Download MP3Hello and welcome to the prodcast podcast we talk life work and occasionally
music my name is switch blades for kids and the other half of the podcast it is
I hello the big beetle the bento himself Blake Bentley hello all-way peaked I'm
sorry it's a new mic you microphone man it's a new microphone and I'm I'm
getting used to using it at this distance which is
normal distance yeah it's really nice
Zach hello
happy new year Christmas
yeah all of the things happy birthday to anyone that had a birthday
between Christmas and my father on Christmas day and my father-in-law on
Christmas Eve wow that's weird yeah I don't know if I told I feel like I tell you
this every year the same reaction to I think I tell you this every year I think
this is the third time telling you on on pod that this is the thing and I think
you've reacted the same way yeah same reaction just something coming back up in
the in like no it has no reason to come out throughout the rest of the year
there's like oh Christmas is coming you know my dad should we should we just
address the fact that we haven't recorded for like ages we took a little bit of a
break we just took a break we'll just say we you hit me up I should like I should
just like notify people but I just guess what it doesn't matter they found out
I'm sorry guys I'm sorry yeah they did find out by realizing that no episodes
oh my god they're done they died they just like in died or something they hit the
end of 23 and they said I got up had enough yeah they just stopped there they
called it quiz no we're we're we're still gonna keep going we're gonna keep
doing it we've got we've got so many albums to listen to when they don't stop
coming and they never stop coming and and we're never gonna stop reviewing and
this podcast will go on forever yeah I mean I was thinking I was thinking just
real quick kids will take over this podcast
how children will continue all the age their children's will continue with our
empire yeah yeah this is the same podcast but I can't remember the game again
no just keep talking about this imagine that though like they'll grow up like
being friends like we did and then things like same things and they're like this
sounds like episode like 29 but we're in episode like 780 oh yeah absolutely
oh my god yeah imagine what episode we have to like 126 hundred and I'll give you an
accurate number right right god 27 it is 100 100 100 100 oh my god yeah episode
127 that's right you'll listen to us live every time you hit pause we sit in silence
we can't do no press someone someone's practicing it right yeah look
no no no no no okay yeah dude that's nuts absolutely nuts yeah yeah and new year new me you know
the weird thing I wanted to tell you about the the number 127 but it's a weird like math thing which
I don't think is a really it's not like whoa it's like the largest prime or something like that
it's the largest number made of my friends yeah one it's it's the largest number with the property
oh my god that's it's so so fucking weird I don't know why I look I looked this up because I was
like what's what's really crazy about the number 127 it doesn't sound crazy it sounds
127 hours was a film made in 2010 oh that that James Frank I went
right literally cuts off his arms spoiler alert oh no real life that's an old movie that wasn't it
surely two thousand totally oh man that feels real bad that's it that's real bad to say that that
was an old film oh man yeah no no no I don't like this I can't really why it's it says it's the
no no it's it's too many it's doesn't make sense now that I'm looking at it oh what's it not weird oh
no wait okay 127 out of 50 equals 2.54 which is the number of centimeters in one inch and that
only makes sense that I think that was the thing that got me like crazy because when I do have to do
measurement conversions when I'm doing lunch that's literally about it and I remember that number
it's it's a weird reason to remember that number anyway that's the only
a cool man are really fat bro let's have like a 128 next
I was like that's a cool fact about the number 128 kids
sensory street I was like oh what's the number today it's like oh it's on 127 why why why is that
I number oh man a heptar act has 128 vertices dude stop please it's so absolutely stupid oh
man no how you being there it's been it was a hot minute how is your Christmas how is your new year
oh my god I mean I just so much to catch up on we talked all night on years so I know how you
knew you as well as we were there yeah I was sort of there through the power of internet um
but yeah how's your Christmas hey fuck yeah we're here's your holidays gone you know um
good you know I'll say all this all that was really good because I spent my Christmas uh
off with dad oh yeah he said that in the sunny coast yeah and like he has a pool and she let
that in the kids love just like oh my god like every second of the day was like can we get in the
pool like you just got out we just walked back inside but like um you know that was that was cool
because you know it's literally just jumping the pool and play around and then get out of the
pool eat some food they don't eat food and then they get back in the pool and yeah
opening up a whole heap of presents they didn't even care about the presents that's you know what we
love it what the fuck like and I know like I know that's a really good thing because like yeah like
crazy they were more excited to unwrap things than they were to like yeah play with the gifts
because they were like oh this is a really cool thing and they're really appreciative we got
Queen like a a little like digital camera that has like games and stuff like like it's it was
it wasn't like a crazy expensive gift but it's like something that she just now carries around and
goes ccink and takes photos and shit yeah it has like it has like a snake game on it and like it has
like templates where the the picture you know it has like frames and shit that it builds in so you
take the photo and then it has the frame over the top of the picture so I've been in a maze outfit
so many things because Queen over on I'm like ccink look at you dad and like oh great great
like ccink lips again I'm a fucking maid all right cool I'm a nurse me I'm a fucking nerd
yeah no they didn't care about the presents that we got nerf guns which I'll say this um nerf
guns are fun yeah but I tell you what's not fun is when you've got like a lot of other adults
around and you've got three kids that have nerf guns and they know how to load and they know how
to like shoot them off and they're really kind of decent at aiming yeah you've just got like adults
that have just woken up and and I was like no not thinking about the future future me yeah past me is
like you know what's cool we'll get nerf guns and then we'll have little like nerf wars in the house
now be fun what's not fun is having these kids have fucking nerf guns was really early in the morning
and then all you hear is this like the little racking noise and it like and then and then you're just like
oh my god I have to wake up like so quick otherwise I'm gonna get shot in the eye yeah because
oh godting me hostage in my fucking bed and he's like pointing a gun into my face he's like
I'm hungry dad I'm hungry I want breakfast dude you're like proud to whatever the fuck you want
please please please I have children but it's like that dude he's got this little pistol it's just
like please please dude please not again please he is is really oh man but yeah um yeah fuck past
Zach like he did not think about now Zach and or future Zach because now they only have a love
the little nerf guns and possibly guns in general this could go horribly wrong
dude man guns are expensive guns are expensive and my god I've gone through so much gun safety stuff
and they don't care because they're like they're little thoughts and I've a they've only shot
frayas so many times and it just gets boring because she doesn't react you can shoot a baby
and the baby just goes that's about it and then you know that I don't care anymore then it's
shooting us because we're the ones that go stop shooting me and you know block up that was my Christmas
that was my friends with but I don't want to ramble on too much there's a lot happened
but like we can we can like we'll reminisce throughout future pods of course sure for sure
how was your Christmas man what was beyond them with you you know like I said Father and
All's Birthday and then Father's Birthday so we do the whole birthday and Christmas Eve at the Father and All's
and then birthday Christmas Day thing at Dad's so that's that's that's nice it's cool
do we watch the storm come in because I was in a christmas yeah dude it was yeah it was rough yeah
it wasn't too bad where we were but like it was rough man um that's uh real unfortunate
for a lot of people that's the yeah yeah my friends who um hey a lot of people got hit by that
shit I like and yeah it's dude like people said it was an actual tornado like it was that's
pitch black so no one actually saw it but like my boss was at tambourine and she was like
I swear she's like I swear it was a tornado like she's like I swear we saw it as a tornado
ripping through it's crazy it's like a hundred year old trees were ripped out of the grandadouque yeah
yeah like in saying that like it's not so out like I know I know a tornado in for an Australia is like
not a thing like we get the we get the couple of like willies and stuff like that yeah and you know
cyclones and stuff we don't get tornadoes we we think we've had one tornado of Brisbane airport that
like push some stuff around but it wasn't like that bad no but it pushed some stuff around like this
one literally ripped trees out of the grand like the roots ripped the roots out of a hundred year old
tree it's not say like that's not so man I was in darling when this when cat five cyclone
went through like literally just moved up there and then this huge cyclone like
hit the coast and um and yeah you've we watched like trees just get like offer it because we're
high up in a tower we're like waiting to move into a house and we're like oh great our house is
going to be absolutely destroyed yeah and then and we're just like in this fucking tower the the whole
building was told pull in all of the outdoor furniture and take it inside and close the door
and you know like don't go out into the balcony because you're fucking fly away sort of shit
down into this main street and so many people don't give a fuck and they're just walking around
going to the bottle to get like another case of here and then it's like yeah and they're just
getting pelted with rain and shit's just flying ever as branches and trees and then it's not
give a shit that is like I'm I'm I want to get drunk while there's a cyclone yeah well there was um
at cans when it flooded recently they all took their tenies to the pub yeah they took all their
fucking tenies it was a pub it's not their first cyclone exactly where is first flood
I think I think in Brisbane Brisbane and I want to say like anywhere sort of south they've all
forgotten that we're used to get pretty big storms like pretty massive so I don't know if not
enough you remember as a kid yeah like massive massive fucking storm rolling in man yeah and you'd
be like oh shit it's gonna get real like it was like every afternoon in summer I remember because
we would walk home Jacob and I would walk home and we would just it was like every time we'd just
get home and that storm would start to fuck you kick you yeah yeah and so sometimes Jacob would have
to like take cover in my place because mine was a little bit closer yeah and then he would go to his house
and then other times he just walked home because he's a lunatic but yeah um yeah no we man and hail
all the time yep like all the time we had hail yeah and now we're just sort of we're not really getting
those massive storms like this one that happened just recently that's like one one or one or out of like
I don't know man I don't I can't think of another storm that was that big even out here in
Ipswich Ipswich fucking floods dude like huge floods and we haven't had one of those in so long yeah
like this fuck what 2030 10 or something like that we have floods like
blah uh recently lock-out valley oh yeah I remember last year was it no the year before
yeah it was the year before because I remember you you like we're still talking about games and shit
yeah yeah yeah because it was flooded in but I saw a power yeah so I was like no
going to work I remember we called I was when I was a buttings I called them I was like would you believe
I got flooded again and they were like yeah we've heard that was
accidentally at the same time when we were like getting flooded and it weren't yeah there's like
that weird cunning in like yeah the bridge there it gets like flooded yeah in average right under
yeah and then we're just like tell them I was like no we got a guy that we're gonna get flooded in
and there's like all right everyone's gonna go and then we went out I'm pretty sure like
call to go I was like wait let's play games yeah it was like let's play some games man it's flooded in
yeah well we're just gonna play the cats yep that's what I don't do yeah and I would love to play more
games but dude I haven't been enjoying games I've just not been enjoying them that much I know it
right fair enough I was like but I don't know if it was cause like I hadn't been to Jim for a while
because of the the break we were just so busy yeah we're so busy like seeing family and friends and
stuff and I I used to not let that be an excuse and I would do like a home workout or I'd do a
like even a fucking home workout if I wasn't staying at home so like yeah I remember last Christmas I
did a home workout on Christmas Eve and the father and all has a gym set and stuff there yeah
that's not great like it's pretty garbage but I can do a solid back routine and you can get a pump
on I can get a good back pump yeah with a with that machine right yeah that's like a multi you know
one of those like all in one hundred times yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's a 13 one
fucking cable yeah yeah so because it's like cables right so there's like I could do deadless with
cables yeah yeah I can yeah I can do lat pull downs I can do rows I can do like it was just I'm like
I can do um read out flies like yeah that's it that's a good that's a good back pump yeah like that's
four at the four exercises and that's like pretty much your whole back yep I do and uh so
if normally when I go stay out there I'll I'll just do a back I'll do that I'll do that exact
back routine um and yeah but I didn't that didn't this year what I was like this what's the difference
what's been going on man you don't like video games anymore I'm not working out let's go no no
on a I'll go I I went well I did a homework out today yeah and I've been going back to the gym
as much as I could the last few days and I feel great again yeah I was like man it's so good to just
because the end of my holidays we started to slow down you know what I mean it wasn't as busy right
and I said oh dude I love this shit and then I did a home routine here at home with the kids
because we have like um half kilo dumbbells and like one kilo dumbbells the baby weights the baby weights
so they're doing using the baby weights I'm only using my fucking adjustable dumbbells
I did a sick shoulder workout so I do it's so good yeah hell yeah I need uh I need like pull-up bars and
finish and fucking only does shit yeah it's um I need some foam pull-up bars I've still got that
squat rack sitting right back and and I'll tell you this you know how I used to do pull-ups I used to
do pull-ups by putting the bar to the top of that oh sure and then I would literally just like hang
and hold my knee like my feet up and then I would do pull-ups like that because I was like I don't
have anywhere to do pull-ups so like that's such a good spot to do it so I don't it worked out so
nicely but now I've got like the rack that I do now yeah you got the power rack yeah and it works yeah
yeah maybe you know what maybe just marketplace some rack and then just leave it outside I don't know
I don't know because nothing came isn't shit you know nothing came wasn't shit no no I honestly the dumbbells
if I could have a bench I'd probably have it off to be completely honest yeah yeah I don't I
I'll figure out pull-ups anyway um man that was my holiday it was uh very busy yeah I did a lot of
stuff with family and genuinely that was the best part was just hanging out with my family I went
back to work today and dude I don't want to go back to work oh god I've got a renewed hatred for work
oh dude I want to go back to work I don't want to go back there I do nothing wrong the you know
what it was genuinely a good day at work yep like I enjoyed my day there I don't go back
it was because like I've got to start that's great
oh that's good yeah that's great and and it's the thing of like I know it's coming and my like
I know I've got like some sort of ADHD I know it for certain because you know you just you
just scroll and you get that like um that like paralysis of like you can just you're like I've got
so much so many things to do you know like oh just like yeah it's like and be completely stuck
I'll be completely stuck I've done it when like I've said good night to the guys and you
and I'll be like all right cool see you later and what what times that like 11 11 30 I've been stuck
in this seat until like one o'clock yeah absolutely parallel I was just going like this and like
and then I have no idea and then some fucking like you know eventually you scroll so much and you get
ADHD information yeah and they're like it's called it's called like a paralysis I can't
remember it's called it's but yeah it's it's happened so many times right like I'll say
I was good night fucking and if I'm really good I can like I like I know oh man last night I didn't
fucking go to bed until like one 30 or one o'clock yeah I sat instead of like playing the game I
could have played in another another another two hours and gotten more stuff you know because like I've
really enjoying playing talk about the moment like I sat there instead of playing the game watch
videos I'd be at the game that I wanted to play.
yeah you could have played the game and said like what the fuck and my brain says that as soon as I
like break out and you go whoa holy shit what time is it oh my god it's one o'clock and you turn off
the phone and you're like why did I do that yeah why did I do that why did I do that why did I do that
why did I do that it is yeah that was the thing I could have done today and then and then I'll
go to bed and it's like it's one o'clock and I'm like tell me about it and then yeah you're
out of sleep and then wake up tired and it's like seven o'clock I'm gonna have to like absolutely I
don't know I need to figure out a way to like maybe I know put this somewhere else I don't need this
okay I don't need this in here at all no I'm probably not just thinking about it
I was get like oh I'll literally use it for it is a light from this door to my bedroom door
so that I don't run into the kid like kid doors or the wall so I don't wake them up that's literally
it so if I just get like a tiny little flashlight yeah little little flashlight that's not it
a five-door flashlight or I just feel the walls and I do this or you develop sonar senses and like a bat
just like looking because it oh yeah yeah you see that if you see that kid that was on the news like
years ago, yonks ago man and it is like this kid has developed sonar is like he's like blind he's
developed sonar and he's like got his stick and he's like what great
This is just crazy!
It's crazy, isn't it?
I think it's like...
I mean it's like, you can see it like shaking...
It's like a ra, because the guy is laughing...
...these kids like clicking and like...
And a boy's getting like...
...avoides a part card, but he's like...
"He's using his stick"
It's so dumb dude!
Maybe that's... Yeah, that's what I should do to get from here to my bedroom...
That's what don't like the kids up.
Oh, you got it.
Oh, exactly.
I made, I mentioned before...
...we started recording...
Like, what's that drink?
A delicious beverage.
So, he's like, "I'm drinking made."
But, but...
It is...
What's made?
It's three ingredients.
It is honey...
...and I believe vinegar.
But, you're drinking it.
You're drinking it.
Does it taste like vinegar?
Yeah, it's...
I'm pretty sure it's vinegar.
That's so...
Well, I thought it was just honey and yeast.
Not, I'm pretty sure it's vinegar.
I don't look up.
It's like very winy, you know what I mean?
You know what?
Whenever you see made-in-video games, like a bliv-in...
I drink it like...
I drink it like beer.
Like it's beer!
You know why?
This is 13%
But I think in olden days, if you like...
Didn't do a great job and it was a low percentage...
This was like 4%
I could drink this like beer.
Like easily, dude.
This is a 13%
I mix it with a bit of...
...small-sparcalling water and...
...little bit of lime.
This is a ginger honey meat.
So, there is more honey added in after, I believe.
Fermentation and then a bit of ginger done in the fermentation as well.
As good!
It's so good!
Dude, what the fuck people?
A lot of people are making meat.
I'm just looking up like a recipe.
So, if you wanted to make... says 150 grams of honey per liter.
That's not that much honey.
That's not that much.
You can get it in kilo tubs and probably make...
...I don't know, fucking, what's that? Like 7 liters?
It's just over 7 liters, I think.
There's a lot of vinegar then.
You probably... well, I don't know if it's vinegar.
I need to look at these.
What is this?
Yeah, look what's happening.
And I'm gonna make meat.
I'm gonna look at...
...7 hours...
...7 hours.
Wait, that's not that long at all.
That's not long at all, but I think it's been all I made.
I don't think that's right.
That's surely that can't be right.
First of all, you need a glass gallon carbony.
I'm guessing that's one of those big... know, the big like...'s gonna call it a gallon joke.
I think that's exactly what it is.
So yeah, food safe, container, whatever.
Anyway, how much honey should I use?
It records two pounds.
If you want it on the dry side, and three pounds if you like it a little bit sweet.
Oh man, that's a lot of reading.
24-48 hours.
Stop ferment.
Three pounds for a gallon.
Seven days.
You can make mead in seven days.
Three pounds.
Well, how much is three pounds?
I could kill it.
A pound is...
...2.2 kilos?
No, 2.2 kilos is...
I can do the gallon because a gallon is what, 3.74 liters?
Why would you do that?
I don't know.
I don't know. It's so dumb.
It's like the dumbest thing ever.
It's a gallon.
Galant a liter.
Is it 3.78 liters?
3.78 liters.
My apologies.
A gallon is 3.78 liters?
Yeah, I said 3.78 liters.
Oh, shit!
Three pounds is 1.36 kilos.
So one and a half kilos does just under four liters.
Dude, that's not bad.
I've made...
Damn, that is that a part of...
How much do I get?
I love that the podcast is like, "Totally, let's make mead."
I'm like, "Well, I've got to make..." the mead cast.
You know what's...
I've got a mate at work who has an A-peary.
And like, has his own bees.
Has a lot of bees and sells his own honey.
And he brings in kilos of honey.
And he's just like, "If you want some honey, you can just buy some honey."
And like, how much?
And it's a very reasonable price.
It's like market price, but it'll do it for less because we buy and bulk from this one dude.
I used to work with a guy who also made his own honey.
And brought it in and sold it at work.
It's so good.
It's lit.
So, yeah, we need those really big wine bottles.
Man, let's make...
So what's the liquid?
What's the liquid?
Is it vinegar?
Oh, yes.
Probably have a look at the preparation.
Yeah, well...
It's brilliant.
It doesn't tell me what the ingredients are.
Just says, "Fuckin'...
Uh, excuse me.
It says, "Honey and jeez, so far, a bentonite?"
I don't know what that fuck means.
Um, how to make me full recipe on the preparation is to heat up the honey and water in a pot and
I'm stoked until the honey is completely dissolved.
Stir the honey and water mixture, let it cool.
Uh, jeez.
Uh, fuck, man.
That's it.
Is this water honey and jeez?
Because the fermentation makes a vinegary...
I guess so.
I guess so.
Because you need the sugar is what is fueling the fermentation in the yeast.
Yeah, sugar in the yeast.
The yeast eats the sugar.
The more sugar your yeast is eating in the dry and more alcoholic, the meat will become.
Which is sick.
Alright, so this is what we're going to do.
We're going to make a dark meal.
We're going to make a light meal.
We're going to make me...
mates talking about me.
You know, and I bought this mead from a little, um, like, uh, fucking food stall.
You know what I mean?
Like a local market thing?
Little food band type setup?
That's what that was.
And it was expensive, dude.
500 ml.
Guess what do you think 500 ml would be?
That's a pint.
A pint of mead?
I'd say $15.
Yeah, dude.
It's in a bottle.
It's in a fancy bottle.
It's in a bottle, right?
But it's also 13.
It's 14%.
If you can get, like, fucking dark, uh, dark ails and stuff like that, like, uh, fucking, like, what's
Guinness of Porter?
You should like that?
Like, they're like 13%.
And then, you can get a can't fucking a big pint of them.
It's not that expensive.
It's like, fucking $11?
No, no, no, no.
So, uh, sort of the mead?
Are you going to sort of remember what it's like?
You know how markets are like way overpriced?
Yeah, of course.
Way, way, way overpriced.
But are you going to hand over a red back for a fucking, uh, a pint of mead?
I did.
Holy shit.
That is...
You can buy a kid all of them.
No, dude, it's 30.
It's like 30 bucks.
That should be incentive enough to make your own mead.
Holy shit.
Is it delicious?
It's so good, man.
Is it taste like honey?
It's genuinely the, my most favorite drink I've ever, like alcohol beverage I've ever
ever had.
Dude, let's fucking make mead.
Like, oh my god.
This podcast has got to turn it to just fermentation stuff.
It's like, it makes mead, man.
Offered living.
Fermentation making mead.
Making mead from, like, literally all, like, we just need to find out the yeast component.
Yeah, and we can make fully-sale sustainable mead.
And then eventually it's like, oh man, I'm sick of buying honey.
We'll need to buy bees.
No, so I'm going to get bees.
You're going to get bees.
Yeah, I'm not here.
I can't do bees here.
It's kind of too small.
Yeah, it is.
It's legally too small here, unfortunately.
I think you need a minimum of one acre.
That's all right.
You can have a couple, a couple of holes.
You can have a couple of them.
That'd be sick, dude.
But when we buy, like, a whole bunch of land, yeah.
Bees, I'm definitely going to make my own fucking mead.
Bees, I'm definitely going to make my own fucking mead.
Because it is so good.
Dude, it's, hmm.
I'm very excited.
I want to do this.
I want to do this so bad.
Oh, my God.
All right.
Man, Zach, you know what?
I've pretty much gone through most of what I think.
I don't know.
I didn't really write anything down.
It's been ages, and there were beeswars here.
And a lot happened.
Oh, it's been going on.
I've been going on.
And I got one thing.
All right.
So, I've been going on.
I've been going on.
I've been going on.
I've been going on.
I got one thing.
All right.
I got one thing, and I think it's, I think it's kind of silly.
I think I, I, so full Christmas, we didn't actually bring it out for Christmas.
We, we kept it here, because we went up to, as I said, we went up to Santa Claus.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You know, I had to open up all these presents, stuff like that.
But we forgot to bring one of the presents, and, uh, and then we forgot to open it up for a fucking aides.
It was, it was an Nintendo switch, right?
Oh, no.
I see it.
It was a family and, you know, the game, the bluey game, the bluey had like a, a video game.
Oh, that's right.
We haven't bought that yet.
I should really buy that.
It's pretty good.
Yeah, nice.
It makes me want to figure out how to speed run it.
Um, it was like a very speed runable platformer.
Um, really?
Yeah, it does.
It really has some components that I'm thinking like, I could, you know, find some mechanics in that game to like go fast.
Regardless of the bluey game, there was, there's one game that we got that Trump's all the, and we got Super Mario Kart.
All right.
Yeah, dude, it's good, right?
Holy shit, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
Holy fuck, do I love playing Mario Kart?
It is so fun.
Yeah, we got Mario Kart.
It's, uh, dude, we should play.
We should always play.
Um, we got, uh, switch sports.
Oh, no, we don't have switch sports.
Oh, my fucking god, don't get it because you, you will incur the wrath of bowling.
Holy shit, I have never played a video game like, like, I'm, you play Weeball?
I, I, I, no, I don't think I ever played Weeballing.
Dude, it's so good.
Because, so Mum and Dad had a Wee way back and, way back then.
But, like, I think we played like the tennis, that we played the Weeball, down, down, down, down, down, down, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, yeah.
Like, we, we, we definitely know the song and we played some of the games.
I don't remember ever playing bowling and stuff like that.
Maybe we did.
What a shame.
But, but, playing bowling on the switch hits different.
I immediately tried figuring out how to like get strikes every fucking hit.
Like, like, out of my way to like watch videos and it's like, do this and do this and it's, it's not, it's not an exact science because you've got a hold of control of the certain way and you've got to fling your arm.
Before I did any of that though, before I started really researching how to get strikes consistently game after game.
I, I was playing like a maniac.
I swung my arm so fucking hard playing this game that I like,
I messed with something in my shoulder and it hurt like, like a week and a half.
A week and a half, even her shoulder.
I put my shoulder up but I thought it was just like, Dom's.
I, I thought I'd torn something and then I was like, wait is this the torn?
Maybe it's just Dom's.
I kept playing bowling and I kept like, fucking swing it as hard as I could.
And it was something to do with the back motion would hurt my chest heath like right there.
We just absolutely kill my chest and then throwing it up and going all the way up,
killed my last dude.
It would kill my last and then banging it like my shoulder would bang and then my like,
like something worked here and my shoulder.
So I had three points of like hard hurting injuries that I just didn't care enough about.
I was just like, fuck this is safe.
I get so hyped up to play that.
I get so fucking hyped up like, like the first day we got it,
we'll put in the kids down to sleep and like usually every night, every night and I do this every night.
I'll fucking sit, I've got like my little camp stool, I sit on that and I read him stories and I read him,
I can't really go through all of the goosebumps books at the moment.
I put that book down, I just said, oh you guys go to sleep and I'll just close it all.
And then I ran and I turned on the screen and I went back to ball and came, came out and she's like, what the fuck?
I just had a maverick burst into fucking burst into the frayers room and said, dad didn't burst into something.
And then she's coming out with maverick and she's like, what the fuck are you doing?
And I've just got, do you have a strike?
It got, it was so bad, that like the next morning I'd, I'd set an alarm.
I'd set an alarm. This is, this is the, the first 24 hours of infection of, of switch sports like bowling.
And, and I was hooked man.
I haven't played, I haven't played, there's so many games I haven't played on switch sports.
I haven't played the volleyball, I haven't played the badminton, we played the shared bar and the things.
There's like a sword fighting game, we played that because the kids wanted to play the sword fighting game.
As soon as that singular game was over, I went straight back to playing bowling and I told the kids that they had to play bowling.
I told the kids that they had to play bowling because I wanted to play bowling.
Oh my god, that's so funny man.
I had to like distract myself, I was like, okay cool, the kids can play the bluey game and they're like struggling to do things.
And then I'd have to watch videos about the bowling dude.
I was just, I'm so obsessed with it man.
I was so obsessed, there was, there was nights, because like usually, my nights consist of, eat dinner and watch an episode of Grey's Anatomy, talk shit with Kim, and then come in here and play Tarkov, right?
I've been really enjoying this one. There was like, solid nights.
Just wouldn't come in here because I wanted to play more bowling and I would stay up in about 11, 30 playing fucking bowling.
That's so funny.
And I hurt my fucking arm.
That's a big problem.
I was obsessed, I was like, it was a compulsion.
Yeah, playing this game is such a...
Oh man.
So wild dude.
It was like, the maverick thing is so funny.
It can't be like, I cannot think of how funny that is that you're like, alright goodnight kids.
And that's just like, see you later on many.
I mean, it's like, uh, we're not asleep.
Not really.
I'm just like, what the fuck is going on and your halfway through a game already?
I was like, even before I'd put the kids down and I was like, I need to go and get a drink of water
and I'd start up the switch turn on the television, like, set it all up so that as soon as they were down,
I could run straight out and just start hitting strikes dude.
I best game at the moment is like, 248.
I can't get a perfect game but I've had like, I've had like about like six or seven strikes in a row.
No, not in a row, no, it wouldn't be in a row.
Oh my god, that's so strong.
I'm looking for that perfect game.
I need it.
Oh man, that's done me in.
That's my life.
Oh dude, that is so funny.
I've been wondering where you are too.
I've been wondering where you've been.
Bowling man.
Literally playing bowling.
Oh my god.
That's what I've been doing.
That's what I've been doing.
That's so funny, man.
And I got one of these things.
I don't know if you can see this.
It's like, it's like a game boy.
It has like extra buttons on the back.
And it's really nice.
It's like a game boy.
It's like a really well built emulator, right?
My brother, if I can put me on the one.
It comes pre-loaded with like PS1 games and every fucking arcade game,
DS games, Game Boy Advance, Game Boy Color.
Like every fucking game you could think of.
That was like played without an outlook, too.
That's a lot.
And it's so fucking cool, man.
I started playing that and then when I thought I was hooked on that,
that's when Switch came around and I've been playing bowling, dude.
I haven't picked that up since I've been playing bowling.
I haven't picked up Tarkov, man.
I mean, I'm hurtin'.
The night there was a night.
So, that's so funny, man.
There was a night, Jace hit me up and he's like,
"Hey, man, do you want to play some lethal company?"
And I said, "I can't tonight, man.
Kim wants to look at some cars with me.
I think we're gonna buy a new car soon."
No, I was playing Switch.
Dude, that's such a dumb lie.
Hit this, that's why.
It's been just like, "No, I can't tonight, sorry, Ian."
No, I made up a little elaborate.
We're looking at dumb cars.
Oh, man, I made like an elaborate lie for a fucking video game.
For a video game, not for any video game.
Just any video game.
Switch sports bowling.
Specifically the bowling portion of the Switch sports game.
You made a lot of that.
That's a problem.
I didn't, and you know, I've gotten so deep into this now.
Like, I've been bowling so many games now.
Like, in such a short amount of time, I've played so many games that now I'm in the E+ league
or the D-minus league or something like that.
I'm in leagues now.
And if I lose game, my rating goes down.
I didn't know that was a thing.
I've only just popped up recently.
I'm playing that many games that I've qualified to be in leagues.
What the fuck?
That's not good.
I want to be a bowling player.
You know what, man, you make money off that?
I don't know, anyone that's made money on bowling.
Playing Switch, I'm not making money.
Playing a lot of people.
But it's got to be a first.
I'm playing a lot of people.
There's a lot of Japanese people that play.
Are you bowling against other people?
And I'll say this.
I'll say this.
That's a little different.
I'm not bad.
I've been like, if it's not first, top three.
And I've been...
No, not the brag or nothing.
All right.
I'm pretty fucking good.
Pretty fucking good.
How fuck does that?
How fuck does that?
Oh, third.
Yeah, dude.
Yeah, this is my life now.
And if I did...
Yeah, it did.
And if I did, I'd be playing a lot better.
All right.
I'm gonna put my shoulder at you.
Oh, dude, that's so dumb.
Oh, my God.
I'll tell you one thing that's really good about Switch bowling is...
Is it music?
Talkin' about music.
Talkin' about music.
Like this...
This month...
This last 30 days.
This last 30 days, we listened to...
My nightmare.
Thank you.
I'll put an Asterix on that.
You know what?
That's what he was talking about.
You know what?
It's so funny.
What's that?
I listened to it today at work.
Oh, no shit.
And I was just like...
I can't even remember what it's called.
We listened to Dreamverse.
Now, I'm gonna just pull it up real quick.
'Cause I listened to it today.
All right.
Now, dude...
I don't mind it.
I don't mind it.
I don't know where I'm going with this.
I'm going more about having to do this.
I don't know where I'm going with this.
About the...
But I like the songs.
I like them.
I like the features that they have.
I like Vertra right.
I like Zed's dead.
I like Oliver Tree.
That song actually made it into my playlists.
Probably because of the Oliver Tree part.
More than the...
Nightmare part.
Still a big fan of this album.
It's a nice album.
It's good.
It sounds good.
But it's pretty much all you can give it a day.
It's really hard like...
Because how do you explain it's...
It's like...
Future bass-y sort of...
I can get...
I can get...
Kind of technical about this album because like...
It is very colorful.
There's a lot of...
A lot of sound design elements that this guy...
This guy's really good into his sound design.
You know how like...
A patch...
There's like...
You know how like...
How's that same sort of...
The grittiness in the fucking...
All of the...
The sounds that come together to make really good ear...
Noises, right?
Nightmare has that same sort of thing.
I've seen them do like a live set.
And it was just like a quick 20 minutes of him doing like a live set.
And I was like, "Oh, the shit."
And this is all like his music and so on.
And the little things that he would add in.
Like his little samples that he could like...
Throw in to certain parts.
And it...
You know, it did make a lot of the live set.
It's got a really good stage presence and like...
His show all together, really, really fucking cool.
To get really specific about this album...
It's really colorful.
That's like...
In a word, like...
All of the songs are really bright.
There's really good like textures that are used for the sounds.
You know what I mean?
Like some of it does sound like really fucking...
Like a lot of the sores and the super sores and stuff like that.
Yeah, they sound like he's actually spent time on making it sound a certain way.
And it only really ever gets noticed by other producers when you play this to like any normie in the club.
And they go, "This song's good." And it's like, "But why? But why is it good?"
Why are you dancing?
Because it's not all presets.
Yeah, that's it.
The thing is, the thing is that he's worked on all of those elements, those little things that only producers would hear.
You know, the adjusting and all...
Adjusting and all that 1% because you can hear the difference, you know what I mean?
And yeah, the air candy, for sure, there's a lot of air candy in this.
It's all over the place.
It's great.
The little bits that make you go, "Hmm, that was really nice."
It's like a little universe going on in there, you know?
A little dream verse, if you will.
Oh, that's the name of the album.
Finish your drink.
No, I don't want to go like, "Oh, man, just releasing some hot gas."
So, Nally Farts?
Dude, I'm absolutely...
I've made burgers yesterday.
I made smash burgers.
Oh, dude, I ate three and then I couldn't move.
Dude, nice.
Dude, I want to do it again.
I'm gonna cook burgers soon.
Oh, dude, it's so nice.
You literally, we just got mints and I just rolled it up and I just slapped it on the
fucking pan.
I just squashed it and I was like, "That's it."
I put a little bit of salt on and then that was it.
And then it was like onion, bit of sauce, on a bun.
Um, yummy, done.
Oh, and cheese.
Yeah, there was cheese on top.
Got that, sounds good.
Oh, so fucking good, mate.
I ate three, man.
And then, like, I was literally finishing off that third one and my belly was just like,
"You're going down, bro."
But you got to, yeah, by do your stuff.
You got to go down and down.
And, like, I didn't move and I think I ate half of my dinner and I was just like, "Uh-huh."
Back to the album, it's a mere than itself.
The entire thing, it's quite large for like an EDM sort of album.
You think, you know, it's got a couple of features.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, the features in that.
Yeah, yeah.
Wait, it's only 34 minutes?
It's only 34 minutes.
It has like 13 tracks on it, doesn't it?
Oh, yeah, but like, you know, outro is less than 46 seconds.
That motherfucker.
Oh, why does it feel so much bigger than what it is?
Maybe that, oh no, maybe that's what he did.
Maybe that's...
Maybe it's...
It's not filler.
It's just full.
I would argue that it's exactly that because like, for instance, Thresh Hold, he's shorter than
Intro, right?
Intro is two minutes, Thresh Hold, which is the next song is one minute twenty nine.
But Thresh Hold sounds good.
Yeah, yeah, it actually has a little like thing.
And then it goes into teardrop, which is a virtual rio, which is fucking lit in Mali.
Zed's dead, Toriel of the earth, Planda, Dylan Matthew, all the features come in.
Finishing with the best, I would argue, Oliver True.
Dude, nothing's perfect.
Oh, dude, I can hear the song now.
You know what?
I'm gonna rate it high because I fucking love that song.
You're going higher?
All right.
Yeah, probably pretty high, dude.
'Cause like...
That's like...
You know, I can hear the song playing in my head right now.
I'm listening to the chorus.
It's great.
All right.
So, what is...
What is...
What are you...
What are you...
What are you...
What are you...
What are you...
It's good.
I'm not gonna listen to it again.
That's right.
So, I...
Like, for something that's...
Like, a ship passing in the wind.
I'm gonna give this a seven.
Ship passing in the night.
That's what it is.
Passing in the night.
Passing in the wind, that's what I'm doing.
I'm passing the wind.
It's a wind in between the...
It's a passing in the night.
Oh my god.
It's a wind.
No, yeah.
It's gonna be a seven from me, Doug.
That's good.
It's good.
It's just not what I'm gonna listen to again, because I've got so many other things that I've really enjoyed listening to with my mind.
And have absolutely encapsulated me just like switch bowling.
It's taken over my life.
What about you, are there any other rapes?
I write nothing's perfect by nightmare in Olvetry, a good 9.5 out of 10.
And then the rest of the album is a hot seven.
Yeah, look, that's...
Oh, you thought I meant I was the whole album.
No, that one song.
That one song is...
No, I 100% agree with that.
It's like a 9.5 out of 10.
Oh, I can do it.
It's perfect, so good.
And I love that song.
Even the kids love it.
That's the best part.
The kids...
The kids...
So lovable.
Olvetry is so lovable by all ages.
I put on his recent album again.
Yeah, dude.
And the kids love it.
The kids...
They dance.
And it's fun to pop around too.
It's got a lot of good tracks that fucking fair with friends.
Fair with friends, sick.
Dude, I know, right.
Let's just talk about Olvetry while...
It takes two and all of the tree podcasts.
Or an old...
Every time I said...
Every time.
Yeah, look, it's seven.
So, 7.5.
For me.
I get the extra 0.5 because nothing's perfect is fucking good.
That's fair.
I know exactly what we're listening to next because I bloated it out.
Would you like to know?
Would you like to know?
It's just a rumor going around.
We're gonna be listening to Fleetwood Mac.
You ever seen the mighty bush?
Ah, yeah, I have.
You know what they're talking about?
Like, "Oh, rumours, silly."
Yeah, look...
I've seen...
I've seen all of it almost of it, like at least once.
But not much of it.
That's fair.
You know.
I've seen Old Greg many times.
It was a meme before all the memes, you know what I mean?
Yeah, it was.
It definitely was.
I'm Old Greg was a meme before memes.
For sure, dude.
We said that in high school, like early days, too.
I mean memes were probably...
They were around, like, then.
But still.
I would have been...
But, you know, it's not the extent they are nowadays where you can, like, literally, if you type in
fucking give it the freshest memes, you get fresh memes.
You get dank memes, you get...
Do you get some dank fresh memes?
Dank fresh poppin'.
I know what it's like.
Like, "Poppin', dank, and fresh."
Fleetwood Mac.
Fleetwood Mac.
Rumors, that's the album of the week, this week.
So, actually, jump onto it.
Get into your Spotify kit.
You know, support your local artists and buy a...
Buy the album.
'Cause, you know, Stevie Nicks needs a fucking money.
That bitch.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
What's the name of that fucking...
You know that song that everyone has...
The first in "Cat Like" will...
(singing in foreign language)
♪ Thunder only happens when it's raining ♪
Oh, you mean Fleetwood, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
That Fleetwood...
It's Dreams, yeah.
That was about fucking...
Was his name Lindsay?
A dude fucking...
She was cheating on him or something, or he was cheating on her and then...
Yeah, you...
We gotta figure this story out.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, we will.
And then we'll tell it properly.
We'll try.
I'll give it a go.
Or I'll just lie.
Do Kim...
What did you look at cars?
Oh shit.
I've got stuff to do right now.
I've got to go.
Kim, like, was like...
Don't forget to look at the cars with me.
That's what she kept saying.
She said, "Oh man, we're gonna look at cars."
And then I said...
We're looking at...
What did it look like?
I'm sorry, buddy dude.
You'll never...
Unless you go to YouTube right now and...
You'll never be able to see the way I bow.
Oh man.
I feel so bad for you to listen to this, cause it's...
Sorry, the visual was about maintenance.
So much funnier than it is.
Oh man, dude.
Anyway, that's what we need to wrap this shit up.
Oh man.
I hope that one...
It's hot and it stinks in here.
Oh man, it is so hot in here.
Oh man, the music too.
It's only 28 degrees in here, but it's fucking hot.
And it's hot.
I swim bowls.
Should we wrap it up?
Let's wrap this shit up.
Let's first of all say thank you so much if you've come back and you've just been like,
"Man, I had a great Christmas too."
You know, and that's the way you feel.
Maybe you had a bad Christmas.
That's okay.
We're here.
We're still here for you.
So, you know, tell your friends.
That's gonna do it for us all.
If you enjoyed...
Dude, we have like a month off and we just forget how to completely...
Completely, yeah, don't know what the fuck's going on anymore.
I don't even know how to float this conversation.
I think I can do it.
If I close my eyes, I can remember.
All right.
Oh, thank you.
Just do that.
If you've enjoyed listening to this episode, make sure you leave a like, comment, subscribe.
And, you know, tell your friends all about us.
Maybe you even leave a comment so that you can, you know, give us some feedback
and, you know, give us a suggestion for the hour of the week.
Speaking of suggestions for the hour of the week.
Um, hit us up on, uh, voicemail line.
Where you can call up this sweet ass number.
Oh my god!
Oh my god!
Did you check?
Oh my god.
Like, do I have voicemails?
I want a double check because I'm almost certain, um, oh man.
Is we have voicemail?
We have a voicemail...
Oh my god!
Oh my shit, dude!
And, yeah, sky's really good.
Remember, you have to close your stream and then...
I have to close this.
This is hectic.
Stop streaming.
And I'm in a Jaskyfe.
We're going live.
And then, make sure the volume's up.
Can you, can you, uh, we'll do it, we'll test with this.
All right.
Oh, we can't do this one.
Just, just, just, here this.
So, I've been hearing all about this fucking...
The artificial scarcity of our pretzel buns.
So, I'd go into the store the art today and let's have any fucking Vienna bread
to maybe eat with my fucking olive oil extra virgin.
Please, please, elucidate me at.
What the fuck is going on with the artificial scarcity of the Vienna bread?
All right.
Thank you.
What's Vienna bread again?
I don't know.
I don't know!
What's Vienna bread?
With olive oil.
Thank you!
Oh, hang on.
Look, I'm hungry.
What the fuck?
Uh, Vienna bread is a type of bread that is produced from a process developed in Vienna,
It's bread.
It's bread!
But what's the thing?
Why is the, why is there scarcity?
The artificial scarcity of the Vienna bread?
Well, yeah, because it's just bread.
It's just bread.
You know what he's saying is there's no, no.
No, no, no.
He's absolutely right.
You know why?
You know why it's artificial scarcity?
Because it's just bread.
But it's a type of, it's a type of way to make it, right?
It's a type of bread that is produced in a certain process, right?
Using high milling of Hungarian grain and cereal pressed yeast for leave in it.
I don't know what any of that means.
Actually, you know what?
It's going to matter.
I don't know who the fuck this is.
No, I don't think I know this person.
I just thought I'd better check and you know what?
That was left on Boxing Day.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
But we haven't, it's not like we've forgotten to look at it.
We just haven't released an episode.
That's so weird Boxing Day.
So, that's so fucking wild.
So, yeah, let me address this artificial scarcity of some people.
Thanks for being here.
I don't know, man.
Thanks for leaving a voicemail.
You know what?
I am now aware of the artificial scarcity of the inner bread.
And we need more the inner bread.
I agree.
100% gone into a bullshit.
You know what?
Look at the ratio of normal bread.
You got your whole meal bread.
You got your whole grain bread.
And the inner bread.
And the inner bread.
Where's the inner bread?
Where's the baguettes?
What the fuck?
The Louise, Louise is like one of the only places that you can get those sorts of bread's
No, that tiger bread.
Bakeries just don't make them.
There's no reason not to.
But there is...
Artificial scarcity.
Artificial scarcity.
Artificial scarcity.
That's so weird to think about that.
What the fuck?
There's an artificial scarcity.
I didn't need to think about this.
No, I needed to die, but I have.
And I'm thankful.
I'm thankful that I've been alive.
It's got to be so many things that you're just like, "Oh, there's a lot of this one normal thing."
And there's so many other things.
There's no reason for there not to be so many other things.
There's got to be heaps of that.
Like maybe some sort of chocolate, but there's heaps of different varieties of chocolate.
You know what I mean?
Maybe chocolate is a bad example.
But the inner bread is a really good example.
There's no reason to not have a lot of the inner bread.
Let's wrap it up.
That's absolutely wrap it up.
Absolutely wrap it up.
That right there is a great example of why you should call in using the voicemail one.
The number is plus 61, 75641, 1080, that number again is plus 61, 7, 564, 1080.
We do listen.
We do listen.
We just listen to this one.
And it's thought provoking.
Oh my god.
It's something man.
And it sounds like he was making a coffee or something while doing it, but you know what?
It sounds like props to you guys.
Very hungover.
Props to you man.
That's some deep thinking shit.
I would never thought of that either.
And to call in to ask and just be like, you know what?
Fucking weird.
The artificial scarcity of the inner bread.
I'm wrong with the weird.
He's high as hell right now.
He could've been.
He could've been.
He could've been baked out of his mind.
He's like, this podcast is here in my whole mind.
Man you know what?
You know what I mean?
See here these days.
That's my brain right now.
That one podcast from those two random dudes in Australia.
Just like.
Man, they need to be in more lighting.
I'm 10%.
No, I'm not man.
Thanks for enlightening me.
Thank you.
So much.
Yeah, right there.
So use the voicemail lines so that you can leave a comment and meme suggestion.
Your thoughts on just about anything in the world.
We'll talk about it.
And yeah, we'll listen to it live.
You got out live absolute first-time reaction to listening to that, which is so fucking cool.
Other than that, what else we got?
We got a discord.
Jump into the discord.
We play a lot of games.
We're currently playing the freshest, newest wipe.
That's only been about 11 to 12 days old of Tarkov.
We're all having a great time.
We're all leveling up.
We're all doing the quest.
If you're having a tough time getting that goddamn pocket watch, you come and hit us up.
We love playing five men's in absolute, absolutely.
I'm just shooting each other in the back.
I'm not going to lie.
I would be very keen on talking about this.
I play game.
I'll play game.
Yeah, I'll play game.
For sure.
Other than that, yeah, so jumping out of discord.
We have people in there every night.
We're in it right now.
That's how we talk.
And yeah, you can just jump in.
Talk some shit.
Play some games and make some new friends.
I think that's a really good way to fucking, you know, to do it.
It's just to throw yourself out there and we're very accepting.
Oh boy, we'll have you.
We'll take them.
I mean, sounds like...
Oh, it's gay, it's hell.
Oh, okay.
Oh, yeah.
No, um...
Oh, not.
What do you think?
Other than that, what do we got?
We've got Facebook, we've got YouTube, we've got an Instagram, we've got a TikTok.
We've got all this stuff.
We actually check this out on all of our socials.
You can check this out on the podcast.
And a prod dot for YouTube so you can watch this entire podcast in its video format.
So you can watch me shake my arms around and you can see my...
It's so funny.
...surfing bowling form.
It's so funny.
Other than that, if you've enjoyed looking at Blake Blake's face, you can hit him up
at all of his social medias at Blake_BentleyTV, where you can follow his gardening wizardry, his...
What do I say?
What do I say?
His gardening wizardry, his muscle fitness journey and his political views.
Weight loss fitness journey.
Yeah, weight loss fitness journey.
He's gonna get absolutely jacked in juicy walls all in there.
I'm still getting there.
Those jacked in juicy tomatoes.
Dude, my garden's looking so good, man.
Have you made...
Have you got strawberries?
I think last time I had...
I think strawberry plants right now.
Did I go on?
Oh, no, that's what it's summer now.
Yeah, it's not really the season for it, but hopefully they survive and hopefully I get them next year.
That'd be so sick.
There is one that's growing a few at the moment, but I've already sort of...
Yeah, I think I've gone past like a good strawberry season.
Because they're spring-on, I'm sure they're spring.
I think they're spring fruits, like they're really spring or something.
Spring fruit.
But I've got my mulberry tree, stunned to grow.
Pretty lit.
I've got a native tree that I'm growing because why not?
That's in the front yard.
Because I get fuck.
Yeah, I got lettuce.
I got a capsican.
I got sweet potato.
I have some flowers.
Have you seen combo radishes?
Have you seen combo radishes?
Have you seen combo radishes?
Have you seen combo radishes?
Have you seen combo radishes?
Have you seen combo radishes?
No, no, no.
I just...
I literally just wanted.
I just wanted an easy one.
Yeah, that's fair.
And dude, radishes was the easiest.
And I just ate them.
I just ate them.
And it dominos.
As soon as you get like that one, you're like, oh, I can do this.
Yeah, you're like, oh, granted that I can do this.
I just fucking do this.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And like, even though my tomato plants were all dying now,
And my tomatoes have not been the greatest, but now I know.
That's why I didn't care for it enough.
And like, screw it up and clean it up and stand it up and tied to it, you know, fucking.
And do all that shit.
So it didn't...
It wasn't happy.
It still did tomatoes.
It still grew some tomatoes.
They were all right.
But, uh, yeah, no.
I need to get into like seed saving and all sorts of shit.
We're getting there.
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Oh, man.
Well, make sure you check out Black.
How do we find you?
No, you don't find me yet.
We've got to check out Black's music at BlackBerry.
Oh, right.
On Spotify, then you can check out that sweet song, "Late Night"
where we made an absolute bang over track and it's...
I've been thinking about making music a lot longer.
Wait, I'm down with that.
I always love making music.
It's always a good time.
Make sure you check out Teddy B as well.
It's, uh, BlackBerry's song.
Oh, I can't find it.
I actually can't find it.
Oh, it's actually gone.
Yeah, I don't know.
But I can't find it on Spotify right now.
I was like, "Oh, I looked very like the other day."
Teddy B is in the ether at the moment.
We might be able to find him on SoundCloud.
Other than that, if you like looking at my face,
uh, I'm Switch Players for Kids, all one word.
And you can find me just about everywhere,
where I'm very active, especially on Twitch,
because I've decided to give up on YouTube
and I went back to Twitch for one night only.
And I reckon I'll just stream sporadically throughout the year now.
Like, I'm not opposed to streaming.
I just feel like every night when I get on,
I'm just like, "I just want to relax and just chill out."
Yeah, I would like to stream.
Yeah, I would like to stream.
And in the same breath, I would also like to stream,
but then I agree.
It's just timing's hard, man.
And with kids and work and streaming is another job.
Well, it is another job.
And you know what?
I am, what I'm focusing on right now.
Just real quick, at the end of the episode, real quick.
Yeah, of course.
What I'm focusing on right now is to be able to sell my house
for a good profit in the next two years.
So, I'm focused instead of streaming,
I'm probably going to be doing more renovations.
All right.
So, I've done something, I've sent off a sample to check for a spestus for something.
And if it's not a spestus, I'm like,
"Rippin' wiggons."
Like, "Lang is getting done and it's going to be min."
"Lang is going to be the next room we do all of it."
Hell yeah.
So, I've done one bedroom,
put air conditioning in,
we're going to do it the ledge.
Anyway, boring house stuff that we're going to renovate the house.
We're going to paint the outside, paint the roof,
and hopefully sell it for like, five, six hundred thousand in the next two years.
You should film it all.
Probably should, hey.
Make more videos.
Content on it.
Yeah, probably should.
That'd be sick.
I might make some shorts on it.
I'd watch that for sure.
I don't know.
I'll get back to making shorts when
Israel stops killing people.
Good luck.
Like, Blake's next video comes out.
Ooh, nope.
Oh, never!
God damn it!
Oh, man.
And to cap off the end of the episode,
thank you very much.
Where do we find you?
What do you find me?
Are you find me everywhere?
I'm in your walls.
Oh, okay.
Oh, fuck.
Oh, hello.
I'm seeing that.
Yeah, no, it's everywhere.
You can find me on Twitch so you can watch me live, do,
if I can silly game stuff.
Make sure you hit all the buttons.
Just like me and Blake hit all the buttons.
The likes, the followers, the comments, the subscribe.
Whatever it is, just do it.
Because then our numbers go up and then we go,
little bit of dopamine.
Hit all the buttons, just like I hit all the buttons
with my second child's birth.
It does.
It's a soft spot.
I hit, I slipped on stuff on the ground.
And I hit the ground real hard.
And then I had to hit all the buttons so you get the doctor's.
Oh, yeah.
I remember you saying this.
You took a big fall.
Oh, man.
That's so funny.
Let's end it.
Thank you guys so much for listening.
Thanks guys.
It's been an absolute pleasure to come back and start off a brand new fresh new year.
I'm, I'm reinvigorated to do this.
I've, I've got a, I've got a renewed hatred for my job.
Yeah, same.
I haven't been going back yet.
You know what?
And it was a, it's a great day today.
Today was a great day for my job.
It was a great day.
I had a beer with the boys after work.
That's pretty good.
Actually technically still drew him like,
but I had a beer with the boys afternoon.
And it was lit.
And I ate a strudel.
I just, I don't want to go back because I don't want to shave.
Yeah, dude.
I really love having this beard.
I really love having this beard.
And I haven't trimmed it or anything like that's just,
All right, let's end the shit.
Let's end the shit.
Let's end the shit.
It looks so.
It already has.
The podcast is ended, has it?
Oh, I don't see a lot.
Let's, let's, let's end it just fainted.
That's it at this point.
Yeah, sure.
I got it.
Like we would have just fainted ourselves at this point.
I'm going to start recording now.
I've stopped recording.
(upbeat music)
