was like, man, it sucked.
- Yeah.
- And I know it's like, oh, a hot takes act.
No, it's fucking like, the, or all of World War II just absolutely sucked.
Like there was, there were, there were only good times where it was like, hey, you're like
in a tank with your mates.
And then it's like, and then the reality is, you're about to either kill a whole heap
of people or be killed.
And that's like the, the long and short of it.
- Yeah.
- And, you know, if, and if you survive, you just got to go to the next place and either kill
or be killed.
- Yeah.
- And dude, World War II sucks.
World War I sucked.
Like, it, it, like, I don't know, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's,
- The way I say it.
- I'm, I'm, I'm gonna read the Dots book.
- Oh, man.
- Yeah.
- Oh, man.
- Yeah, I'm gonna read it.
You know why?
This is the only reason why I went, like, I just searched to try and look for it and they
try so hard to make you not want to buy it.
That's, and that's the whole read.
So, um, uh, mine kev.
- Oh, yeah, the, the Hitler's book.
- Yeah, the Doth.
- Yeah, the Doth.
- Why is it called the Doth?
- A Doth.
- A Doth.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
- The Austrian painter.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Because, yeah, because they do Austrian painter.
- The Austrian painter.
- The infamous Austrian painter.
- Yeah.
- Um, because they do everything, like the, every book company that you can buy this book
- Literally slanders the book, like, nothing else to the point where it's like, this absolutely
should not exist, but it has to for educational purposes.
It's like, yeah.
- It's just someone else's, like, view of a bad world war, like, to say, to say that
the Germans were the only ones who committed atrocities is ridiculous.
Everyone did.
Everyone who was involved in that war killed civilians and did horrible shit.
- I'll tell you right now, the Americans made a little thing called the M2 flame thrower.
And it's as bad as it sounds.
- Yeah.
- It's a fucking flame thrower.
- It's a war crime to use it, and they used it on German soldiers.
So, who, and a lot of German soldiers weren't even German soldiers, they were, like, Polish
forced to fight for Germany.
- So, they were getting--
- Yeah, fine enough, yeah.
- Yeah.
- All of that.
But they thought, get this, the Germans, so, like, because there's this recounts and stuff
like that of, like, these people and how they, like, were feeling and thinking, you
They legitimately thought they were the good guys.
- Yeah.
- And it's like, we have to do all this stuff.
We're the good guys and we're trying to make the world a better place.
- I'm gonna be honest.
- I'm gonna be honest.
Looking into, like, the entire life I've just been raised to be, you know, I shoot Nazis
in video games all the time.
I loved it.
- Yeah.
- It was great.
Now it's a bad guys.
Until, like, and again, everyone ever said Hitler just spouted racism.
That's all he ever said.
He just hated Jewish people.
I've actually watched a whole heap of interviews, of not interviews of speeches, of, of, of,
of, of, of fucking eight-off Hitler speeches.
He doesn't even say the word Jew.
He literally doesn't even say the word Jew.
Like, this is the thing, this is why I hate it so much, right?
Is that, I don't care if he's a bad guy.
Like, he's a bad guy, that's fine.
But why did we have to make it seem like he was so much worse than he was?
That's the thing.
That's the bit that makes me, like, yeah, yeah, well.
You know what I mean?
Like, it makes me question it, how bad he actually was because why did we have to make him
seem worse than he was if he was already a bad guy?
Are you trying to say that maybe it's not as easy fucking evil versus good?
- Maybe it's not just evil versus good.
Maybe there's actually stories to both sides.
Is that what you're trying to tell me that he wasn't some coped up lunatic who just screamed
I want to kill all the Jews like I was told?
Cause I can assure you that's what I was told.
Let me just say this and you cannot look up.
You cannot do any further research or investigation into the Holocaust.
No, no, I mean like, and if you do, you will be prosecuted.
- Ah, there you go.
- Yes.
Yeah, cool.
- Isn't that telling?
You know what I mean?
Like, isn't that telling that it's like, it's illegal to look into.
A thing that has literally like shaped our entire world.
Like we're not allowed to actually look into what happened.
- Isn't that all of it?
- Like, it's about to the album.
- How do we get to fucking the doff from, oh man.
- Oh man.
- I don't know.
- Holy fuck, how do we do?
- I don't know.
- Dude, how do we do?
- Yeah, I know, dude.
I know.
I'm glad you realized.
- I was ready to just keep going.
- Holy shit, we were talking about the album.
- I was ready to just keep going.
- What a fucking tangent.
- Yeah, legway.
- Yeah, sick, I love it.
- We obviously weren't ready to talk about the album.
- No, no.
- At this point, look, Zach, I genuinely, I actually don't necessarily recommend this to people
unless you grew up in the time of listening to this in your early adult life.
- I wouldn't hand this to my kids.
- No, neither would I.
- Absolutely not.
No, this album is, it only is relatable if you were clubbing when this album came out.
Like, I'm not, shit you not.
If you are before this album, you probably, you would have heard the shuffle song.
You might have heard Champagne Chalers.
If you were born after, you know the shuffle song.
You might have heard Champagne Chalers.
The rest of it, you don't need to hear.
If you weren't clubbing while this music was coming out, it's not gonna relate and you
probably won't care about it because there's other albums.
- Unless you're like a music historian.
- Yeah, all like us.
- We like listening to music and shit.
Like, more than welcome, go ahead, but I actually won't be recommending this to anyone
really because I mean, you got party rock anthem.
And this is the thing.
Party rock anthem?
Great song.
- No, I've always enjoyed listening to Party Rock anthem, dude.
- Because you were there.
- Yes, because I was there.
I was there when the bomb dropped.
I was there.
- I don't know me.
- I can't even go back in.
We can't dive in anything.
- No, no, no, no, I don't even know what to rate it, honestly, because it's such a weird,
like, because I don't necessarily recommend it, but I like the music.
- So it's good for you, but you wouldn't put it on anyone else.
- No, that's fine.
- You can, you know what, that's actually a really good point because I personally, I can get
very old, this music gets very old for me.
- Yeah, same.
- Yeah, I'm gonna say it's like a six, most, and I would not recommend this to anyone.
- Cool, I also was thinking so.
I was also thinking six.
And you know what, six, honestly, just for the fact that I could always listen to Party Rock
Party Rock anthem is a song that I could always listen to, and I think it's like fun and,
you know, enough to be put into a 7, 8, 900 song playlist, which is what I have.
- Yeah.
- Like it's in there.
- It's already in there.
- I'd put the Calvin Harris, uh, uh, uh, uh, fuck, yeah, remind me.
- Yeah, remind me, yeah, 'cause it's a wuger, I think.
It's Calvin Harris is a wuger song, but then they write up.
- Oh, shit, it is too.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Holy fuck.
- Yeah, well, yeah.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- So it's just, they just, um, they just said to Calvin, hey, I like this a wuger song,
and we just sing over it and we'll do a, like, that's us doing a song together.
And he's like, sure.
And then, uh, reminds me of you was born.
And I tell you what, I actually like the reminds me of you version better than a wuger,
'cause the lyrics are really cool.
- Yeah.
- It, it, it sounds great.
- It's, yeah, it's just, I just can't recommend it.
- It's toned down, uh, Red Food in Sky Blue.
It's like, they're themselves, but they get to, like, turn down the color a little bit.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Or, from the heart.
- It's, yeah, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's more than a heart.
- That's the thing, like, the thing that, I think why I don't like it as much is,
'cause it just feels like they were selling themselves out to just be mainstream club bangers.
Like, it's, that's what it is.
- It's a whole face.
- Yeah, it is.
- It's like, it's a whole personality.
- Like, yeah, it's a mask.
Like, you know that Red Food is not actually his, his whole being.
And Sky Blue is not his whole being.
Like, you think that all they do is go out and party and club and dance.
Like, you know what I mean?
- Dude.
- Actually, you know, so, I'm-- - Maybe they do.
Maybe I'm wrong.
Maybe that is the whole personality.
- I was watching a TV show called Tanked and it's about, I don't know if I've ever told you about Tanked.
- Maybe.
- We watch it, um, sometimes in the mornings, if it's on, on, I can't remember what it's called,
but it's like, one of those like, shows where it's reality TV, but it's, you know, it's all produced.
But it's about these guys that make big aquarium, big like fish tanks.
- Oh, yeah.
- And it's, yeah, yeah.
- It's big, this big fucking dude and this other dude is like, oh, yeah.
- And this other dude is bald and they fucking, they're like, oh, with, with, with,
- Tall brothers from New York, and we lose the Las Vegas, the maker aquariums, the famous rich people.
- The whole fucking juice, right?
- Yeah.
- So they, one of the episodes was they made it for red food.
- Oh, no.
- And they made this fucking like crazy equalizer fucking like the, the balls.
- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- But it's in an aquarium, and so all these fish are just getting strobe.
- Yeah.
- That, yeah.
- Literally, you part, they're party rocking every day.
- Yeah, you did.
- And there's a DJ, there's DJ, so you can walk up the back of it, be on top of the fucking fish tank.
And be DJing from the top of this fish tank.
- Yeah.
- The, the, where the fish tank was, and the room that it was in, max, a man of people, he's DJing for in that room.
- Yeah.
- 15?
- Yeah.
- 10?
- Yeah.
- Maybe.
And like, oh no, man.
- Literally, it's the Uber Rich for the one time in their lifetime that they feel like they
want a DJ from the top of a fish tank.
You know what I mean?
That's all that is.
That's just an Uber Rich dude who wants to DJ from his fish tank.
- He himself, when like, he seen it, he knew that it was like, okay, camera's on, and I was
like, all right, I'm gonna get dressed.
Like the whole facade of, okay, he's red food.
- Yup.
- The LMFAO superstar from 2011.
- And, who's an old man, he just wants to chill out.
- He's an old dude now, and it's just like, buddy, you don't have to do it.
But as soon as the camera's up back, I was like, oh my god, it's red food.
It's your fish tank.
And he comes in, and he's like, yeah, he just fucking loves it.
- He's just like, he just wants to him, and he's just shuffling.
- Yeah.
- He's just like, oh man.
- Yes.
And the, the whole man is your fish tank dude.
- The whole fucking end of the show is like, do you remember the, do that world a big robot,
like cardboard?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Got like the whole cast of fucking, uh, party rock anthem.
- Why?
- And it was like, in that tiny little area.
So it's like, chicks wearing fucking neon bikinis and chill like that.
And just like, shuffling and like, the whole neon scene was back.
For, for 15 seconds.
- Yup.
- And we're all sitting there watching the whole, oh boy.
- Man, that was the time, man.
- Yeah, it was definitely a time.
- You're like, aren't you glad those times are over?
- I'm doing.
- Hey, you know what, you know what, you know what, it's school, family and a firm.
- All right, let's wrap up.
- Oh dude.
- All right, six out of six.
It's, it's a big old mid, to be honest.
- Yeah, yeah.
- You know what?
10 out of 10 when it came out.
The client, very hard, very quick.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Actually, I, 11 out of 10 when it came out, dude, I listened to this album like a thousand times.
That's why I thought I could have listened.
I didn't even need to listen to this album.
I did, but I didn't need to.
You know what I mean?
Like, I've listened to it.
I know all of the songs, like, word for word.
Like, seriously.
- So did I.
And I did the exact same thing, a song with it, that's the time.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, let's just like, every single, like I said, I knew that fucking Calvin Harris song.
Like, I knew it was a Wigger because I loved this album.
Like, I, 100 of us, I listened to this album like, over a hundred times.
Like, I had the CD in my car.
I listened to it, driving everywhere, dude.
- Like, I fucking had this album now.
- I don't want it.
- She'll let it, we're almost done.
- Yeah.
- We're almost done.
- We're almost done.
- We're almost done.
- All right.
- Zach, what are we listening to next?
- Zach Bryan.
We're listening to Zach Bryan, Zach Bryan.
- Yeah.
- The album's playing Zach Bryan.
- I'm actually gonna think my sister because she introduced me to something in the orange by Zach Bryan on Christmas Day.
And it hasn't left my head.
I have listened to that song like every fucking day man.
It's just, I know, like, it's the first song I'm gonna, like, my playlist that I play when I get to work.
Let's go.
Hit that, it's the first song.
Fucking love that song.
And I'd like to know more about this guy.
He seems like a full country dude.
He seems like a full country music and he's got a good voice.
And he makes some cool sounds.
And I'm in, you know, fucking excited.
- I haven't had anything from this.
- I'm down.
- Yeah, you're going in.
- You're going in absolutely blind.
- One hole.
- Yeah.
- There's some features on there.
I don't know when he was, I know the luminaries actually.
So I don't know.
The other ones though.
- Hell yeah.
- No, I think.
- Wait, did you, yeah?
- No, I could do that.
- Put, bring it.
- You want the discolored?
- Yeah, you want the pregnant ladies up.
- No, it's a pregnant man.
- Wait, no, it is not.
- It is not.
- It is not.
- It is not.
- Is it actually a pregnant man?
- A pregnant man emoji.
- No, it is a pregnant man.
- Oh my God, there is.
- Anyway, before we go on to another rant.
- And there's a pregnant person.
- Because God forbid there'd be a man and woman.
- Guys, thank you so much, listen to it.
- I enjoyed listening to this podcast.
Make sure that you hit all the buttons,
pass all the socials.
- No, it's a joke.
- Hit the notifications, Bill,
so you can keep up to date with all of our episodes.
You can find us on YouTube.
If you want to watch this entire podcast in video form,
you can go straight to our YouTube, the prod dot.
- It definitely won't be too janky.
- No, it won't be because there'd be a little bit of a cut here.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- And then that, you can check us out on Instagram and TikTok,
where we've got like a new way of shorts.
- Yes.
- But absolutely, yeah.
- I need to make more.
I need to make more.
- Yeah.
- Hell yeah.
- And you need to either pay for the thing
or like, I need to figure out another way to do it.
- I'll pay.
- We'll figure it out.
- We'll figure it out.
- We'll figure it out.
- Yeah, we got that.
Other than that, you can check us out on Facebook,
where you can pretty much keep up to date
with what's actually going on straight away.
It's probably what our second most used
piss of social media besides our discord.
- Just a little bit.
- But you can jump in and play games with us every night.
Play games and talk shit or make a video game
if you're interested.
If you're interested in music production,
that's what we're all about as well.
Honestly, if you're just in there and you're like,
man, I'm feeling down.
Not what's new friends.
Jump on in.
We'll be your friend.
I love you.
So that works.
Other than that, if you want to fucking,
we don't have a voicemail, don't ask.
We don't have a voicemail.
But if you do want to leave us a voicemail,
because of course you do.
Pick up your phone right now.
And go to the little keypad thing.
Press plus 61, 7, 5, 6, 4, 1, 1, 0, 8, 0.
That number again is plus 61, 7, 5, 6, 4, 1, 10, 80.
And that, it rings for one second.
Leave a meme, a message.
- Tell us about the other official.
- Yeah, I'm more scared to do the other bread.
- Exactly.
And if you want a piece of advice answered,
you can just do that exact same thing as well.
- Yeah.
- True.
Other than that, I'm pretty sure
if you want to see more of beautiful Blake Bentley.
- Oh, the big beetle.
- Make sure you make him out.
- The big beetle.
- Yeah.
- Check him out on all of his social medias,
including YouTube, TikTok and Instagram,
where you can follow him on his weight loss journey,
his gardening wizardry, or is maybe geopolitical views.
- Yeah, it's not.
Look, I'll be honest.
I'm really excited for farm stuff.
I'm really excited for not worrying about geopolitical--
Like, look, this is the thing.
I said at the end of like every episode.
I don't want to talk about geopolitics.
I just wanted to shit to stop.
So I don't need to talk about it anymore.
And look, there's always gonna be something.
This is the thing.
There's always gonna be something.
- Yeah, never stops.
The world never stops turning.
- The world never stops turning,
and the world never stops killing.
All right?
The world never stops killing.
So there's always gonna be some genocide,
some massacre, some horrible thing,
and it sucks, right?
It sucks.
- Yeah, it's all bad.
- However, once this one stops,
I'm removing myself from geopolitics,
at least for enough time to focus on gardening, building a farm,
and just--
- You've just got five years with it.
- Just love and life.
Just love and life.
And then maybe we get back into it.
- You know, what could you do?
You could tell us to--
- I honestly, I wanna teach people how to grow food
and how to live life that is not a slave.
- That's--
- And you can do that by describing to yourself--
- By describing to Blake,
a school Bentley TV on every social media that you can find it.
- Yeah.
- You can also find his music.
- Oh yeah, we do that too.
- Yeah, we also do music.
Every now and then, and we could be doing video games very soon.
We'll have to figure out a name for like a dev company eventually.
We'll figure that out.
- Yeah, we'll just prod.games.
- Prod.games.
- Why not?
- Prod.games.
- That sounds great.
- Why are we not?
- That sounds great.
- Like if someone can call their fucking club shades,
we're talking about clubs.
I know a guy called his club Shades.
He called his printing business Shades.
Like, he just calls everything Shades.
I don't know why, but anyway.
Shades club Shades printing business.
I'm like, well, what are the Shades?
I always be sunglasses.
What are fucking idiot?
- There you go.
- Now, free plug for Shades.
- Actually, to be fair, it turns to cool guys.
- He's cool.
- Awesome.
- What was that?
What about you?
If we want to see more of you, my friend, where do we go?
SwitchBladesForKids all one word.
You can hit me up on every social media available because I'm there.
I'm all about it.
Same with Spotify.
You can listen to my music.
It's the same name.
SwitchBladesForKids all one word.
- Which it?
- I'm on Spotify.
- We even reviewed your EP one time.
You remember doing that?
Like, way early.
- 2020.
- Yeah, way early.
- Yeah.
- Crazy.
We should release another EP.
And review it.
- Yeah, we.
- Yeah, all right.
- All right.
- Review our music.
It's the padding yourself on the back of the...
- I'll write this a 10 out of 10.
Everyone should listen to it.
- Oh, they got...
- Cool.
- I think...
Is that it?
That's pretty much it.
That's gonna do it from all of us here at the broadcast, including...
- The entire team.
- Winston.
You can't say him, but he's on the ground.
- We have such a large team here at the broadcast.
It's enormous.
- Who, how do we pay these bills, man?
- Every time.
- Every time we cut, and we hear like the clapping in the back of the...
- Oh, dude.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Isn't it nice?
Just the...
The round of applause for about 100 employees that work here at the broadcast.
- God damn.
- We're such a big...
We're huge.
- It was an...
- Advertisers.
We definitely...
We're a big team.
Lots of downloads.
- God.
- Thank you guys so much for listening.
You're a beautiful bunch.
We'll see you next Thursday.
- Yes, we will.
- It's gonna be it.
- See you in the end, T.
- Oh!
- Adam Dunn.
- Adam Dunn.
- No, I'm done.
- I'm done.
- I'm done.
- I'm done.
- It's not literally...
(upbeat music)
