Running in Circles (MEDUZA AOTW)
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But it wouldn't matter in an audio format.
Welcome to the podcast. My name is Switch Blades for Kids,
the other half of the podcast.
I'm Blake Bentley. This is what we saw in life, working occasionally music.
Imagine this being your first episode.
I mean, these guys fly by the sea to their panel.
Oh yeah, that's pretty cool.
And then from then on, they're like, they just never did it again.
They never did it again.
But like, man, episode 122 is the start point for you.
They just like, they just like never did it again.
It just stopped.
Hey, go. Hey, dude.
Hey, Ben. We're fly motor center of our pants and it's going quickly because,
Zach, how long have you been away?
In hours?
Yeah, I guess because we could say since when.
And then you could say since 8 p.m.
Now I've got to say figure out.
I'm a master.
I've been up for that.
When did you wake up?
A quarter to three this morning.
So, if you have nine, 15.
Yeah, okay. Well, someone else do the math.
Someone else do the math.
I've been up so long that I don't want to do math.
Actually me.
You know, you're not happy?
Yeah, I'm happy.
I'm happy.
Yeah, I don't do math on this podcast.
Do your own fucking math.
I'm a podcast.
You think I can do math?
You're fucking abacus and start sliding those little corners across,
fucking figure out how many hours I've been awake.
Can I just confirm how an abacus works with you?
It's like just dependent on what you need it to be, right?
It's just, think of it, if it's just a,
because I can try, I'm like, like,
I would like stuff like 5, 10, like,
this is worth 5, this is worth 100, whatever.
Like, it could be like a scene or money type, right?
Once it's 25, you move them around, make your own counting system.
Is that not what it's for?
Sure, you could do it like that.
Okay, is that what it's intended for though?
No, so it's, it's, um, they're actually places in Asia
that still use abacus is like,
religiously, they use them more in calculators.
I just don't understand how they work.
It's, I'm not, like, I would say, I'm not 100% sure on how they work,
but it's literally just, each level is a different,
like, not a different number, but a different, like,
it will be like, ones on the bottom and then tens and then hundreds and stuff like that.
Or they do, I think they do break it up in countries or something like that.
But you could just do it into your own little system.
But this is, so this is why they use an abacus.
So you've got like say 15, no, you'd have 10, 10 on each, right?
Going up and then you'd be like, oh, well, how much is that?
Fucking 15, 20 below.
And they literally just go, well, if that's 15 and then they add it,
if they have to go to the whole next room, they just,
they just push it all across and just do the next one up.
And then they've got, okay, we'll cool.
We've got up one and then take out the rest and then they do all of their,
math on an abacus, it's just a visual way to represent their numbers.
Oh, just tell you just tell you just tell me.
It's just, it's just a straight up like, like, you're striking numbers.
That's it.
Tell you just tell you just tell me dude.
Yeah, dude.
Yeah, it's, it's that I get it now.
Yeah, it's, and like, it's a kids toy.
It's a kids toy that like kids will just be like,
oh, this, this, these little things spin and that's how they use it.
It's going,
yeah, and yeah, that's, that's how an abacus is used.
It's for kids.
Well, don't count with an abacus.
I have a big child just spin the fucking beads.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's, look, I don't know.
I thought I knew how they worked.
I saw it.
It's okay.
Yeah, anyway, how it, man, sidetracked for days.
That's, it's four minutes in.
Not even having really, what have we done this episode?
What's going on?
I'll tell you what, like, before, before we started, you're like,
dude, let's just aim for 15 minutes and we might hit 30.
We're a third of the way through already.
I know.
It's just, I know.
I realize, I realize that.
So good.
I love you.
That's okay.
All right, let's get into the meat.
I'll tell you exactly why I've been awake for so long.
And why I'm really looking forward to bed.
I, it's the second week of residential promotion course.
If that means that residential means I live on, but I'm not really living on,
they're pretty loose with it unless anything really bad goes on or like,
someone's really fucking late or some of that, they'll in state.
All right, everyone has locked down.
It's fucking everyone sleeping in and we'll do room checks.
Everyone just has to be good.
Everyone has to be on time.
Which everyone's done.
No one and then no one has to fucking state it.
And there are a lot of people that have, like, flown around, like from Sydney.
We had a couple from, I think, just further down south and up north.
So they've, I think we have like a couple of dudes from Darwin.
They run their own promotion courses up and down, oh, no, not Darwin.
Sorry, they run it in North Queensland.
So towns will be there.
Yeah, okay.
And then there's another cell in Adelaide.
So there's, there's three different places you can do exactly what I'm doing,
which is just a promotion course.
Today, being the first day of the second week of the residential phase,
is like a resilience day.
It's like wake up, stupid early.
Like it was supposed to be...
That would be Russian put on a little makeup.
Where were the keys?
Did you leave them up on the table?
Oh, God.
Yeah, no, so wake up stupid early so that I could drive to work stupid early,
put on, you know, cams and dance around for...
Be a little dancing monkey for these guys that are like,
you're gonna run around in circles for...
We did PT this morning for like an hour, which is like a normal PT session.
But then it was like, okay, cool guys, after we've done that,
it was due to just a huge smash session.
I was absolutely fucked after that.
And the guy running it, not the guy running it,
but the out of like little seco dude came over and he's like,
"Hey, good, really good work guys.
Don't push yourselves right at the start.
This is an all day event."
And I'm like, "Okay, that's right, yeah."
I'm gasped for all this fuck.
And then, yeah, we spent like the rest of the day just doing like...
Heaps of random shit, we did the obstacle course, we did...
Which is like dangerous, but it's also fun.
It's like an adult obstacle course where like,
there's like a rope bridge thing.
But it's like, if you fall, you'll die.
Like you...
That's not cool, man.
Not cool.
But that's why they like, just take it slow only two on the bridge at a time
and make sure you call half way sort of shit.
So that, you know, you can get...
But like everyone's jumping on and shaking the fucking lad of sorts shit.
Other than that, it was like jumping a pool for a little bit.
I'm a very weak swimmer.
I'm a...
I'm what some would call a non-swimmer.
Yeah, I'm...
Yeah, I don't swim.
Yeah, dude.
I ain't good at it.
That's why I joined the land force.
Yeah, so that I could not swim.
But turns out...
That's why I want to have a farm.
Dude, because I just...
Not great.
Not good at it.
And think about this.
You can have a little dam.
A little dam is okay.
Yeah, because swimming a dam.
You know, that's the thing is, like, I can swim if it's just like,
oh, I'm just in like, bodies and you can just like float and paddle around and stuff like that.
Not what I'm being forced to swim as fast as I possibly fucking dam for one side of the pool.
This giant 50 meter pool to the other side of the pool in camps and boots.
And then like, you better hurry up or you're gonna drown.
I'm like, I already am bad.
You're like a ham, dude.
You're like, it's five meters in.
Oh, so...
I was...
I was un-luckily...
That sucks, man.
I was the only singular member to fucking visit the Rappos today.
Like, visit the medical center.
Because like, I had experienced cramping where I have never experienced cramping.
We did like a squat hold for like three minutes.
That sucks.
That sucks.
Oh, I'm...
And then when I got up, I was like, oh man, I'm fine.
It's just really heated up the knees and like, you know, everything was like really pumped up
and just like, okay, cool.
We'll go to the next thing.
As soon as we started like, jogging to the next like, little station,
my, I think it's adductors, the inside leg muscles that like...
The, you know, that clapped your legs together.
Holy shit, did they cramp up and I'm trying to run and I'm like, waddling it.
I'm like, "Ahh!
Help me!"
To the, the, the, the, the, the, the...
Yeah, so the...
You literally needed like, do this place.
Just do it.
Oh, do it.
Oh, do it.
Oh, I freaked out.
I was like, running, I'm like, what is this?
Am I like fucking...
And I...
Yeah, I died.
It was so weird.
I've never had cramps there before and I was like...
Yeah, I...
I had a complete trouble identifying that and I was just like, "Ahh!
It's weird!
Ah, dude!
What the fuck's going on?"
And then, yeah, got to the next station.
I just told the, the guy, um, you know, Abseco.
I was like, "Hey, man."
Uh, I think I just had like, adductor cramps and he's like, "Oh, that's weird."
And I'm like, "Yeah, I, I need some like, stamina or like, a fucking get it."
Oh, by the way, super early in the morning, right?
No food.
Oh, for...
No coffee.
Uh, yeah.
It was just water and like, stamina.
And that was it.
And if you brought snacks in a backpack, which only like very few people did,
like, you can eat that, but you don't have a lot of time to eat.
Until you get into like, later in the day when it's like,
fucking 30 degrees and they're like, "Okay, cool."
So, you know, you can't go out in the sun for fucking long.
Oh, sorry.
Oh, oh, the best part.
This is, this is the end of what I'm going to say about this entire thing,
because I think it was the absolutely most absurd thing I've done in my life.
Like, I mean, and that is legit, no fucking, like,
there is no substitution for what I've done today that has made me think,
"What am I doing with my life more than what I'm about to say?"
Yeah, yeah.
We got a tasking in the middle of the day.
It's, I think it's like, 11, 45.
So it's like, fucking middle of the day, it's very fucking hot.
In the middle of the oval and the DS, the, I can't remember drill,
I can't remember what it's called, but it's, he's the guy that's like
taking us through the tasks.
He says, "Do you see that big blue top over there?"
And we all go, "Sane."
And he says, "Okay, cool.
Just grab that top out of the golly post and, you know, stretch it out."
And then, and, you know, just stand on it and I'll give you the,
the orders of what I want to happen.
And then we're standing on this thing and all on the blue top.
He said, "Yeah, everyone just get on."
And then he says, "No one can exit the top."
Now, everyone's on the top.
And we're like, "Okay."
And he's like, "You have to fold the top as many times as you possibly can
and keep count."
And you can't leave the top.
If you leave the top, if one person falls off the top or, you know,
jumps off the top or steps off the top, you reset and you flatten out the top again and
you start folding it.
Dude, I, we were, we had 30 minutes.
Just until what?
Until we had, so you just had to get in the highest number you could enter in 30 minutes.
In 30 minutes.
In the bleeding hot sun.
Oh, dude, that sucks.
It got to a point.
We were like trying to like get these tiny little folds on this like blue top right and
we're just like, "Fold, fold."
And we're counting every time we're like, "Six."
And we're looking around.
You know, we're like doing this.
It got to like 60, I think it was like 60 something.
And I just, I just like break out laughing and I'm like, "What the fuck are we doing?"
I'm like looking left and right.
I'm like, "We're all folding a top for like, for nothing."
For nothing.
We don't get any like, there's not like points already there.
It's just through the task.
You don't get anything out of it.
And I was like, and I was just looking to the guy to the next man.
And I was like, "We're getting paid to just fold this fucking top, man."
And I like, I lost my brain.
I was like, "I was thinking this is just the funniest shit.
We're folding a top."
And like for no purpose.
No reason.
As soon as we fold it up and we say, "We fold it up as many times as we can," or we run out of time.
Which we did, we ran out of time.
We folded it up, I think 153 times, I think was the number.
Oh my God.
We were just told to refer that just like spread it all back up and put it back into the cold post.
And that was it.
That was like, "Okay, cool, good work. We're going to the next station."
And then it was like, run to the next place.
Like, "Why did we spend so much time?"
Why did we do that?
We spent 13 minutes on a top in the sun folding it.
And I just went mad.
I went, "Yeah, fucking mad."
And yeah, it tricked me out.
There were some fun things.
Yeah, I'm sure there was.
Like, little cool puzzles.
You know the puzzle where it's like, you have like say four things like this.
And then you've got a space right here in between.
And you can only move one at a time.
And then you've got to like add them into the space until you've got all of them over the other side.
Does that make sense?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
We did that, but with people.
And because we had nine in the second, so it was like one dude's directing and then four people do the thing.
And being so tired and it's the end of the day, we're like, what are we doing?
And it was just like, let's try and use our brains.
Everyone's just like, "Oh, I can't think."
Everyone's just losing their minds.
So, yeah.
I own rockhead the office.
Dude, only in the army can you be subjected to such stressful, like mentally straining things and physically straining things.
And be paid for it.
Yeah, you're compensated for it.
But you're not, you're not like...
You're not getting any of that brain power back.
It's, I'm always gonna remember this day.
For the rest of your life.
For the rest of my life.
And I'll tell my kids that I got paid one day to fold a top as many times.
But they were like, "Why?"
Like, "I don't know."
I don't know.
Anyway, I've yacked on for fucking like 10 minutes.
How are you doing? What's going on, man?
I'm gone.
I'm alright.
I'm plotting a lot.
I've got some expose coming up because I've towed as seniors month.
So, you know, I'm gonna go do some expos, go on to the seniors expos, you know, like a brown
this area or a room.
What is expos, shortfall?
It's where I stand at a table full of my own information and talk to old ladies.
Yeah, no, no.
Just talk to a bunch of old ladies.
And I just hang out with a bunch of other people in the same sort of position as me.
I tend to be sort of young-ish people.
So, it's not that bad because it's a sales position.
So, there's always like, there's like a group of like pretty cool people that I hang out with.
I'm not even kidding.
It's like, same people every time.
So, it's like, it is pretty lit.
I'm gonna go like, "I did it last year."
And I was like, "Hey, I sort of know you, I just sort of know you."
And then we just all like hang out all day.
That's it.
The best next bar I've ever been to, working wise, we all were facing a race like the Gold Coast Race course.
And our fucking tables, our stalls were facing the actual course.
So, we were like, "Surely we're gonna bet, right?"
And I'm like, "Look at all the other stall loans."
And they were like, "Yeah, let's throw some bet stands."
So, we were all just like hanging out at the front because it was like, "Quiet ass."
The races.
They were on.
No one's coming through to talk to anyone about any home show shit, right?
So, fucking, yeah.
Play some fucking bets.
And it was a good day.
It was a good day at the office.
I got paid to gamble.
Fucking pay to gamble.
Yeah, dude.
That's it.
That's the best expat I've ever had.
It was very good.
I fucking dig that.
Yeah, no, so, doing some of that shit and then, "Oh, you know what, we're gonna keep it to a short episode."
So, I'm gonna say one thing, right?
I've started, we have started the journey of off-grid living.
Or at least, camp life.
So, traveling Australia, big lap type stuff.
We have, or I'm in the process of purchasing the vehicle.
That all tow.
All of our shit.
Is it big?
It's a, it's a Pajero sport.
Oh, okay.
You don't know what it looks like unless you know what it looks like.
And then, they're everywhere.
Yep, I know it's fucking everywhere.
I don't know where, dude.
I've never seen one before in my life.
In my fucking life.
That actually is pretty common.
I know they're everywhere, trust me, I know.
And they probably always have been.
But, I never seen one in my life.
At least, noticed it.
And then, I started like, I've ticked all the boxes, all the non-negotiables.
Like, I had to do this, had to do that.
And then, Pajero sport is like the only one that pops up, right?
And I'm like, all right, cool.
Well, I guess this is the car.
Like, let's, yeah, no, I'm really seen him around.
There's not that many for sale.
But, all right, dude, I've driven around since then.
And they're fucking everywhere.
As soon as it's like the, it's, it's, it's, it's, any time you look for a certain car, you'll find it everywhere.
You know what I fucking look for every day?
180 SXs, I can't find them anywhere.
It's bullshit, man.
But, you know what, yeah, it is true.
Like, as soon as I bought my fucking I30, like, you just see him, everyone, you're like, oh, another I30.
Another I30, another I30.
And you're just like, did everyone just buy the exact same fucking car?
That's what I'm like.
I'm like, did everyone just go out and start purchasing the one car that I've been looking at?
Yeah, like, that's why there's so few cars.
Everyone's fucking buying them up.
Everyone's bought them up.
And I'm like, fuck.
Oh, shit.
So, bit anyway.
Yeah, so we're gonna purchase that vehicle.
It's pretty cool to get a test drive.
Got a big bull bar.
The own, the previous owner's used it for camping.
Oh, so it's perfect exactly what you wanted for?
Yeah, so they have literally all the extra things that you would normally put into a camp, like a tow vehicle.
Has it got drawers and they're already done?
Like, drawers in the back and stuff like that?
No, not that far.
No, but it has mounting for a fridge.
Oh, sick.
Yeah, just sick.
It's like second battery located.
It's got a bull bar.
It's got the two-way radio.
It's got all the bells and whistles, tick packaging.
So like, the owner's literally bought it.
It's not a top of the line model.
Oh, he's going down.
He's that big sip out of the gorilla.
Yeah, out of the gorilla.
Very good.
But, yeah, they ticked all the boxes.
So it's, it's lit.
It's got leather seats.
Like, damn dude.
It's a good car.
Yeah, that sounds like a good car.
You know what, though?
I will say this.
Pajero is like, like I've seen a lot of them and we have them at work.
It's the car that people get when they can't like afford the fucking like land cruisers.
Or put your holes and stuff like that.
But the thing is is that they're super reliable.
The Mitsubishi engines are like pretty fucking reliable.
Like, dude, how long did I have that fucking?
Oh, beautiful.
You're trying to.
Too much.
Like, like so many fucking cars.
It was 500,000 Ks.
It was over 500,000 Ks.
Oh my god.
And I rebuilt the head on it, yeah.
That's right.
So good.
It's so good.
Dude, ridiculous.
That was after 500,000 Ks.
I rebuilt that head, man.
That sounds good.
And so there's heaps of these for sale that have like heaps of Ks.
And if they're diesel man, don't even stress.
Yeah, there's diesel.
Yeah, there's only 70,000 Ks.
Oh, dude, that's fucking nothing.
People are selling them with like 400,000 Ks on it.
But you don't think I'll ever have to buy another car.
No, if I just look after this one.
Yeah, yeah.
If I can get 400,000 Ks, I don't think I ever will do 400,000 Ks.
It's so many.
Like, they can't.
You can travel in a round Australia.
Like, I'm not going to do 400,000 in a round Australia.
Well, the only reason that the Trotten had so many Ks on it was because it was a like a parts pickup vehicle.
And it was a breakdown vehicle too.
It was a breakdown vehicle for fucking Volvo way back in the day.
So like they were driving it all the fucking time.
It would make trips down to like Balana and up the coast and shit like that.
So like it was doing hard yaka all the fucking time.
And then it seemed taxis with like 700,000 Ks.
And all it is is just like regular servicing and you know replacing shit that breaks.
And then you've got a car that will not fucking die.
Because the engine is so fucking strong.
As long as it's regular servicing, that's the thing.
I mean, I was pretty hard to get a regular servicing because it's got unlimited kilometer warranty and stuff.
Not unlimited.
Oh, seven years.
Sorry, seven year warranty.
I don't know how many kilometers it is.
But it's seven years.
So it's still got and by the second end.
So it's still got like two years 2018.
Oh, so about a year.
How do you?
Oh, okay.
That's all right.
Yeah, that's still fine.
Yeah, that's what's going on in my world.
I'm buying a new car.
I'll tell you this right now.
Servicing a car.
Very, very easy.
And if you wanted to do it on the side while you're fucking like traveling around like,
hey man, I can service you car.
It is literally just draining your engine oil, changing a filter.
That's it.
That's it.
And you can be like, hey dude, you want to buy the parts and just 50 bucks or you know,
fucking whatever, 100 bucks and I can dispose of it.
Oh, no, to keep the warranty has to be done through.
No, no, I'm saying like if you were like traveling around and someone was like,
Oh yeah.
I'm around and need to do the servicing.
It's like, bro, I've got oil.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You've got a filter.
Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, give me your money.
Yeah, yeah.
It's, it's, it's, it's, bar, mechanics easy.
Mechanics easy.
Mechanic easy.
Mechanic and, mechanical needs.
Yeah, all right.
All right.
But anyway, Zach, let's keep the show, all right.
And Zach, what?
When you're driving a van, you'd probably be listening to some music, right?
And someone's saying music?
Ah, it's okay.
Oh, God.
God, God, dude.
Ah, someone fucking put on like fucking YouTube.
Like on the bit, like we're in the lecture hall.
Someone put on fucking YouTube on these huge stage of the art fucking like projector screens.
And there's like three of them.
So you get like an all around amphitheater view.
And like it just blasts fucking that I don't care because it's like KFC.
I don't care.
And it's just like so screechy loud in my fucking is everyone's just like, oh.
And you just, you just blasted with it.
And then it's like straight into this like boring shit ass Ted talk.
And you just like, fuck, I hate this so much.
Ah, I know, okay.
Oh, dude.
Oh, man.
I want a horrible sounding experience.
Oh, yeah, speaking of music.
Speaking of music.
You can hear the music, man.
This way, wait a minute.
Oh my god.
Oh, look at this sound wave.
It's huge.
It's like a rock.
Jill, the fuck, yeah.
Oh, man.
Oh, dude.
A lot of the Simpsons, man.
No one references the Simpsons.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Very true.
All right.
Yeah, what exactly?
What did you think?
Yeah, all right.
I think, you know, all right.
My family loves listening to the entire album.
Like I put it on the like, you e-boom when we were doing, we do like,
like, a little 10 minute cleanups.
I put a timer on my phone.
And then I play some music.
And I say, let's go guys and we're all dancing and fucking, you know,
it's a really easy way to be like, hey guys, block, scale and the block box.
Instead of just being like, blocks in the box, toys in toy box and, you know,
the, you know, everything goes where it's supposed to go.
So the cleanup ritual and it's just so much easier when you go, hey guys,
how much time do you think you need?
And then they go, nine minutes and like, sure, nine minutes.
All right, cool.
We're going to listen to music.
Then they clean up.
We listened to this and then they cleaned up and then they didn't like,
like, realize the timer had stopped and they just started dancing.
And then it went into like, Kim was like, vacuuming and we put on like,
some Dylan, Francis and chill like that, like some, and then like some real fucking club bangers,
like from this artist called Fovos, F-O-V-O-S,
rave, like, dark, rave, shit, man.
And Kim is just tweaking out, man, fuck it.
It's so good.
But yeah, back to the Mendoza stuff.
I think it's, I think it's really well produced.
The back end of the album gets kind of like, it's a whole different vibe.
Yeah, I love it.
Yeah, I like it too.
I love it.
I love it.
It's, yeah, I don't know.
The whole album is like a really good package for EDM and like the dance hall sort of seen.
And this does though, it does feel like music that would be played at like your teenage roller disco sort of fucking.
It's teenage roller disco music.
Yeah, the bad memory of song is pretty fucking sick.
I actually really dig bangers.
I'm looking at the list now.
I think it's the, I love it.
I like the back end more than the front end.
And I know the front end is far far far more popular.
Yeah, it's prefer the back end.
I'm in the middle.
I'm in the middle.
I'm in the middle.
I'm in the middle.
It's like, I know it's not their normal pop genre.
It was more like house.
You know what I mean?
Like just sort of electronic, like just, just had more of that ravi vibe.
You were, what you were fucking describing, which is why it leads into playing more ravi type music.
Yeah, it's sick.
Oh, so good.
Back end of the album is, is the real dance.
And the front end, you're right.
The front end.
Very, very, what's the word?
Not commercial.
It is commercial.
Radio friendly.
Yeah, radio friendly.
It's marketable.
You know what I mean?
I'm very, that's how these guys made their fucking big entrance was like these, these
tunes that were fucking getting smashed on TikTok and Instagram and chill at that.
And it's like, oh, if you weren't listening to, I can't remember that fucking, is it,
not, it's not the phone one fucking, where's, where's my dojo?
Where did I, why did I put it so fucking low?
PC heart and lose control.
PC heart and lose control.
I think it's PC heart.
Those tracks were just fucking popping off.
I think, though, I think this is like in the same like time frame when they were like the
TikTok dancers were at their fucking peak where they were like, oh, you made that, that,
you know, the dojo cat fucking, what's her fucking name?
Nicki Minaj's song that they had that dance.
Look, I don't, but people that they will.
Yeah, the TikTok song, the TikTok dojo cat song.
Show me.
Dojo cat.
Dojo cat.
Dojo cat.
You were going on a tangent drive, yeah.
Nicki Minaj.
Uh, Nicki Minaj.
Uh, Nicki Minaj.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
what about the kid we did the fucking talk box?
I have no idea.
Oh, did you never see the talk box?
Like the, what is it?
The, uh, the, uh, the talk box?
I think it is the talk box.
When you got the, the thing in your mouth, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, dude, I did a cover of say,
so with the fucking talk box, it's so fly.
It's so early.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, love this kid man.
He got, he got the Riz.
Man, he can be with the talk box.
Can I just say, just speaking on talk boxes, uh, I think it was Rob Scallon and, uh, someone
He just figured out how a talk box works.
It, I don't.
So, yeah, I sort of, it doesn't blow sound through the tube into the mouth.
Yeah, into your mouth, but all we do is make the mouth sounds, or the mouth shapes and you
can like, yeah, it's like, so you're like, melding the sounds.
Imagine just having sound blasted in your mouth and then you're like, if you just, to talk
normally, did you never put your phone to your mouth like this while it played music?
Right, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you can do the one, yeah, yeah, the, like that stuff, right?
It's the same thing, Zach.
It's the exact same thing.
It's, it's just not as loud.
It's the exact same thing.
It's not as loud.
Uh, okay.
You know what, you know what?
You know what?
You're right.
Oh, shoot.
Oh, shoot.
Oh, my God.
Oh, why?
Oh, that's so funny, dude.
Uh, in the case of the doozle, just to bring it back, because we love a good tangent here
on the, the podcast.
God, that's funny.
This is a fucking favorite dream episode.
Anyway, it really is.
It's, it's, it's up light with the, the prod.
Um, I'm fucked too, like just quietly, like it's been a long weekend.
My weekend was very long, just quickly.
Sorry, I know that this is not the time, but it's not the time.
But going and fucking this is our podcast.
We, yeah, on Saturday, we left home at 830, got home at 930 that night.
Big day.
Oh, yeah.
I've seen your message for those like, I was like, going to bed and I was like, oh, that's
Big day.
All right, with the kids.
Then Sunday night, I'll stay up to 11 o'clock.
He wouldn't go to sleep to 11.
Neither of them slept.
It was also very big day.
They went swimming.
Jackie and I took Lucy to dog train for two hours.
That's what half hours actually was been.
Full weekend.
Yeah, dude.
And then today was busy and hot.
Yes, so.
I'm also equally, well, not as equally as you, but I'm, I'm tired.
No, don't let my, my, I'm not tired of this.
We can equally be just as tired.
We can equally be just as tired.
I tell you what, I'm tired.
Yeah, bro.
But anyway, Medusa.
Tired is tired.
Tired is tired.
Tired is tired.
I liked it.
Yeah, I liked it.
Yeah, I liked it.
It was good, man.
I would say that this is a good, like, this is a good album for it.
It's a, it's not a background album.
I would never say it's a background album.
No, this is very much foreground music.
Like you would, you would play this with the...
I mean, it's like all that hits, like the first half is all...
Over a hundred million streams.
By the way, all of the...
By the way, I had never heard phone, like, literally the first train.
And I vaguely remember...
600 or something.
Yeah, I vaguely remember Paradise.
And then as soon as, like, the whole first disc was done and I was like, "Oh my God, I
actually remember almost all of these except a phone."
I don't even know if that was like a big one for them.
But all the disc too, dude.
It's slaps.
That's my recommendation.
If you want, like, fucking...
You know what?
It's that producer...
You know how everyone has, like, the producer tags of, like, shit like that?
I think, honestly...
Is Medusa two producers in the first half as one producer in the second half as another?
I've no idea.
Surely they'd collaborate on both sides.
Yeah, probably.
But, like, you know, that like...
Or maybe just...
No, they're not.
Because it's like all the big hits in the front.
It's like...
And then the other...
And then the second half...
Second half is like...
This is one guy, very little.
And he's like...
And then they're like, "Well, I guess we know who's the good producer."
Just one sales and look at just two sales.
If it was two different albums, you also would say.
You need me!
You think you...
Yeah, fucking...
Oh, shit, I forgot where I was going.
I forgot what I was trying to say.
Yeah, no.
Good album.
I'm going to give it an 8.5.
Yeah, I was going to say 8.5.
It's a diddly bopper.
But 8.5 just sounded better in my mind, so...
It feels good.
This week, we're not listening to Tam and Paola currents.
No, we already did it, bro.
I was so like...
I was...
I had a man, dude.
You were like...
You were a two.
You were like...
This is what we're listening to.
I'm like, "Alright, man, let's have a game."
And then I was like, "I heard me, but listen to it."
I heard me, but listen to it.
I heard me.
I mean, no, no.
No, no, no.
We have...
We have...
Yeah, 110 percent sure.
Over a year ago.
Over a year ago.
It's been that long, man.
I can't even remember how to fucking dinner last night, man.
You think we were ever fucking a whole year?
Yeah, but, um...
Zach, what are we listening to?
I actually don't know.
I forgot.
Well, listening to "Remember that you will die by Philadelphia."
Oh, shit.
Yeah, dude.
Oh, oh, that's why it comes off.
That's not a little hot.
I need to put it back up the top.
Yeah, dude.
So, you introduced me to Philadelphia.
It's forwarded.
They're all incredibly talented musicians.
Musicians is like such a...
Like, they take that term and then they go, "I'm it."
There's like a certain level of like expertise.
And these guys just fucking sprint.
They don't know how to walk with their instruments.
They fucking sprint.
It is insane.
Like, have you seen the clip of the drummer who his headphones stop working?
So, he can't hear anything though.
Yeah, and he's getting this like a fucking TA guy.
Yeah, just...
He keeps time.
He's tapping his legs.
Because he can hear or whatever.
Like, he's holding a fucking headphone or something like that.
And he just taps his leg...
And the guy just plays through the rest of the song by memory.
He can't hear a single thing that any of them adore.
But he just plays through the song and his head.
That's nuts, man.
With him tapping his leg.
That is insane.
That's nuts.
And he kept going through the entire song.
Apparently it's so...
His monitors...
The metronome...
He runs a metronome, but it's louder than like...
everything else.
And that's it, and then just keeps time.
So he would obviously memorize everything?
But he would just need that fucking sound guy to just be tapping the metronome away and just be like...
Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick...
That's it.
That's why I'll...
Oh, shit.
I fucking love that, man.
That's why we'll listen to it next week.
Pull it off this week.
Pull it off this week.
What's it called again?
Pull it off this week.
Pull it off this week.
What's it called again?
Pull it off this week.
Pull it off this week.
Remember that you will die.
Remember that you will die.
I do.
That's quite...
Because I'm working age care and everyone does.
My job...
Well, make sure they remember.
Show them this album and be like, "Hey, remember that you will die."
And be like, "Oh my god."
"Oh my god."
"We'll die."
Imagine if that's a surprise.
Why did I...
I've never heard this before.
Yeah, but anyway, I think that will do.
That'll do us here at the... at the... fuck game.
I think that's what we're casted called as...
A.K.A. our own houses.
Yeah, the... the...
Soon we'll... we'll be able to get together and do a...
A very... a semi-informal fucking get together and record a record.
I reckon we do it in December sometime.
We should.
We'll make it a live event.
We'll do some music.
People will...
I don't...
Yeah, it doesn't sound good.
Can I veto that?
Can I just...
At... at like nearly the end of the show.
Can I just... I... I will say this...
I am incredibly tired.
So is like...
Um... we've been maxing out for like the last fucking week in a bit.
So... uh...
First of all...
You're only gonna get like max 45 minutes.
I feel like this is gonna end in the next five minutes.
Thank you.
So much for like just accepting that this is gonna be a small episode.
It's not...
You're missing out of 15 episodes.
40 minutes.
I know and we said 15.
We said 15.
But I'll say this...
We usually have an hour, an hour, a bit.
So it's...
This is not...
This... this is me.
This is me.
This is me.
I'm short-changing the listener.
I'm going, "Hey, look...
You've bought in."
You bought in and you get less.
This is...
You know what this is?
This is cost-deleting, mate.
You get less podcasts for your money.
For your downlip.
You know why?
You know why?
Because man, it costs to get all this running equipment.
And running the fucking life.
I bought a lot.
Yeah, but there's a lot right there.
A lot right in front of me too.
Like that cost money.
You know?
The camera?
Your cost money.
Camera right there.
I'm sure the webcam uses money.
The mic for...
I bought a keyboard.
Dude, you see the fucking keyboard, man.
So you're keyboard.
So I get this on screen.
Oh, whoa!
Look at that!
The hood's lit!
It is a backlit!
Look at the G-keys.
Oh, no.
G-keys are over here.
And this dude, this keyboard.
I don't know if this will work.
But if I get it up real close, I'll note, other way.
Underneath the keys, it's really hard to tell.
Where the lights are basically.
There's like these soft pads.
And that sounds nice.
Dude, this keyboard is dead fucking quiet, bro.
Oh, that sounds so...
And it's got like...
Like, they're not...
I used to like tickety-tacking a lot.
Yeah, no.
Not anymore.
It's a tactile keyboard.
No man now.
And noises...
I know where the fucking outta me.
Oh, yeah.
For anyone that is actually watching the video and goes,
"Oh man, I want to know what that keyboard is."
And it's super quiet.
It's got six G-keys on the left-hand side, so it's kind of annoying
to have an escape key that you think is the escape key when it's really G1.
You're okay, you still.
I will.
And I'm already sort of M.
You could also just keep on into escape as well.
That's what fucking Christy is.
Christy has G-keys on his left side as well.
And he's like, "I just mapped it to the escape."
I was like, "That's so good."
Yeah, I would do that too.
Because you'd always press it.
Because you do.
You're automatically going for the file top left.
Just mappets of escape, dude.
For anyone that's wondering what kind of keyboard it is,
it's a Corsair K55 Pro White.
There you go.
It's fantastic.
It's very cool.
For the less than the week that I've been using it, dude, it's fucking sick.
I love it.
Let's wrap it up.
Yeah, good night, everyone.
This is awesome.
I'm going to smash this.
I'm going to smash this.
I can do this.
Guys, thank you so much for listening.
You've been an absolutely great audience.
If you want to listen to more of this podcast, make sure that you follow, subscribe, like, comment,
rate, and generally just be a good person.
If you want to see this podcast on a video format, make sure you check us out on YouTube,
TikTok, Instagram, Facebook is where in a really good place that you can reach us.
And if you want to talk to us directly in all the time, get on the discord where we just
play games and we just talk shit like all the fucking time.
If you want to leave us a voicemail because that's a fucking great thing to do, did we even have
No, we didn't.
Okay, thank you.
I checked.
I'm glad.
I'm not glad, but I'm sure.
Yeah, we need them and we want them to make it please.
I love the hair.
Please send us your voicemails.
If you want to send in a meme, a question, a message or a suggestion for the album of the week, make sure that you get your phone, open up that phone, keep had, type plus 61,
7, 564, 1, 0, 8, 0, that number again because my voice is just cracking up.
Plus 61, 7, 564, 1, 10, 80.
And then you can just leave us a message and we'll play it live on the show so that you guys can hear exactly what you sent us so that we can react to it.
It's the times that we do this, especially the creed stuff with lots.
Oh, dude.
That was so funny, man.
Chef's kiss sort of stuff, man.
I was like, I love it.
Other than that, if you want to see more of Bentley's beautiful god damn face, make sure you check him out.
Yeah, everywhere you can find him at the YouTube TikTok Instagram.
Just all of it.
With the handle, Blake_BentleyTV checking me out, he's doing all of his gardening wizardry and getting god damn fit.
I'm trying.
Dude, the last workout video that you did?
Like Kim fucking seen when I was watching it, and she's like, holy crap.
He's fucking huge.
He's getting jacked, man.
Getting that.
That's really fucking cool.
Oh, shit.
[Bentley grunting]
Huge, huge, absolutely fucking gargantuan.
I don't need to go to gym more, but yes.
If you want to listen to more of Blake Bentley's music, make sure you check him out.
Blake Bentley on Spotify.
And everywhere that you listen to music, he's got that sweet song that we made late night texting.
It's really, I'm so super glad we made that.
I've never said that before.
I fucking dig it, man.
I just tick the box.
I tick the box off of my buckle, and I'm happy with that.
Honestly, I'm happy with that.
Poor fucking sure.
At least for now.
And check out Teddy B as well.
His side project remake, some cool EDM and synth wavy stuff.
It's so cool.
If you want to see more of my face, which I guess, maybe I hope so.
So as you can check me out, switch blades for kids all one word, and you can find me on every social media platform.
Including Twitch, I don't stream there anymore.
Can I go back here?
Yeah, you might happen, eh, because like already having 100 followers there and then having like...
You should.
It's like, oh man, I really love starting from scratch.
It's like, man, this song is...
Let's go back to Twitch.
Let's go back to Twitch.
God, they got us again, man.
They got us.
Good Twitch.
Yeah, you can check me out on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok.
I'm not on TikTok.
YouTube, Instagram, and that's pretty much it.
I think I have a Facebook page as well.
Man, you really only use Discord.
I really only use Discord because that's where I just keep after that with everything.
We're such good hosts and we make sure that everyone feels welcome and we'd love to chat to people.
That's great.
I think that you've been in absolutely fantastic crowd.
Uh, we love seeing you every week.
We try to deliver the absolute best content for you.
We try, I mean.
Um, and we love it.
Yeah, sometimes life throws you curveballs.
That's right.
Sometimes they curve.
Stradding tea nuts.
You know what?
Sometimes you just gotta get back up, you know?
Sometimes you just gotta grab them nuts and be like, "Oh!"
Sometimes you might need a little bomb.
You'll be okay eventually.
Uh, other than that, I think.
I would just like to firstly say, thank you so much for the incredible, like, it's like 3,400 downloads at the moment.
I'm almost certain it's 3,400 downloads and when I say almost certain, I'm gonna say, "I haven't checked."
I can't say.
Well off.
Well off.
But don't tell them the number.
Because, you know what?
One day it'll come true.
Oh, thank you guys.
Man, we're so far past.
What do you mean?
What did I say?
No, I'm joking.
Thank you so much for listening.
We'll see you.
See you next Thursday.
Good night.
Goodbye, Neil.
Bye, bro.
It's ending.
