A Week Late (T-Pain AOTW)
Download MP3Hello and welcome to the prodcast podcast we talk life work and occasionally
music my name is switch blades for kids and the other half of the podcast.
Oh hey there mihardies it's captain Blake Benley again how we doing?
I just got the band down in Rowland it's my work one because I'm technically
working from home today this is my lunch break this is my lunch this is what we
do in our lunch breaks folks we still need your own money okay that's right how
you going man how you doing yeah good dude yeah man fucking it's pretty good I'm
on I'm on leave man so it's yeah nice so good do it would be just like not
having to worry about work oh dude right I still see the group chat with like all
the guys in it and they're like oh yeah knock off it like one or knock off it
you know because it's like I knocked off last week I was knocked off three weeks ago
yeah it's like buddy I ain't going back yeah no I'm chillin I'm
vibing I'm working from home today man it's been pretty good been pretty good
everyone's pretty healthy we're getting close to Christmas real fucking close to
Christmas yeah boy does it come real quick every as of the release of this
podcast it will be a lot of days yeah no nuts do when right what the fuck didn't
we just do our last Christmas like yeah and everything we actually did it wasn't it
oh my god dude but no no no we're pretty good we've been we've been vibing we've
been you know doing our own thing I've been hanging out with Harper and the kids
a lot because they're on school holidays so they we've just been doing whatever
and stuff yeah it's good fun I was just real quick I'll I'll start with this so
Harper hit me with something very profound she's wise this child okay I was
putting her in the bath with her brother and stuff and she asked out I've got
questions about the world oh fuck okay here I am thinking that be I don't know
like why is the sky blue or you know why is the grass green no no no she picks up
a washer right in the bath she gets where did this come from so what do you mean
before this there was dinosaurs and before dinosaurs there was nothing so where
did this come from it's like whoa you're six yes oh what do you mean she's like well it came from
somewhere but where because there was nothing before the dinosaurs and then
after the dinosaurs was us so where did this come from and then she said and
where did everything come from I'm like oh boy okay boy I'm like well you know
why I mean you just started asking these questions about last year yeah the other
time I was like this never came up in my life before so it's like oh I was like
yeah so do you want to like learn about it together she's like yeah this sounds
good so we're now trying to figure out the universe and the world and partially to
do with everything that's going on in the world and they're like finding out
everything's faith related anyway I spoke to the pastor at work right there
some good pastor at work yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the best
fellow gene I was speaking to him and I was like hey I don't know anything about the
Bible I was like I don't know nothing like seriously I was like I work I've worked
it for over 12 months is like is there one Bible I'm like I don't understand how it
works and he's just like hang on guys like fucking reaching through shit like
pulling a shit out this thing another thing is not another one is like you
want to go way back to the side okay he goes and he just goes take this like okay cool cool
it's just the new testament with the songs all right so I was like all right cool and
then I was like do I just read from the beginning and he's like I'll show you where
it starts so as I pointed through some sheet is I read this then read that and then
just read just go have fun go have fun with it anyway so I've started reading it
only just recently I've only read like five pages right very very early into this
but the thing that made me even want to read it because I was talking to the pastor
about it and this is his view and he is a he is a pastor like this is his job
he literally is paid and he studied went to university to preach all right nuts when
you think about when you sort of think about it's like a university degree well
crazy it's it's it's not so untouched from in my world because having a
Padre which is a pastor true yeah I'm in contact with a Padre like at least
weekly yeah so it's not super well yeah you know my my real at least and that's
what I like the I think it's it's nuts for me to realize that everything is about
religion at the end of the day fucking everything and then also realizing that
we like everyone worships the same God just differently it's like we're not
everyone but like the big three the big three yeah yeah yeah Christian Jewish
Judaism and Islam they're all about the same God I didn't even know like
it really is a miss yeah Judaism is Old Testament Christian is New Testament and
Islam is the Quran okay they all believe in the same God they all believe well
they don't all believe in the same size and the same yeah he's of Nazareth no no
actually sorry because the Hebrew is they don't believe that he was because they
stoned him and killed him so they don't they don't agree that he was the
Messiah already because they killed him yeah so you know and then he the dog like
and I don't know I'm still learning what happened there apparently some crazy
shit it's it's like we were talking about last night you want a good sci-fi
you're good fancy yeah like I'm not I'm not I'm not here Bible version I'm not
shitting on the Bible I'm just saying and it's all in fact there's some nut shit
that goes on in this book and it doesn't make sense am I the pastor at my job
and my work agrees he is like yeah look he goes some people think that this is all
6,000 years of of knowledge like this is what it was it's literally 6,000 years
were only been it he goes no no no no no no no that's like that's like that in science as well
he's just like no because this is a book written by people 2,000 3,000 4 hour
over many years ago they wrote it in a different way man just their level of
of comprehension of language was different and it was written in a different
language anyway it wasn't written in English no written in Arabic and it's like
then you need a stuff before that and Hebrew it was Hebrew before Arabic because
Hebrew yeah Hebrew was traditional Jewish language right but yeah so he's just
like I look there's some fanciful shit and he goes and now don't take this like
he goes I'm not saying in the wrong big a lot of mythical shit that happens in
there like he's like you know this pinch of salt all right pinch of salt and this is
like a guy who has lived with this faith and is extremely faithful his whole life
and he's like a little bit pinch of salt there but yeah because what we do is say
that last night you're like oh yeah um fucking um David and Goliath and he's
like Goliath wasn't that actually like giant isn't it giant it's just a big dude
it's a real big dude it's not just like six foot four or six foot five or something
you know what it's like man that's a guy I got life and they're like like he's a
I'm what's the a nephilim is I what is a nephilim it's a giant oh nephilim is a giant
so and again this is biblical it's like and that's what David and Goliath was
David the Goliath was a giant he was a nephilim right so he was and this is like
this tartarian shit like these ancient race of nephilim that used to
control the world and then the havers fought them created the top like there's
nuts dude not I'm exploring so many different like Goliath this is a
little bit of a conspiracy but I know you're in some sort of conspiracy and conspiracy
fucking a lot of conspiracy ancient Egyptians we all know and we all love them
they wear the bird mass and the dog mask and the dog people they have the little
weird uh new listen then and yeah the sun go all right right now in a lot of
the you know the little pictograms the higher glyphics right and stuff like that
so that's the way they learn how to fucking well they that they were reading
that's how they would tell their stories that would show pictures how to
tell the story run yes in a lot of the pictures there was normal-sized man working
in toiling and stuff like that and then there were these fucking giants and they
weren't necessarily the kings because the kings were like denoted by
their finery and what they'd worn and what they had in their hands and stuff like that
and how they were leading then you'd have these giant people or giant like
mystical beings that were controlling things and stuff like that and then there were
even bigger ones than that and and it's like so there were like
gods and demigods and then the human sort of stuff if that sort of translates
well with yeah yeah yeah I do it stuff but like because I follow heaps of mythology stuff like I
fucking love like ancient Greek like Greece mythology Norse mythology and
jupsion mytho I love all that shit what if that was really tall people what if they were just
really big people aliens yeah it's either it's one of three things one they were giants
yeah two they were just really tall people or three they were aliens that would definitely
know about aliens bro I don't know about you but it's aliens this bro at aliens I love seeing these
like I keep seeing these like there's one dude he's called the minute man on fucking
YouTube but he yeah that sounds familiar yeah he debunks like these like random dumb things that
people are like did you ever know that like the the way the pyramid the pyramids of
fucking are and the stuff they align with the certain celestial things like yes that's that's kind
of normal and then it's like around the earth there's these other places that line up with other
celestial's like yep it's a normal sort of kind of thing I mean that's how they sort of use to
measure things and yeah where they are in the world and and there was like this one that was like
did you know that the coordinates I think it was like the coordinates of the
what was it the coordinates of like one of the pyramids of Gaza was like the way it lines up like
matched up with some other like a date or something like that of some like significant thing happening
and was like that's just pure coincidence and the minute man was like that's pure coincidence
pure fucking coincidence this is so I genuinely me as a person I believe something made everything
I don't know what that something was but something something made everything that we deal with today
like I don't I don't know if it was a kid sitting at a computer playing a video game right
and he pressed on the on button and then our universe was created I don't know if it's this right
I don't know if it is some celestial god some spiritual being I don't know man
but for everything to be made out of just nothingness I don't know I find that hard to believe but
they also find it hard okay there is a lot of nothing out there I know I know that's the thing there
is a lot of nothing out there but there's also a lot of everything out there so every time inside
that nothing is everything yeah yeah yeah but you know what I mean like I'm not trying to I'm not saying
that I believe in walking on water and turning water to wine and and and again in my brain
I I feel like it's not more logical but it's like and not it doesn't make no sense or anything
like that the more chances but the idea that someone or a few people managed to glitch our
simulation hacks and they managed to hack right they they speed-acted hacks yeah I know
it hacks yeah Jesus was no clipping all right walk on water yeah um he was spawning in wine items
right yeah to give to his people right he was it's a magic trick it's all at like
at worst I actually don't look I'm going to end I just like there's some should I just can't get
on board with like that I just really can't which is why I'm reading the Bible because I've never
read it before for some time there are there are magicians they've gone on pen and teller and they've
gone look I poured water into this bottle and then I poured out wine surely Jesus being a smart
carpenter man himself could fucking design a bottle that has two things two bottles
I think it was more so the fact that he also like fed 300 people with one fish like that's
the same one fish and stuff yeah the low's fish and and wine or like it's that not or I don't know
I'm finding out what all this shit is but it's just like damn look man look it's yeah it's not
that I've always questioned the world like I've always been very and maybe that's why Harper was
so questioned the world right maybe that's very came from because I've always been like I don't
know why everything is I don't know why everything is I'd like to know why everything is and everything
will be and everything was I want to learn it all so I'm going to read some books and I'm going to
see what happens I'm actually super interested to read the Quran because I knew nothing about the
Quran before you know the whole conflict in the Middle East and everything yeah but I've I'd like
honestly I don't even think I knew what the Quran was until maybe like a year or two ago
but I didn't know that it was like basically their Bible you know what I mean I got it I knew the
Quran was a book I didn't know exactly what it was and I knew that it was linked to Muslim faith
of some kind now's it that was all I fucking knew yeah but yeah no so long story short we're in the
Bible it's it's blue it looks cool it's got a bird on it yeah I think I can dig it yeah like the
pages are real thin yeah there's I'm real scared of destroying the pages but yeah actually
actually quite durable and have been used in the military a lot because we used to get a little
like a little pocket Bible's they were like that if that makes sense so they were they were quite small
but they were also perfect for tearing them out and rolling them into cigarettes nice absolutely
perfect for rolling in the cigarettes yeah nice which is what I'm sure a lot of people used to do yeah
yeah I'm not the first and I'm not the last look we ain't proud of all the things we do but we do
anyway yeah I inhaled the Psalms yeah that's a nice wood hey man some could say becoming one with Jesus
all right that's right yeah that's it I was so I told you before we started that I was watching
the George Janko podcast right and he he gets cliff asked cliff from YouTube and his son
onto his podcast and they're talking anyway and he brings up the whole like um does God will God send
me to hell because I smoke weed like George is like I smoke weed man oh hello I'm busy
yeah no right now thank you we've got a special guest entry special guest into the
Poland yes check my land yeah um shit was I say oh yeah so and he was like you know he goes hey look
like I smoke a bit of weed at night man like he has a might partake in a joint or two and he's like
if you don't know what that is he's like this guy's heavily religious like you know
like he's very very very very grishy and he areas sitting here making like making out of bonksy
I'm like I do this at night man like does this make me a bad guy and I'm like oh it sounds like he gets it
it sounds like he's like I just do it to relax he's like I strictly and he goes it's strictly
recreational he goes there's no there's no medical behind it at all he goes I just do it because I
enjoy and I want to do it this is like does that does that make me a bad person am I going to hell it's
like well I guess not like you're not really a bad person I've like this you know you know what you
know it's funny that brings up like other weird things that I've been thinking about recently and
this has been like recently as in like I'd say like fuck a year sort of worth of like thinking about
it and I remember seeing fucking silly videos not to like absolutely railroad what you were just saying
but like no no kids this is our podcast yeah yeah what the fuck we want um so the whole
hedonistic behaviors and stuff like that of like yeah I'm gonna do what I want to do and stuff like
I'm definitely full of them I know you're like you know you go I see these lollies I'm just gonna
fucking eat them that's that's what yeah you know sugar's not bad it's sugar is very bad for you
to have sugar strut up poison and I still don't get fuck off fucking love sugar
there was I think it was it was either a year ago or something maybe a little bit longer um my
brother recommended me a book called meditations by Marcus Relius oh nice and it's I didn't really
fucking get it I was just reading in this dude's just like this is what I got from my father this
what I got from my mother this what I got from these people and you know and that sort of you
sort of getting through it I was just like I'm not the fuck this guy's talking about it was I
must have been I must have said Marcus Relius way too loud into my phone because YouTube heard me
and nice started bringing up these uh these these guys talking about stoicism yeah yeah yeah I know
that I'm not the first person to talk about and and definitely once again won't be the last but like
stoicism is all about like you know maintaining your control of emotions in every situation and being
able to like you know justify emotions it's being in your rational mind at all times exactly
that's like how we would contribute it to today's like understanding because today we we consider
like emotional mind rational mind um fuckless the third one there's emotional and logical
and your rational mind is the perfect combination of when you are in both minds so if you're in a logical
mind you will make a decision based purely on logic and not on emotion yeah in an emotional mind
you'll make a decision purely on emotion and no logic you're in a rational mind you'll make a
informed decision based on both yeah and what I like because I've really done to stoicism I think
yeah stoicism a lot of it is about being in your rational mind at all times so like you said it's
about being in control of your emotions and understanding yourself and you know being strong essentially
like it's strong in very different ways than just physical strength yeah 100% it does it does go
into like a lot of you know it's uh what's the name of that fucking old dude Aristotle where it is
like it's such a waste uh to not see the full strength of a man sort of stuff like that you know sort
of stuff like that and yeah beautiful quote I know the quote yeah it's um it'd be a shame for a man to
not see the potential of his body or something like that yeah yeah which is super fucking cool because
it obviously can take a lot of meanings where it's like oh the full potential of my body is to either
you know to get the biggest or to get the strongest or you know fucking sort of
the fastest flying the highest exactly throw the furthest like this he did his many
there's so many like potentials for each person and stuff like that um the the stoic sort of
side of life which is I don't know I've been sort of I've I'm not like 100% onto it if that makes
sense but I've been sort of just like every now and then whenever I can and I go oh this is this
is definitely a point in my life where I'm gonna fucking either spin out of control or just sort of like
yeah yeah I'm thinking way too much and you just sort of go about we just let it happen and I'll
see what happens and then I react accordingly you know like don't fucking don't freak the fuck out
yeah and like there's I think there's very few times that I'll ever like absolutely
illusion troll I fucking I lost it the the other night but I was but I got drunk and I fucking like
sitting up here and like just absolutely babbling shit and I was like you were wasted dude like
you were much hot man rotten yeah yeah and and then fell asleep in this chair until 2
30 in the morning I had to wake up like god knows I can't remember what time I wake up but I had to
be at work at seven to do an obstacle course which absolutely that I was not in control of my
emotions for that obstacle because I was just like fuck this fuck this fuck fuck this fuck fuck
love fuck this day they're finally not actually there were there were some points in that where I
I was like I don't want to say I'm practicing like stoicism I don't think I'm qualified to know
if I'm doing it yet because I don't know enough about it if that makes sense yeah okay so it's more like
I'm just sort of I've taken the the cliff notes of it and gone it means you know think about what
you're doing and keep control of your emotions and act rationally yeah that's that's that's sort of
what I've gotten out of it and you know make logistical decisions with you know better half your
emotional side that's that's sort of all I've gotten out of it and I think that's pretty good though
I think yeah believe if that's if that's all it is and if and if and if no one else you've
ever got out of the way like that's not too fucking bad still a good lesson from a book right
and right and you know and a couple of YouTube videos from dudes that like one of my keeps
and money else would then like go if you want you know like this content you need to subscribe then
you can get daily stoic stuff it's like yeah it's like daily stoicism guess what it's all free
it's like I'm I'm living it guys it's okay I'm doing it um but I actually actively practiced some sort
of like myself controlling my emotions when I noticed I was freaking out and this is the directly
the day after fucking um uh getting absolutely smashed and having to do this obstacle course right
so yeah yeah I didn't know that there was a specific part of this uh course that meant
you climbed up to about nearly three stories high and you jump into deep river oh yeah I didn't
know that fucking existed and so it was like I'll say this very weak swimmer
yeah me yeah I'm a like a creature yeah same dude I do I do I've guilds
like vets right I'm the man for the water the land force yes I don't have the button
jumping water yeah yeah I'm not I am not amphibian I was not born in the water I do not seek out the
water I could live the rest of my life with only ever drinking it again yeah I could pretty happy
it wouldn't be great that I could I could I could live I'll get up into the shoulder deep water
I'll get into it's above my head but I can like you know touch the side sort of water I'm far from
the but uh me in deep water with like naked not a fan not a deep water with clothing I'm dead
I guns I'm dead and that's what I kept doing myself yeah and 110% I was like I'm in fucking boots
and cams I'm standing I'm standing so fucking high up and I've I flipped out about it like yesterday
I was sitting in my chair and I was just I replayed it in my head and I physically jolted dude I
physically and Kim's like what the fuck and I was like I just replayed jumping off of the fucking
high tower into like into water and I know you the way it like happened was they they tell you
they're like okay cool you know you've got to cross your arm over like this hold it and then hold
your nose yeah because but water doesn't rush up your nose so yeah it didn't matter anyway because
and you see that you keep your feet to like like real close together or you cross my
and then and then you go straight down your what they tell you is you're supposed to look straight ahead
I looked down I looked straight down and they're like if you look down you're you won't fall so
you're supposed to fall yeah step step out and then you go down right yeah I stepped out and went
like this yeah I was gonna say I like like so far forward and just watch this water come up like
like I don't think anyone knows like just how much time is spent in the air when you jump from like
three stories I like I like was freaking the fuck out of life time right dude I spent so fucking long
in that air and I was just like just stepped off this I haven't even talked about like the ramping
up to it yet because I stored but anyway I could jump off this thing and then like just watching this
really flat fucking like what looks like you don't you don't know what's under there you know what I mean
that's not the part that was sort of where I mean just literally just jumping off of it just jumping
off of a giant fucking fucking reason yeah just because they told you sick too literally it's
well if they told you to jump off a cliff would you it's like I have to it's my job they literally get
down we don't want to jump off a cliff that I did because I had to but yes I would I would jump
up like they told me looks like I got I got to do it yeah yeah but like it would have been this is
really hard to like conceptualize time in this in this shortfall if this makes sense but like
from I'd say I was a half like from my feet touching the ground I was about a half a body length
above that water right I let out like I didn't scream I didn't yell I went
like because I just looked at the water and I was I like stepped off didn't make a noise
went down and they got to like that point of like yeah and I'm like I hit this water go straight
down I can't feel fucking anything in there I'm wearing boots and cans and I'm like heavy it's
already wet because we've been diving into other fucking water yeah and I'm just like scream I'm
like screaming and doggy like scoring at the fucking water I can't fucking swim so I'm just like
and then I get up and this bald dude who's been in the army for like fucking donkey's years
looks at me and he's like go go bud I'm like no no no no I really know they were all like small and
like laugh at each other and the couple of guys that you know because it's the workshop they went
to go and do this shit um fucking workshop guys are just like like laugh at each other
I was like well the fuck is like you made the weirdest fucking noises you hit that water
I was like hey man in voluntary dude I did not choose to make that sound 100% and I tell you what I
fucking I was it in choose to ship my pants video we are I really should ship my pants because I
fucking slapped my nuts so hard like down at that like weird angle like that all the water kick
up onto my legs and just shot up right in my balls man it's like it was the imagine like standing
with your legs apart and you just have your balls there and just someone to slap it up or that
was that was exactly what happened to me yeah that sounds terrible and then I had like all of my
nose like evacuate because I didn't get to my uh because I I stepped off like that with my nose
like held and then I breathed and I let go and I tense up and freaked out and then went back to like
try to get back to the pose missed it and fucking yeah boom I had like boogers running down my
fucking face and and yeah big slap to nuts and I just got up like I'm good and I'm like
you like vomiting nose fucking like boogers all over your face
the whole of your balls yeah man I'm so good I'm like I've never been better never wanted to be
anywhere else it's so so fucking weird but like you do it once you can do it again right you do it
once and it's like oh cool this is this actually it will get kind of fun you know and you'll be like
I yeah we've just got to sort of yeah maybe maybe we didn't get a chance to do it a second time
because I was like we just got to do it once and then we got to fuck off and I was like I could do
that again very like oh I would do that again um but the the thing is is that before I even took
that step off I was I was the first up the ladder yeah so I was the first walking up and I walked
out and I stood at the like the edge of it and like held on and I looked over and I was like I'm
just got near the second and I like backed up I just like backed up into this like little like
it's a little cutaway sort of area of the next to the stairs and then one person like looked over
and they're like whoo and then just and then just was like okay sweet see you warm and there's no
fear that we'll find the next I came up and was like oh well fuck you know jumped in the third guy
was just like fuck yeah jumped it the fourth guy I was like I'm gonna go I'm gonna go and I like
all I did was I just I wasn't focused on them at all I was just like all right cool um all I've
got to do is step off of this you know fall into water and then I will figure out how to swim survive
and then crawl back to land and then that's it this entire process will take less than a minute
less than a minute and prepare and surviving this next minute that's all I had to do and and I
tell you what and it's such a weird weird thing when you tell your brain is like you're gonna you're
just gonna let yourself jump off of perfectly safe area into unknown to complete unknown of like
ah fuck what the fuck's gonna happen anything could happen in this free show and then you hit water
really fucking hard and you're just like yeah yeah this is how I die is it okay all right cool um
I'll say this really fucking fun hmm after you do it the first time yeah I'm sure there's a
busy barrier there yeah and then um yeah I I'll do it again if it if it if it ever comes up it's a
really cool mental test and and they said all this mental stuff afterwards they were like this is the
part that usually stops a lot of like soldiers from like completing the course is they get inside
their own head they'll stand up where I was standing for way too long and then because they'll watch
they watched everyone sort of do it and they watched me if I can take a step back watch three people
jump and then I did I went and he said the the guy was like I've watched everyone go through and wait
for the last person after like 30 people and you just and and they'll wait and and the longer wait the
harder it is yeah if you don't ah to to borrow a phrase that I heard so fucking long ago if you don't
eat the frog you won't get any fucking work done yeah and I don't know why I remember eat the frog
but it was it was something to like do it's it's the hardest thing to do you got to eat the frog
yeah I got it and then you can do the easy stuff and then you can and then you can actually do some
fucking work yeah and and it was it was um after you know he sort of explained all that stuff is like
that's the biggest mental barrier for a lot of people is just like overcoming uh what did we
call it some sort of fear it was like um like your own your own head noise sort of fear um that's
that's all it was if if anyone ever gets the chance of anyone listening right now gets a chance to
do something that like frightens them but it's a safe thing like absolutely do it if you if you're
like afraid of heights like go and stand somewhere safely that's really incredibly high up
and do it do it with other people that are just that are you know trying to do the exact same thing
you might not overcome your fear like because maybe the height isn't the problem maybe it's the
the fucking sudden stop after the fall maybe like that's the scary part's like oh but what if I fall
you don't fall just don't fall just focus on not falling all all the all say that
is I am not great with heights um I'm not the best right and and like doing that wasn't super high
up but it was enough that it was like it triggers the fight or fly right yeah and and my first
answer it was like no fuck this and I flew yeah and then I was like no fuck you
it's all right yeah and you just push through it so if anyone ever gets a chance to fight or fly
you can you can choose both yeah it turns out you just do whichever one means that you survive
yeah yeah that's right yes survive yeah and didn't freeze which was a cool I didn't know there's
fight flight of freeze I didn't freeze I was just like nah that's one of the other it's
fight or flight there ain't no freeze freeze you die regardless yeah but um I think what what was
it it was um oh no no no fight I'm sorry Steve I said something um uh fuck Steve I like from
fuck you jackass yeah so he was on a while I wasn't recently watched his episode of like the last
meal or something oh yeah like um the fun you know your last meal if you were on death row
and Steve I went on then he was talking dude guy genuinely quite smart quite wise yeah
fucking idiot but very wise he has I think he has like a doctorate or something like that oh dude he's
a smart guy like it just just listening to the way he talks and his vocabulary and how he speaks it's
like he is a smart guy he just wasn't idiot kid and he got famous and rich from being an idiot kid
so he just continued to make the money but he's not an idiot if that makes sense he isn't idiot but
he's not it's like you know we're idiots we're not actually idiots but we are very much idiots but
we're actually not idiots we can do we can do dumb things in a smart way I would say we do dumb
things in a dumb way at times oh my god we can do that easily oh yeah we do that very easily
and at times we do smart things in a smart way yeah we are idiots but we're also not idiots but we are
so what did Steve say oh I can't I just I can't remember but like talking about all this shit right
yeah one thing that I thought of right this is something that it came to me and I was just like I
feel like it makes sense of a lot of the shit that we find doesn't make sense and this is what it was
because we're always talking about how upbringings and all that sort of stuff and like you and I
are probably the last generation that grew up outside playing as kids like yeah you know
for for our western world right because of technology and everything because there's a lot of
kids in the world who still just play because they don't have to they don't have shit because they
broke us in a third world country they got no money right so they don't have mobile phones and
switches and air conditioning and yeah we got to use it anyway um but the way that we live our way
of living is new to everyone is new to everyone involved it's new to us it's new to people aged 80
it's new to one year olds it's new to everyone whereas if you go back to 300 years life was very
very similar for pretty much all of time like pretty much there was technology that came in and
you know the wheel and the thing there were things there were there were their inventions there were
things that made life easier over time but the amount of like technological advancement that we've
had in just our lifetime so far just the 30 or so years that we've been on this earth it has
drastically changed the way of living for most people in the western world 100% like it is
so very different so whenever people are like you know things don't feel right or you know
it doesn't feel natural they're right it's it's not natural because what's natural for us is
literally we're fucking animals dog like we are outside we are animals man like there's
something about just being outside and like I like my favorite part is going out in the garden I
go barefoot I usually have no pants on so I'll just be like right now I have no pants on because
fucking hot there's no pants on right now I've got my singing all right and I'll go outside and
I'll water the garden I'll just go hang out in the sun and in the garden in the grass with the
green and it's great I love it it feels natural 100% when you come inside you sit in the air conditioning
you sit at your fucking laptop at work for eight hours that's not natural man no we weren't we were
never meant to be like that take your laptop outside yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
sit in the garden and do your job out in the garden and you'll feel much you probably would feel
better if you could do your job in a garden setting but what I'm trying to say is just the way that
we live even this out doing a fucking podcast is like podcasting's what 10 maybe 15 years old like
since the invention of the iPod yeah yeah because they they had a podcast
was a fun podcast yeah and it was like we're just gonna listen to people talk
yeah but they were a lot of people don't I think they were legitimately think they were podcast
before but they were just called talk shows oh yeah of course yeah that makes sense that makes a lot of
sense but you know what I mean like just this this dynamic of me sitting in my home talking into a
fucking microphone looking at a picture on a screen not natural this is not natural at all
no I'm not saying I don't enjoy it I fucking love it but it's not natural
it's just something about it like you know like I said talking about stilicism and like the bible
and fucking all this shit like talking about like facing your fears and it all man it all makes sense
when it's like we just don't live a life that is natural so the way that we should be if that
makes sense I'm not saying that we shouldn't live any differently to how we live that we have to be
aware and mindful and acknowledge the fact that we don't live the same as we used to so that means
that our bodies and our who we are is not gonna feel right at times no which is you know like
everyone talks about anxiety's never been as high dementia's never been as like dementia bro
boy dementia's real bad and it's only going it's got a double in the next 25 years we will have
twice as many dementia cases in Australia in the next 25 years and we can't we as a health system
we can't keep up with what we have now so yeah it's going to be 25 years time our health system has to be
better than twice as big and good I think it's not gonna happen it's it's it's one of those weird
sort of like I was gonna say self-looking ice cream but it's not it's a problem it's a real problem
of people don't get enough chance to do their like animal primal things so I agree
there's like imagine okay cool you stuck at work for eight hours I work an hour away so that's 10
hours of fucking yeah like being away sort of stuff yeah 10 of your 24 hours a day right and and
you try try and sleep for eight of those hours you try and then how much have I got left I got
fucking like six hours six hours to do all that six hours to eat to shit to shower to go to the gym
to spend quality time with your family to cook meals to six hours is not enough time in a day to do
that no it's not enough time man no so it's and I know there's a lot of people that was like
doing a weekend and there's gonna be a lot of people out there that like were fucking seven days
a week sort of stuff yeah yeah yeah I know people who are seven days a week and they have to yeah exactly
and these people are fucking absolute troopers because they're putting fucking food on the table
that's that's what they're doing and it's incredibly hard but there needs to be shouldn't be though
the the thing is is that we've created a system for this world that requires so many levels of people
doing things imagine imagine yes I fucking I heard this a while back no no sorry I heard this it was
yesterday I think how many people do you think made this pen hundreds thousands exactly you already
get it straight away it's like oh someone needed to find make you know make the plastic and so
I need to get the income from yeah and and the fucking the colors and uh fucking the metal bit
right at the end someone needed to have refined that from fucking uh some form of metal which
is the mind and it yeah and it goes all the way fucking back to that the level of these people that are
like I recall I've got to work fucking um you know a bajillion fucking hours a week to then eventually
these people at the top that are like I work fucking five hours a week because all I do is manage
fucking my time just I justify my position that's what they do yeah they justify their position by
just turning up right I'm not gonna slam a whole lot of people that have like absolutely worked
their asses off to get into those positions of like oh yeah I only work 10 hours a week because
I've you know started from the ground and got you know got into that all they started the business
as well yeah but like you know what the whole my like I'm I don't mind saying becoming cynical it's not
I don't think it's cynical it's more so not seeing value in the thing that our our world is trying
to make us see value and like I don't see value in fast food anymore like I don't I don't see the
value it costs a lot of money don't taste good anymore it used to taste good that's what got me
that would always be my thing I always said it the entire time my entire life because I've all
I've done is eat fast food my entire life right I've always said the second that it is no longer
tasty I'm done because it's the only reason I eat it because it tastes fucking good man stop
saying a box oh fucking love me a good thing a box dude fucking double quarter pounder mmm
dirt so juicy but like you know last time I got one it was dry and it tasted like vomit it was
disgusting I didn't finish it no I straight up didn't eat it all I was like that was literally the
point I was like okay I'm done with Mac is I was like this is and this is before the Palestine
shared and realizing that yeah fuck am I um and then went hungry jacks and I was like I will just try
how jacks got a whopper it tasted like shit I was like okay cool so I'm fucking done with how jacks
I've got a zinger box tastes like shit I was like cool I'm done you know what I get now I go to the
like the local like little area with all the fast food I get a kebab I get a rice snack pack
from him every time you know why it fucking slaps every single time that's good every time without fail
and it is a small business small locally owned like it's him he's always the only is always there
and he's got his few workers that he obviously goes through because they're all high school students
but it's him yep his workers his family you know what I mean like I know I know I know I know the person
I am supporting by purchasing from this business yeah I am speaking to the person I'm supporting
you're you're you're in here and his family communication with the person who is making the food
and you can see it made in front of you and you know exactly where it's come it's fucking and
you know exactly what it is you can point it and be like oh that's that's the meat you know what I
mean or that's that's the chicken that fucking that's been draped over fucking a billion times
yeah over a fucking a respindle whereas if you were to fucking point where's the what what meat
do they use in a cheeseburger from the content I can't probably know what it's meat like it's definitely
meat like yeah but I'm saying I'm telling you right now and I mean it's meat like but it ain't
meat I am 110% with you with the the whole uh Corpo fast food chain we don't need fast food the
world does not need it I'm done because I did the exact same thing I did fucking mac it's and I was
like oh man I really want to be back and I was like oh man this big Mac why isn't it
I don't know it doesn't it used to hit it doesn't hit yep and then and then it was literally the next
this the next thing I tried was the zingerbox fucking like a week later and I was like this should
really cheer me up and I was like this sucks yeah this is depressing dude yeah you're also like I
just spent 20 bucks on this yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm like man I'm gonna unbox on this and it is in
I like I get zinger stack of boxes too I don't just get the zingerbox I get the zinger stack box
zinger stackers arguably not arguably sorry easily 10 times better than normal zinger because they
put cheese on it which they don't on a normal zinger burger so you get two stars to cheese plus you get
like the different sauce so you get two different types of sauces on the zinger stack up it is
world's a pop it is chalk and cheese okay yeah okay the zinger stack up the best zinger burger
at its garbage I fucking hate like I've known a good one in such a long time there you go and that's
and that's how I felt because I used to know what the worst part is is that I fucking was like
getting hyped up for it you your expectations and the reality I want to go get one right now
what you want to go get one I want to but I know it'll be garbage so I'm not going to yeah
it's and that you know I know that's just learned what is it called it's not it's a habit sort of thing
you brain goes I'm hungry and I know exactly what I like or what I used to like because oh it's
another fucking weird conspiracy theory it's not a conspiracy theory this is like learned stuff
oh yeah it's not like we are taught we are taught this behavior when do you record what
when what age do you think the zinger tasted the best for you the weird question yeah I'm gonna say
between the age of 25 and 20 so also that like five year period I'm gonna say I'm maybe a little
bit younger than that maybe like 17 to 20 ish 25ish yeah that sort of you know I mean like that
that's eight ten years 15 25 that that period there that is when they slapped that is the time
that I remember them slapping last four years four to five years no shit else so it does sort of fit
into this thing I heard that like you know how like people always say men have just put patchfully
fucking 13 they just get more money and you know like that's all it is the music taste never really
changes from our teens yeah yeah I mean we I think we show that on the spot cast it's the same thing
as well as like it doesn't just affect our music taste it's literally a fucking taste all of
all of our senses and we go you know an agnog taste of the best to me would like like Christmas fucking
I think it was like 20 sorry one second two thousand thing yeah Christmas 2008 because we had
agnog right after I got a fucking little green iPod I was like these fucking sick yeah yeah and you had
agnog you know I just like that and you know what's fuck you know what's fucked up I fucking went into
drakes like like no not last night two nights ago and I was like I seen the agnog and I was like damn
man I fucking want to get me some agnog it's I don't care that it's like fucking four dollars for a
liter of it and it doesn't matter that I know I know exactly how to make better like so much better
tasting agnog yeah I'll be like that agnog tastes the fucking best which is drink agnog this weekend
it list do you want to drink a liter of agnog and then go on no I don't want to liter of let's do a
liter of agnog I don't mind drink a liter but I want to have some uh that's not agnog um but um
yeah no like look it's it's just it's nuts out the way our world works the way we um like
I was talking to um I got a few people I won't name names because like we talk about like
damn full of kingdoms and shit like that right but um like the western world kingdom or the kingdom
of America right like because that's what it is ever since like ever since what like world war two
really ever since even world you could argue world war one it has been kingdom of America right
like that's that's America has been the leading like empire in our world all like sit around
like just doing everything right since around world war one world war two they have been the ones
that have been the strongest power they have the most strength they say what but what they say goes
head ballers shot callers all this stuff yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I know exactly that yeah
they've been number one right for a long time and um talking to like a lot of and there'll be like
yeah holy roman empire and then it's like eventually felt a bit the british empire eventually felt a
brute uh it's a britz the um ottoman empire like all of the the Byzantine and Byzantine whatever it is
Byzantine I I can't say anyway all of these empire is they eventually crumble right they eventually
fell the pieces and what a lot of these people I'm talking to they were like they're like we can
see it's like it's the American empire is falling because and this is the reason because 88% of people
do not agree with the government right now 88% of young people live in America it is aged aged
35 and under who can vote so it's 21 to 35 right 88% of them believe that israel's committing war crimes
so what it means is that there is literally it's just a time factor it is just a time factor before
the empire of america falls because what will happen is people who don't agree with the the us as
it is now unfortunately the only way for the us to be the way that it is now is for it to be this
fucking power that destroys everything and takes what they need because they need the resources
though that's the thing for them to be as strong as they are and to have the biggest military power
they they have they need to take the resources from everywhere else like it's the only way they can
keep in power yeah well they don't have a lot of resources they don't have the oil they don't have
they don't have the strength you know what it works that's how mafia works they don't have
the power they don't have the strength they got nothing okay they got the money they got the power
okay then they can't get the women then they can't get the one okay and then they're just virgin
geeks who fucking there's the chance in this yeah of the child of this situation
everyone's just a virgin fucking geek these days okay but you know what i mean you know what i'm
trying to say you know what i'm trying to say here it's just nuts to watch the damn full of such a big
thing it's insane it is and in real time we're living in like in real time the the right timeline the
right age to to literally watch see it as it unfolds yeah imagine imagine being around back in
the days when you were literally watching the the Roman Empire fall yeah you know what that's what
me it is fall and you just actually man i was there yeah yeah yeah it's like it feels like you're like i
it honestly feels like i've been part of like such a big historical event since covid
like since covid everything pre-covid was just like life i was just floating through
such a long time we were just all floating and we were just living and like and i say this in a in a
in a in a the most respectful way i can right all i knew of the middle east was they were tallies and
mudhuts right that's all i knew that's what i got told tallies tallie terrorists in mudhuts
that was every single one of them that that's the media man they're like that is the bad guys
and they got that south park did it like family guy for everyone everyone did this is the thing
every western anything they all did tallies and mudhuts man so the arm who's saying is satan's
husband in south park look at like you know what i mean like it's train train mat made
fucking team america yeah it seems exactly it's the exact same thing yeah yeah and it's just like you say
all this shit that we love with that fucking yeah of course it's that but which children this is what i
keep saying children shouldn't be watching this sort of shit because they don't get it i don't get it
and then they're like you know what i i took it literally as in like they are literally just all
tallies and mudhuts they don't have cars oh my god they don't have think about this think about this
think about this like think about this and and we are late into this podcast but think about this
you know what because it's not late in the day so we don't like this is a really good person we do
all we want um so imagine a world where there's kids and adults that watch the same movie
but only one side knows that it's completely satire the old generation gets too old to do any make
any change but you've got all these new people these new young kids impression it made an impression
that movie did or the the media did that's but but the older people knew it was satire right it's it
was just a joke it was just a play on words so you know it's it's it's it's a joke oh was a fucking joke
and then you've got all these kids that go that's real that's and we know that it's like over dramatic
like over dramatic right like we know that it's it's yeah very hard that's why they had to do it
with like fucking puppets puppets yeah because it's very over there there's ridiculous yeah but you get
you get those fucking kids to be like they're the future they're the leaders of tomorrow sort of
stuff and then they actually end up making change and then they go remember that one time was what
in that movie it was all it was all real and now I'm gonna make the decisions so that none of the
things that happened in that movie ever happened again and then you look at all these old fucking
people that are gone why why why the fuck are these people not getting vaccinations we fought so
fucking hard to give these people vaccinations we don't want polio and fucking and then you watch
of these young people going I'm not gonna vaccinate look no you know what like there's there's
vaccinations yes fully agree with like genuinely I vaccinated my kids right I agree with vaccinations
depending on what they are right within real yeah I have two covid shots and a booster right I've
three covid shots same I had two you know yeah I had two to work my job to work in the job that I have
and for me the benefits that I get in this position and also the fact that I work a fulfilling job
and I work in a non-profit and I help people for a living make that worth it if it was up to me now
not like having a bit more education about it and knowing what because no one knew what it fucking
was back then having had covid twice I wouldn't have got the I don't think I would have got the job
if I if I if I was if someone said to me look you can get it but you don't have to and life won't
change for you right you might get much sicker than others because you don't have you know covid
backs you might also spread it more often which is not ideal but then secondly I if it was up to me
I just wouldn't contact people in person anyway because I fucking hate it I love this I love hanging
out with my small group I love be I am an extrovert in all senses and every personality test I'm extroverted
I fucking hate being around people though yeah right it's the weirdest thing I love talking to
everyone it's my favorite part of my drama hate being around people yeah yeah yeah it's so
weird but um I think I'm like yeah I've come from the name of the album though but it was the exact
same things what you're saying yeah I'm bipolar was was is that I'm I love being bipolar no I hate
being bipolar it's awesome yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's what it's like right but um
no it's just I don't I forgot where I was going with this but some crazy shit the world's not
the fucking like I don't want to say I hate this whole like a wakening thing like it's like
awwakening like you're wake up sheep all yeah wake up yeah it's more just like like it's everyone
knows that the government's not actually out there to look after you but it's realizing how far they
would prefer to go the other way that's what it is if you ask anyone if you say what you know
does the American government look after you no no one says yes because the health systems fuck the
education systems fuck every system that we live by like um sent a link for example they consider
a hang up call so if you are on hold for 20 minutes you hang up they consider that completed
they have like an 88% completion rate but they don't tell you how many of those phone calls were
actually picked up the average phone call is a mint a phone like wait time hold time is an hour
and a half that is the average hold time for Centrelink this is the service that pays our pensioners
our disability NDIS like Centrelink is the way that you get services from the government and they
have made it so difficult to try and get services from that know what people just choose not to
unless they have no other option they'll do anything in their power not to because everyone has a
fucking heart it is and how painful it is to deal with L Australian government yeah why why why is it so
hard it should be because the government doesn't have the general public as the focus point that's
the thing this and it's not just our goal is every go is every I'm not going to say oh you go to
UK it's better it's probably worse you know it could be America it's definitely worse I'm not
kind of I've only been to one other country and it was oh yeah French poll and either
is I mean living like traveling is different you can travel everywhere and still not understand how
a country yeah yeah um but you know what I'm trying to say it is literally just the fact of like I
thought the government were at least trying but it doesn't seem like they're even trying like
that's the thing I like at the back of my mind I was like I know they're not trying but like they
they've got to be doing something they're not doing anything they're actually not doing anything
like now that I work in the health system and in health care it is so bad like it is absolutely
a fucking worry about how the future of Australia is going to go if we can't look after old people
we we can't look after old people man like they're dying in hospital because we can't look after
them no one can look after them there's not enough anywhere for anything there's not enough workers
they're not nurses not doctors not enough services not enough money not enough funding not enough homes
not enough home service not enough retirement but there is literally not enough any fucking food
affordable food there is not enough there is not enough anything for us to look after old people
are in our own country it's nuts it's nuts I don't understand I don't get it like why can't we just
look after our own fucking people we just sell our land China and give our money to America
it's nuts run for government right now all right I know become the mayor
dude give me give me just give me a shot become the prime minister
give me a red hot crack I cannot do some I cannot do you know what you don't
mandatory c-estors mandatory c-estors right it works in Spain yeah no more fast food
yeah actually that's that's no more calls of mollies no more calls of mollies you know what everyone is
is a local that's i.g.a.s it's all locals only like shutting down all international trade
Australia becomes a sinus little country yeah we just become North Korea we're making our own cars again
we're making our own cars we're just really gonna make any money it's like oh they're still dealing
with us we don't we lost all of it yeah it's all gone but you know we do have integrity yeah
yeah we have else we have else we have all right yeah look like I'd love to absolutely
the more stuck in the way right right right so this is this is just this is the shit I've been thinking
about all right this is just that this shit running I did have what did I wrote I wrote down four
things on my thing and we've gone through oh yeah just gym equipment so I was gonna say this
week in we're going to the gym we're gonna we're gonna lift some heavy things I've had a bit of a
break yeah within reason I've still gone to gym every week but it's been two to three days a week
not like which is still enough it's still enough I'm doing push pull legs that's still still doing
everything yeah but I feel like I'm not because I'm so used to six to seven days away yeah exactly
thing and I'm also not doing cardio because it's hot I'm wanting I really don't want to just
start it up doing cardio every day at least twice a day sometimes three times a day wow she does
how do you know how long could she's like I just it's like 20 minutes yeah it's hard in the bike and
um yeah she's like I'm gonna get so fucking thin fuck all these people it's like she just like got
real angry and she's like fuck you I'm gonna get fucking like getting and I'm like okay and then and
then she's like eating lunch and she's like anger to build discipline that's what I say use
whatever it is the motivator that you have to start working out use it as a way to build discipline
and and 100% she does she just she gets on that and gets angry and fucking pedals through the pain
so I feel like that's what I did to start that's what I did I was angry I was angry I was just like I'm fat
I'm angry I'm gonna go lift heavy things yeah fuck and I mean I look I'm still fat but it's nowhere
near as much so you know what you've redirected to Rangar yeah I redirected it to
liberal government do both just the entire like fuck me I can go on for hours with it like I know
you could just this is also why I want to live on a farm and do nothing but anyway I can make
am you know what I would do on a farm yeah you know what I would do in a farm I'd play a lot of
music I'd listen to a lot of music and um Zach I think the music talk about music uh this week
yeah we uh we listen to tea pain tea pain um what is it on top of the covers on top of the covers man
tea pain absolutely fucking hit it out of the fucking park with this dude man you know what tea pain
you all this you knew I was hurting man you know I needed some fucking healin some real soul
oh dude some real soulful healin dude like I can't like like as soon as we were talking about it last
last episode because I think we looked at the we talked a little bit about it before we yeah yeah yeah um
and when we did that back then I was like I like I knew this was gonna be a good album because just
like just the quick listening that I had done I was like this is gonna be it and man
dude he sings so good yeah dude he sings so good he's such a good oh I love it I love it I love
this album so I love it so my brother came around uh think it was a no it was like a Monday a sunday or
sunday or something like that so it was only just recently he came around he he asked me he was like
hey man you sound like that squat rack and I was like yeah man sure come around and fucking pick it up if
you want um turns out he was talking about my actual fucking power rack and I was like I'm not
fucking selling that you like what you mean the one I use no I was like I had the old one out the back
he like looks we know the others like have about 250 and I'm like I can't I just feel like what
fucking four hundred dollars the fuck yeah I was gonna you think it's like five hundred dollars
thing like fuck you and um yeah I'm gonna fuck off you know the thing you're not selling
250 yeah no but um god he um I also was like you want to stick around for dinner and he's like
yeah sure and then we went we did some shopping we came back we had tacos for dinner and sell that
but all during dinner I was playing tea pain on top of the covers through a little yui boom just
off in the other room so I was you know you could still hear it nice and clearly but it's just
soft enough so you could just you you eat and you're talking and guys like who is this I'm like
there's a tea pain and he's like you look at that guy that like he's like I love his strippers
and he's like is that the strippers like auto tune guy and I'm like yeah yeah we're the stripper yeah
and and and and he's like damn dude this is really fucking good and I like yeah yeah and um and yeah
and it got two war pigs like that last track and I was like dude listen to this and I like turned
it up a little bit and even Kim was like jazz and like like some all the tracks manager so
you know so soulful yeah dude yeah and like yeah the whole when the keys the the roads come in for the
fucking in war pigs dude absolutely yeah rock hard yeah I was a little yesterday at the gym like on
the I put my music on the bluetooth speaker and I played heaps of it and I was just in that
lifting to some soulful tea pain loudly and I was making everyone else listen to it as well
hell yeah I was like okay I got the control of the bluetooth speaker yeah you guys can
all listen to my stuff yeah yeah yeah and I said to the boss man I was like you want me to turn the
soft put your phone on and go nah you guys is good like I'd say you know it's good it no one could
be offended by listening to this fucking music it is so fucking good you could be in trouble for
accidentally getting someone fucking pregnant with tea pains beautiful fucking mouth babies with
these fucking beautiful vocals man instantly fucking pregnant that man has a beautiful voice he definitely
has many children in the next night nights for sure and like he will be having many many children
and you know what you know the worst part is is he's such a fucking cool dude as well like he can
sing you know he's got all these probably entire fucking package because he streams and stuff
streams plays fucking video games and makes music has a beat battle fucking thing that happens I think
like like any beats or yeah and and yeah and it's just like it's a way for you and regular ass dude
who fucking still gets upset when he's fucking Uber Eats comes a little bit late and is and it's
and it's like oh man they've got the sauces like yeah he's he's a funny dude he's incredibly human
for all of his like absolute advantages yeah because yeah I don't think at all he's ever forgotten
who he is no I listen to I like I'd tell you what I listen to fucking like way back at the start sort
of tea pain and you go this is this is like the absolute sort of like rawest out of tea pain as you
could sort of get yeah you know what I mean and watching like I didn't have to watch this whole
growth I just went straight to the end and I was like this is what he's become and it's beautiful
yeah this I'm gonna say it I'm gonna say it because I genuinely fucking believe it this is a tan
for me yeah nice this is a tan for me dude so good man it pure and again because I said this I said
this about Creed I said Creed was a 10 out of 10 purely based on the few songs that I would listen to
for the rest of my life mm-hmm same here like the entire album's great there's a lot on here that I
wouldn't listen to for the rest of my life but I'm gonna tell you the few songs that I will um okay
we're back we're back thank hopefully if this all works this is definitely not the next night and
this is definitely not after I fixed my PC so huge I think Blake was literally just talking about
how much it loves the album it's both it's tens for both of us and then oh I just absolutely hate
shit yeah it was really bad it was literally just everything died I had to like reset the entire thing
and I just read out my everything as it is yeah yeah anyway here we go it's okay it's fixed now we're back
so hopefully another that happens again in the future we understand this episode is already long
as it is and this is me saying this an entire day later and realize it yeah what happened um
I think all we have to go on with now is what the next album of the week is yes and then the outro
which I've already listened to now so excellent so you're already listening to the new album of the week
because we're you're so weird this is gonna be a weird episode yeah anyway what's the episode called
that the album of the week for this week is dreamverse by nightmare and if you just take out a
couple of the letters n g h t m re is nightmare and dream versus like dr m b r c i think that's how
the spot it's uh yeah by by this awesome producer uh yeah i can do it is really young and you
fucking absolutely this matches it um so we're gonna we're gonna listen to that we're gonna
reveal that yeah we're gonna listen to that very week and uh we can uh we can next week you know
that's what we gonna do that's what we do we do here we're gonna music podcast
if my air condition is like real loud and back in i can't it's what i'm sweating i'm sweating right now
you're saying this to me yeah i'm so sorry sorry zack i'm gonna in the noise reduce your voice into
nothing yeah literally just a little spake just a little fucking oh okay and what's this um don duck
um anyway uh we just we just cap it off there with with yeah let's just this is pretty much just
we just they're only in this list just just wrap this shit up i don't know this is wrap this shit up
i'm actually wanted to talk more but like i think if we started now because it's a fresh you night
would probably talk for like an hour so yeah it's not like a two-parter like you never said okay
we just need to end it now otherwise we'll keep going and i'll tell you um all right then i will
i'll end it um guys thank you so much for listening if you've enjoyed listening to this podcast
make sure that you leave a like a comment uh subscribe follow do all the clicky buttons uh especially
the notification so that you can keep up to date with our latest uploads um and leave a rating because
apparently that actually is really helpful for the algorithm um yes i've heard yes checkers out on all
of our social medias including tectok youtube and instagram where you can um watch this episode
in full and it's completely like no continuity errors sort of video um this yeah on youtube this will
be uploaded i think i was wearing a single it last night too i was i don't know what i was wearing last
i think you were wearing a single it as well oh yeah i was yeah and this hat was not there whereas
that hat was not there that's real it's okay because we made the lawn today and um that we're
hat and i've got a new straw hat somewhere there we go um if you want to see more of Blake
Bentley's uh straw hats make sure you follow him on all of his uh social medias uh including youtube
tectok and instagram um and facebook so that you can um i will get back to posting normal stuff eventually
i will i promise that's right so uh yeah well you could follow him on his uh weight loss journey
or you can even choose the route of his political views or if you even deepen the weeds you can check
out his gardening wizardry um yeah and um yeah still being my garden still growing i'm getting some
like ripen tomatoes my jalapeno trees like whatever they are turning around to a real home stutter
dude sweet mate i'm i spent like 45 minutes out there this afternoon just watering my garden and hanging out
yeah so yeah uh salt make sure you check out Blake Bentley on Spotify uh with the same
pseudonym it is Blake Bentley um yes with the classic hit late night texting uh that we put a
lot of work into him we're really proud of it um you can also check out teddy b Blake Bentley's
side project um it's it's it's just as good it's so fucking good i actually tried looking for it the
other day and i couldn't find it so i don't know yeah i don't know i don't know i have fun to write it
oh stop promoting it i was like oh it's just like not there anymore i was like oh no okay
all right oh believe uh um if you want to see more in my beautiful face you can check me out switch
blades for kids all one word uh where you can check me out all my social medias uh because i keep
that shit up to date if you want to catch me on twitch uh you can definitely catch me on twitch uh way
more frequently especially over the next five weeks um where i'm gonna be gaming i want it i want
it to say every night but it's not gonna be every night it's gonna be like maybe has hasn't been so far
no it's been one night this week and it is Thursday right now um i was even thinking about streaming
tonight but it just was not in the cards maybe tomorrow night maybe tomorrow night maybe um
um uh oh not what is the Spotify for me as well yeah you can check out some cool songs um
um that make sure you use our discord uh where you can play games with us and talk shit
we're literally in it right now so that we can talk shit and um we're about to go down play
watch we're about to play some talk off so come on in and uh play some games talk some shit
and um oh you know you can show off your meal prep you can show off what you do with the gym um you can
show us some memes about like top g and prison for me and me boys
yeah couple of memey boys that's right um and make sure you use our voicemail system because we
want to hear from you guys you can send us in a meme a message or a suggestion for the album of the week
on the number plus 61 seven five six four one ten eighty that number again just a little bit faster
is plus 61 seven five six four one one zero eight zero where you can just yeah just leave
a message it only rings for one second and then you can go and we learn it and you know I mean
you can say whatever like yeah fuck in me and work in me um it could be you
that could be you saying that you're walking here you're walking right on the broadcast
um speaking of the broadcast I think that's gonna do it from all of us here uh channel four
news um I'm Ron Burgundy uh who put a question mark on the teleproctor
um yeah thank you guys so much for listening again
thanks thanks for coming thanks for being here thanks for feeding up right what do they say
what does he say at the end of those like thanks for uh thanks for coming by it's Andy I
what does he say oh damn it's been a while she's working oh you know I'm not the fucking
thanks for that god man well anyway thanks for that it's really good friends and uh yeah we'll see you next
Thursday yeah bye bye
