Flying Knee Bomb (Bryson Tiller AOTW)
Download MP3Hello and welcome to the prodcast, a podcast where we talk life, work, and occasionally
music. My name SwitchBladesForKids and the other half of the podcast yo hello
it is I robot Bantle it's the man it's me I was doing the man how are you doing
how are you doing man chillin big chillin how are you big chillin big chilly yeah
I'm good I'm good I'm really tired it's it's bright it's been rough but yeah no I'm
good I'm good I'm here with my boy yeah man we recording we're back again
back it is late in the week for us coming through so quietly I can see the
sound waves on my like what does it really it's so quiet I don't know what's
happened but it doesn't matter that's all right we'll all know that is post is
usually not very big so usually the sound waves at times at times yeah it grows
basically you know it's nice what's happening
very occasions like that was that was a week man yeah it was all right it was
busy we had the Kings birthday yeah we did Monday yesterday what's
today is it today Tuesday holy shit today Tuesday yeah man I'm fucking dying brother
yeah I thought today was Monday oh brother oh is that a good thing you think so it
just means you'll have a short of week your Thursday with Friday and you'll be like oh man
that's great yeah oh brilliant cool no it was it was good it was good I just hung
out with family and did some cool stuff and you know we'll we'll get into I wrote
something down what the fuck did I write down I see your videos of you hanging out
in the garden yeah yeah oh man oh god I don't lean into this I'll talk about the
gun thing I've got one thing written down and it does lead into this so yeah so my
father-in-law is selling right they are selling their their house okay yeah
so they've been like just given us whatever they're like hey we got all these
cast on baths do you want to do you want them I was like yeah we'll use them as
gun beds right oh yeah yeah yeah yeah three gun beds yeah yeah yeah what I have to
waste money on gun bed I'd free one yeah so got a couple little ones and then
got some big ones and man they are heavy yeah it's cast on yeah they're like real
heavy but I've been I've been doing the same so like forearm training yeah the little
little fucking yeah check the video on YouTube to see how dumb we're doing it but yeah I've
been doing that so I could actually carry them like I could like lift them up and I
could like hold the you know by the lip of the fucking bar and drag them through to the
front yard it was that was man my forearms were fried for like a good day yeah and you got
to be real fucking careful them too because like you you knock them a little bit and you know
you just you crack off a whole piece yeah there's no getting that back on oh it doesn't matter
like doesn't matter it's a gun bed oh yeah exactly it's not using it yeah it's not an actual
bath it's been a like a cattle trough for like many years all right because it's from the farm
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's not a good one so shitty one that's what they got in there
yeah yeah so I moved them around did some garden work right so we went to Bunnings and
this was Sunday I think we did this and we get to the fucking we get to the car park right
I check my phone and Kelly sent me a message right yeah she's like oh happy anniversary I
was like the fucking you talking about it's like oh I didn't forget what yeah I was like
what are you talking about who's anniversary you like took about mine what anniversary do
I have what anniversary would I've waited a minute was it one year I was like no when did
I get married again and I look at Jackie I was like when do we get married it's like first
October it's like it's the first of October this is like lunchtime yeah and we like we're
like oh what the fuck yeah dude completely forgot both of them yeah yeah this is like it yep yep
it came real quick shit dude it's it's okay the hits keep coming and they don't stop coming
yeah it's too deep it is it's very fresh man that hurts I heard on the radio like recently
and it was just like oh they because they did they said something at the start you know like something
about it and they play on I'm just like just hurts now you just like hurts I don't enjoy it
yeah I think it played I think one of the songs played uh in the in the cars we'll go on to
get the kids and yeah it just it kicks yeah it just looks so I can't do it that's music anymore yeah
I didn't agree I haven't finished craving it too soon you can't watch Shrek yeah stride away yep so
where no Shrek household for at least a few months the grieving process yeah let me fucking breathe
it's either like you constantly watch Shrek and listen to Smash Mouth from now on or it's
yeah like or it's nothing or it's everything yeah I can't I can't do it right now okay I'm not
that's for you I haven't cried yet all right I still need to go through the process okay
but yeah no that was anyway back to yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we fit yeah so we
we like had a bit of a laugh about that bought our soil okay went home finished the like garden up
and shit yeah my four hours were fried and then my parents came out and then we played a board game
very fun I love this board game it's called Lords of Waterdeep right okay it's it's too quite
nerd board game yeah but it's very fun it's a lot of setup and it's not easy at all to explain
so I'm not gonna bother it's called Lords of Waterdeep though if you're interested listen
uh go and find it it's a D&D game oh okay right the coast game right okay but it's just literally
it could have any skin it doesn't you know what I mean like it's not it's a board game that does not
require to be a D&D game it's just that they made it okay right right right it's like very it's
very its own thing yeah like there's no I've never played another game like it so okay make of that
what you will but I want to get into because like I'm I'm a little I'm a little bit invested in this
already because you know we already like D&D and shit like that is Lords of Waterdeep a like a faster
paste like not so much role playing side of D&D or is it actually no no so if you want to look at it
like a like a what is the game itself yeah right you control a clan or faction yeah right so every
faction has a taban so there's like taban cards and you control that faction right there's an
overall point scoring thing and then the whole thing is that you send agents out to do tasks
that allow you to collect things to finish quests and then there's lots of points yeah it gets deep
I can't explain it I can't explain it it's a long process feel free to leave it there yeah
if this interests you thank you if this interests you so the look in your eyes that I was like you
get sit there I was like you get why I just I just said I wasn't gonna not look um and you shouldn't have
let's just end the show we only we've got to the it's a it's a quick one tonight yeah yeah it's a
quick one one minutes all right we're done see you like bang thanks for listening yeah yeah um so yeah
yeah you plan about parents came over played that game that was fun then that's that's that's the
extent of the funness of like week oh okay and I worked and I worked in aged care and yeah you know
people died aged care they've made me and you know you don't know it funnily enough
in aged care there's there's only a couple people that someone dying makes a lot of work for and I'm
one of them it actually means a whole lot less work for everyone else yeah because there's one less
person to anything yeah to feed less clean to assist to medicate to everything yeah there's a whole
process that's just completely wiped clean and leave you out from the nurses and cleaners and
cleaners and shes and yeah and then it's and now you need to do this we need you to completely
fucking do all the do you just do all the paperwork for like someone dies you just go okay cool I can
give like some affairs that they had here in order just to hand off to the family so I do help when
I have to yeah yeah okay right there you go sometimes I don't know sometimes I do yeah I know
they trust me with this shit man this is some this is some high responsibility shit and they trust
an idiot like me to do this job I'm telling you so I was literally thinking about it I think it
was today or yesterday I was like yeah I'm I'm 30 like and you're you're nearly 30 as well yeah and you
just go man I still feel like I'm fucking like early 20s like the brain yeah yeah the brain of like a
child and yeah I'm just into this body that's the truth I'm telling you this body is is dying it's
very serious yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah now it's like I just like
playing video games and reading music yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah now it's like I'm fucking normal levels
of stress you know I think I was talking to Chris about this like yesterday I was like man a good day
is when nothing bad happens now yeah good day is when nothing bad happens yeah yeah yeah when the
day just goes through yeah but nothing exciting happens nothing just starting has to happen yeah it's
just a normal boring every day but nothing bad happened yeah man those days are good it's great day
that's great I kicked in the balls four times putting the kids to bed tonight
what one 100% intentional yeah all right
oh the balls actually still hurt like I'm not even joking is it is it all it it was both of them
they were just like oh it's it's funny when we watched the ad kill over in pain no not even it was
just it was at bedtime and like they just flailed around a bit from time to time and they just
hit me day yeah and then all I was like well that's quite funny
so then he went in for it again I was just like who not
like I'm gonna fucking better yeah yeah so that's that's it how's your all fucking
uh what you been up to I'll tell you I just I just want to add on to that thing you know like
just fucking kids like knocking in the end you know like every every night like the bedtime sort
of stuff we do like night routine until like that after they have a shower we get them dressed and
then we're like rest on the bed for a little bit no when Quinn and now Maverick is starting to do this as
well she'll be standing above me I'm just laying on my back and I'm just like trying to fend them off
sort of shit and um she'll just drop her knees into like my side like into my ribs and she
sometimes she'll just be like you know you know how they just do this like that and then it's just
born straight into your yeah um and she's done that to me a couple of times and I'm just gonna look
you need to not do that please don't do it yeah and now that fucking hurts Maverick that hurts daddy
I'm fucking what okay and and that was just in my ribs Maverick figured out that if he gets close
enough and he looks like he's just gonna like he does this thing where he'll saddle right up to like
my my right side and then just flop flat like face first I think it's into the smash face
doing that yeah he did that he did twice that was yeah that was like a month two to four months ago
that happened he just face first into the carpet fucking split his lip and then did it again like
yeah 20 minutes later but no he's figured out now that um instead of just going face first
he drops his knees so he's at my hips right yeah then he drops his knees and he just buckles straight
into my balls man like horrible like because he sort of does like a little bounce and then drops
onto his knees and then he sort of like tries to fall over when he hits my balls man I like crunch
up yeah he just goes wing plus off and uh yeah there's there's one time like you know I've been hitting
the balls and he like he bounces off bounces off off off the bed like bounces off the bed and then
onto the floor we got a new bed now it's a king size so it's it's yeah it's a little bit taller
but he just sort of goes boeing and then just lands on the carpet and he goes
but he's fine you know he's fine and Kim comes like you know she's probably drying up
so they split up again yeah and then and she's like sacked if you've got to be careful you can
don't knock him off and I'm like he just kicked me in the fucking balls man he's like he's lucky
he didn't go through the wall man there's there's been like like a couple of times now where like
I've been hitting the balls by the kids and Kim's like well you know you just got to look out I'm like
oh okay I was punching you in the tent and just saying okay
it's like you would run away supposed to do and you just go well you shouldn't be looking
out for the foot yeah that'll get you that's what that'll teach you for putting the
that there like that yeah maybe you should have I don't know fucking put it she said she said
to you why don't she's like why don't you just put like some pants on sometimes I'm just like
wrestled like I'll have a share and I'll and then I'll be wrestling on that shit like that but I'm
just in my jock sort of shit and yeah drop a getting knee-bombed in the nuts like a pair of pants
are gonna stop that a pair of pants aren't gonna stop that I know I can play a fucking five pairs of
pants I don't think it's gonna do me no like yeah it's I'm wearing look trackies right now this would do
absolutely nothing nothing there'd be absolutely no cushioning whatsoever from this so now
do zero instinctively now I like I cup my hands over my balls if they're like try out I now cannot
defend my face yeah so out of fear of balls getting squeezed so now they like tag team and they
like like wrestlers man the maverick or quinn will choose the lower end of me to pretend like they're
gonna fucking juffle my nuts and then the other will just slap me in the face so like oh down here
ah you know up and down like please stop yeah it's um it's fun it sucks
it's fun to them it's that I did that too yeah look it's it's part and parcel of uh
you're on up kids yeah yeah yeah but um oh not this week balls get hurt yeah tell me stop balls
I'm done with my week oh no I'm done let me tell you I've got much I uh I've I'm currently
today was the first day of my uh my promotion course okay my it's it's called subject one
uh all core that's like every every one in the army has to do it if they want to get promoted
sort of shit I've already done the two other courses but I did I did them backwards so I did like
the you know whatever it is the the more core specific one and then yeah
right me specific or I don't know I don't know it's it's the way it's this is like me explaining the
fucking board game yeah you're right anyway I'm on that course now and it's it's born as bachelorette it's
it's a lot of uh defense law until yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna figure out how to like
charge people with you know if they commit a breach of the some policy you know the the dfda
yeah yeah it's it's a whole fucking thing but you know I'm that's what's where I'm at the moment I've
just started it and it's it's so like I couldn't I couldn't spice this up if I wanted to
do it so it sucks I actually got excited because like it was it was like 10 past seven and they're
like all right we're starting the meeting soon no one could get any of their microphones working
plus half of the actual course I'm gonna course of like 120 people or I didn't realize it could
it ever could have been that much but half of the course was told eight o'clock uh the other half
was told seven o'clock and then uh half from each of those groups couldn't get a microphone to
work or their like headphones to work uh and yeah it was it was a big fuck fight but um yeah
events I got pushed at a clock uh I couldn't listen to anything I'm like still waking up and just like
you know um I got very used the we the weekend I get very used to staying up late and
been waking up later because Kim like let's me sleep in it's great um but yeah dude
fucking they're like okay guys go on and uh you know get on to do the course and you start it up
and it's just reading and I'm like this is like not taking in any of it I'm like oh I've got to do this
cool quiz and I'm just like I get I get I get fucking I can't get any of it right uh feel like an hour
and a half I can't I can't finish the first quiz the first question and it was fairly basic looking
at it now super basic shit but my brain just did not turn on it like yeah did it it was it was
kind of fun as soon as I got out of all of the like quiz taking into like that and I was like
I finally got to write something and like type some shit down I actually got a little bit excited
and I was like oh my I get to do something and it was like I typed for like five minutes and
then the whole thing was done like the whole assignment that I was supposed to was done I was like
oh that sucks that's it that's the big side of the cart and I was like oh I gotta submit this
and I don't think I could do uni if this is what sounds horrible and from what Kim tells me about uni
it sucks yeah I've watched her sit in that corner and like do fucking just reading constant reading
and then typing retiping it out and going this is what I understood from this you know reading
yeah yeah it's just so unappealing it's me I'm so glad I chose trade work because like at least it's
very manual it's like hands on maybe I'm just an idiot but some of the stuff some of the stuff
is fairly complex but it's all manual labor it's like I mean I'm a machine like that yeah
I'm glad I was gonna say I'm an idiot that I don't feel like I'm a complex job
yeah that's it that's the thing I think I think there's maybe it's levels of interest I don't know
maybe it's I don't find any of this defense law or interesting I don't definitely find some of
Kim stuff kind of interesting but a lot of the time when she asked me to read it I just read it and I go
that's that's words yeah that's a lot of words that page there I don't talk about financial
fucking and like MPIRs which is like fuck I always forget what fucking things for me it's like
interest rate shit like I have to work out not me specifically but I actually have to sometimes
work out like all of this payment shit on like hundreds of thousands of dollars
okay because every bed is worth hundreds of thousands of hundreds yeah it is yeah and now I
sell RV units so do that now as well I had to start doing that yeah what's RV that retirement
village oh right right right right right now because it's not just a village like I had to do after
you like exit condition reports and shit oh so so what you were doing before let me just get
this straight because your your job is fairly complex when when you show me the website and then
your face is there yeah that's fucking that's cool but um so what you were doing was just looking
after beds in a like a hospice sort of thing but it's not as much a hospice and now there's like
the residential like side and you get that now as well I yeah yeah pretty much yeah I look after
end home care after deal with home care a little bit a little bit okay that's too much bro you need
to ask for more money I don't like to be fair I get a lot of money yeah but ask for more because
because think about this is a bond for profit don't believe I can if your responsibilities have
increased your your wage should no no these were all outlined from the the beginning I just haven't
been doing them no genuinely like that's a very funny role has heaps of shit yeah but you're not
going to learn all of it to begin with she's like probably going to take like a year maybe a bit
longer learn all of it I was like eh how long have you been 12 months this month it's so too much this
month I was thinking like when you're saying about the anniversary I was like oh man it must be like
I think it is coming up to about a year that you've been working this place it's great but yeah
yeah no that was my wedding anniversary that was that was only my you know the day I married
my wife my wife yeah man yeah funnily that you know we both forgot too like that I was like that
just sums us up so much like that we didn't even give a fuck yeah it's a bit of both of us like it's
all about yeah what you're doing now you you guys are fucking working hard to secure a dream in the
future oh dude I can't fuck I just I actually just want to be home standing but I know I can't go from
where I am here I know I can't go from this house to home standing I can't do it yeah like I just
it's too comfortable here yeah like I just we just paid our solar off yeah like it's just it's
comfortable I would never leave I never find a reason doing gardening at the front like I could
just keep gardens here but like never truly leave the off-grid and then I'd be like I will wait
till the kids are older until they leave this way if I do it this way we ain't got no choice
this has to be done yeah it's just the only option that we that would all would yeah
travel find a cool place five local land set up live a live a gypsy life for as long as we need
to find a block of land to turn into homes then yeah and then fucking go ham with like yeah making it
obviously what you're saying at home stand that's cool yeah yeah and I'm gonna have like a big
communal area like I want to do just like imagine a big shade with like walls
so just a big fucking patio I guess yeah and then have like an outdoor kitchen and a lounge and like
you know what I mean like a dining and they have it all like shaded by gardens and shit
more so then you know like fucking walls like do like you know I do flower boxes and shit
yeah basically I want to live Conan in real life yeah I want to live Conan exiles in real life
I want to build a cool like fucking Conan house yeah on a block of land that's what I want to do okay
you've you've you've seen through my facade I knew it was coming because when you like
let's let's talk about Conan just for just for like five minutes because I do have something to
hit you with okay um we noticed that you just left us yeah apparently you you notified everyone else
I wasn't privy to this information I wasn't even on the server for an entire night because
it fucking just wouldn't work oh yeah and then I wasn't on and then I come back
like there's like like scone oh well we'll just keep you know maybe he's just you know he's probably
just you know adventuring whatever I check the map don't know where the fuck you are yeah
and I'm like oh what's going on I maybe he's just in the same area maybe just haven't seen me he
hasn't logged on in a while that's all right and then we like me Jason Chris go explore oh you found
that you found the fuck two tower like by accident that's the way we found it because we were just like
oh let's go up and get some black ice and then yeah cuz I didn't that's why I left because I wanted
to build this fucking thing because I was thinking how to make a raid based that we could all fucking do
yeah just for fun because I wanted to just dig around with like some admin ship yeah and I just
I and I thought about it I placed all these tools and ship and I was like oh wait if I join
back to the clan these this all comes with me yeah and then I was like oh there's just another
base and I was like oh fuck yeah it was like I fucked up oh that's all right that's all right
I think it was just so so cool that it was coincidental we were yeah we went up to go get some like
you know some materials and stuff like that and then we'll come and down and and Chris is just like
let's go west let's go check out this jungle thing and we just we have to go through the desert to
get to this big jungle and we see this tower in the middle of a fucking thing and we're like
check this out that it wasn't pvp wasn't turned on because I would have been let if pvp was turned
on because if you can close they would have attacked you yeah well we we started tweaking out because
we're like maybe it's maybe they're not hostile because we're not set to hostile so we started attacking
you and the thralls wouldn't attack us and we're like oh okay let's win and then we just sort of like
fucked around with the the I don't know that that big fucking like ship in the middle of the thing
and then we fucked off into the jungle and then I logged off and I was like that's fucking sick
this game is awesome we've I've never been to the west side of that yeah yeah to be honest I have
but not that much yeah yeah because we've got we're getting the tailpawder so I think jace has actually
got telepawder's getting yeah I was gonna come back we should just run some purges anyway that's
enough coming until that is enough kind of talk let me hit you with something really quick at the
30 now it's obviously I say 30 minute mark but no just just just just right now okay recently in the
music can you think of anyone notable that has made in the music world and in the sports world
has made such an impact across the us and you know to some extent the world can you think of any one
person that is created such a splash in the media recently no tailors swift yes so I want to
get you I want to get your take on this yeah it is it's Taylor Swift news because it's not real it's
not music news there's nothing to do with their music it has a little bit to do with football
no okay so Taylor Swift is dating a footballer from Kansas City is she not too old to be
dating now like you know what I mean she is 33 okay 33 I don't think it's that it's I don't know
I'm not that much Kim's 33 she's pretty old I love to order every now that I'll be like in front of
like her friends that is like real like feminist like friends of I'd like tell I say in front of
like man I got to train you trade in for a younger model and then I'll just love it I'll
laugh and I walk away um very funny Taylor Swift uh dating a footballer from Kansas City no she
what like she's increased the sales of this guy's jersey like a thousand percent of course she has
she sells with but she's also increased the viewership of the United States football like NFL yeah she's
she's it's single-handedly manipulating the market just like when he was like Dogecoin to the moon
sort of shit yeah it's uh I don't I don't know why she still have Dogecoin no no I'm actually
backed out of all stock markets I've backed out of all crypto I'm just out of it I was I was thinking
to myself like a while back to side sidebar um maybe like a month ago maybe two or three months ago actually
it was a while ago I was just like why the fuck am I still holding on to like random stock why am I
still in any sort of crypto I'm not looking at it and if it just tanks one day I'm just in the hole
like one of them just what is it ETFs? Well that's that's what I was doing oh like you mean like uh
like index funds this is just the long term like yes just be fair and that's that's what I've already got
that's what I've already got just splaps some money in that and then you don't even worry about it
for many years yep and I've set it to like a very aggressive uh whatever the aggressive fucking
portfolio with all my fun and all it does is it just automates what shares it goes into I put it
in a hundred bucks every fortnight and it and it just builds up builds up anyway what are your
thoughts on a major I think like what second in the world on Spotify music artist just go on out
with this footballer and and manipulating personal ratings and sales I truly do not give a single
five yes I thought that would say is that what you want me to say this is no this is just what I
thought you would say okay yeah I truly do not care could not care less who who could it be who
could it be oh Kanye do you reckon no no no I'm just like if it was Kanye if I was say if I was
to say oh Kanye is dating a fucking football you know what I mean like who would it have to be for
you to go oh wow that's kind of you know and then then have a take on what are you no one no one
think of anyone I don't think that I that's like what is it matter who dates a football why
is that so bad to date a football I can't remember like uh who what is fucking name is but there was
something something bigger about him I have no fucking clue he's turned into like a weird looking dude
and I know all he's talking about I know I know all of this information because Kim has been feeding
it to me that's the only reason I know so much about Taylor Swift it the majority of it comes from
Kim and whatever I can like Gleen from doing it like a cursory glance I fucking Taylor Swift news
I type in to Google if I if I remember to do a Taylor Swift news update yeah I type in Taylor Swift
news on Google and I just I go to the first article and I'm like all right I'm saying that well the
behind the scenes secrets behind the screen it's really is the kitchen yeah no it's just I don't
know it's it's a weird thing I don't know I couldn't think of it I genuinely couldn't think of
yeah big I just don't I don't think I could ever care I don't think I could that's fair that's
totally fair because I'm I'm right there with you I don't I don't care that much I want to see
if you had a reaction at all I don't I don't I'm the exact same I like I'm
I love crap stuff is a thing unless you know what yes if it was like someone I personally know
yeah that's fair it makes a whole sense yeah because if you said you know this person we went to
high school with yeah dating a pretty famous footballer like oh that's what they've done with
their life all right cool yeah that's interesting that's yeah that's it I'm boring and old now
I don't care about anyone I haven't bet and anyone I haven't bet now I instantly hate
it's just I'm at that age I just fucking hate everyone that I now be secretly and you know
truly wish that I wasn't talking to anyone but I am only good at talking
pretty good I'm pretty bloody good at it yeah I'm pretty good at it which is why my job is to talk to
people but I fucking hate talking to people it's so weird isn't it and then I want to do a podcast
which is talking to talking to me yeah yeah yeah it's talking to talking to someone else who
likes likes to talk yeah I know but I'm talking to to me mate not to Gladys or Jill or fucking
Glenn or fucking Bruce either they're talking about their grandkids that you've never met
and lead extraordinary lives that's a very little information or he's leading doctor in a
Australia yeah that's that's me that's me daughter and then me son he's actually he actually runs the
army yeah the entire army yeah he's he's out there he's got he's he's running things oh man yeah
he runs he actually he flew down in a jet um not in a personal jet like in one of the fighter jets
he just he just parked it outside of it yeah yeah that's that's how it works you just you just you
when you just that was the other day you were here just you just missed it you just I am fucking
oh mom my mom we went over we went over to her house in the weekend it was her birthday at the start
of the week you know so I went over there with a with an Italian cake that I found from a secret Italian
bakery in the city and um fucking uh it was it wasn't 15 minutes and I heard she was telling me about
someone in someone that she knows who's in the army and I think her I think her what she said was um
oh he's he's getting deployed and I'm like you know I'm good for him
he gets to do his what and then and then um she says I I think he's uh is a war and officer I was like
he's fucking super old then he's gotta be old he's he's probably getting a trip just to get catch
these he's put himself on that trip and you know it's uh you know it's there's nothing to do overseas
at the moment anyway unless you go in a fucking and you know clandestine acts it's not really
clandestine if you go in over the five fucking walls you're kind of the european moment that's
where you go you're on a europe yeah fucking anyway it just it i don't know it it put me off
just the slightest to hear that someone that I don't know or care about is getting deployed and I was
what a cunt that's how I felt but yeah fuck that guy I don't care about that go fuck you know I can
but um yeah I we do uh fucking four real four real friends when it's you know I'm
the do it over Christmas if you've got nothing planned over Christmas come on over to yours with
a cake from this Italian bakery sure it's so good we'll eat it and then do workouts we'll eat half a
cake each yeah yeah yeah um no we can just hang it's fine we're gonna have to work out yeah we can just
hang it okay um it's really it's ridiculously good cake it looks like really dense and thick but then
you cut it and you're like oh it's super light it's and it's on it look you'll get to taste it soon
yeah yeah it's i'll probably try my co-crispus by the way I think i'm gonna take a little bit
a little bit so i can save it up for next year yeah it's yeah fucking me and i hate this i hate this
i'm gonna hate this life dude like they've they've just the work part that sucks that we have to
save up what little time we can spend with our families because oh no we've got families
the pain the bills are going up bills are going up feels going up feels going up our
two of these groceries are going up can't uh another another minor gripe it's that that fucking
fuel if you want to like a time price check at the moment if it's fucking $2.30 $2.35 was the price
around my area yeah today and i was just like fuck there's some kind of Costco which does a 40 cents
cheaper almost every time it's 40 cents cheaper or if not more and um yeah i was like i'm not paying
$2.35 to fill up the car because fuck you government yeah they i actually couldn't believe it like
when when fuel was going up to $2 and the and you know obviously this is during i think i think
it was during covid and then like they're like are we we'll cut the the tax for a short period of time
that that they put on to it they put their own little extra tax on fuel and it was 40 cents
yeah a liter what could they possibly need with 40 cents extra on the every liter that is it just
it's just our government's been like they have people say that and you get you go like oh
conspiracy there is no it's not truth it's not a conspiracy it's just taking the government
there's there's you cannot tell me that there is no government in the world that doesn't have
some level of corruption somewhere in it it's got it's got it's out for a functioning government runs
it's going to be way yeah it's the only way it's uh it's all in Toronto it's the best we got
it's all we got that's it all yeah yeah that's a good point it's not the best we can do but it's
that's what we got that's what we got yeah that's all with it which is why i want to just
disappear and become a fucking no bad gypsy imagine yeah dude i fucking did you see that thing from
mr. beast where he's like talking about buying islands he's like you can buy like a really really
expensive decked out island for like 20 million and it'll be like a fantasy island it's basically
what you'd expect when you you know you fucking step on 20 million dollars yeah 20 million dollars
right and he's like or you can buy a smaller island not not smaller by much it won't have much on it
but you can buy it for like a million you can buy an island for yourself it's still a lot of money
it's still a lot of fair enough it's still a lot of money it's still a lot of money but think about this
he was like the reason why i'd buy it and sell these island or not sell but like give away these islands
to people like his donations and she'll like that and half the time the people don't fucking accept
and they just go i'll just take the money and run please um he buys these islands for like a million
dollars puts up like he can spend another million dollars making a house and decking it out and
decking out this entire island for another million dollars and it's still 10 it's like 90% cheaper than
buying a 20 million dollar island that's already decked out and the only difference is is the islands
a little bit smaller but dude for two like two million and you get this absolutely decked out island where
it's completely self-sufficient and you just fucking live there on a fucking island yeah okay
and that and that is pure you dude what are you paying tax on where you who's collecting tax
from you you still need there be someone there'd be someone somewhere that has ownership of that
some country create a sovereign country yeah yeah yeah it's a country and just cut yourself out some
people have done that oh yeah oh yeah the people are doing it in the states yeah the sovereign
country in the middle of Australia right now that's that's pretty funny like actual and it's like
legally by the yeah yeah yeah you know actually it was in Logan in Logan there's a sovereign city
it's it's like yeah yeah it's fucking um it's it's like a this dude's bought a couple of hectares
out near it was actually in Marston no not Marston Cresmead it was around that Cresmead area also was
and yeah he had like a couple of hectares and he had like it was it's all his but it's all a commune
and it's all sovereign it's like he apparently within the laws of I do not quote me on this but I'm
pretty sure he's his own country inside of Australia in Cresmead that's very cool yeah I'm gonna
fact check you 100% fact check because I'm I'm all I see in what I was driving by it and like it said
this it said he had like this huge times that this is a sovereign country or sovereign city or
something like that and he had like sovereignty like these big painted like ships it's like a
lunatic it does it sounds very crazy person he's just found a piece of land and he's squatting
he's got tents up and there's a you know a couple of caravans in there it's kind of wild but uh
dude that could that could be you and then and then who do you pay taxate you don't pay taxate
anyone you just live in on land live on your land
I think I'll be going with the voice fight on that anyway um
mate we we're talking about uh talking about sovereign land
talking about my land um maybe I would have this special type of music
talking about music
talking about music like we we listened to Bryson Tillers
yeah trap song yeah
Now what...
You start you're taking away.
I think you you go...
You see that alone while...
You feel that fucking good feeling?
Yeah I do.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah.
Yeah yeah yeah.
Oh that's so funny.
But as I consider to do that,
yeah it's all in Italy.
I don't know nothing about that girl.
And it's like it's like it's even like,
I'm like it's a...
That's so funny.
It's a few people that can do it really well.
Yeah yeah yeah.
And like there's a few like actual actors
that could do that really well.
Like Robert De Niro.
Yeah dude.
You know, do that whole...
But anyway.
Fucking face-crit.
All right let me tell you about
Bryson Tillers' trap soul.
It's good.
I think I've done that a couple of times now.
There's lots of jokes gone.
There's jokes gone.
Let me hear you with this.
I think it's exchange and for however long
this entire intro before don't.
I think the one song is, I think it's let him know.
Let him know I didn't really vibe with.
But like dude the fucking 808 tonic,
I think it's exchange.
And for however long.
This guy's got fucking baits man.
And it's so, it's so like easy to listen to.
It's very, it's not easy to listen and like it's fucking
80s or 70s fucking vibe, fucking retro shit.
This is good.
This is like fucking,
easy to listen to.
It's really good wraps.
He's actually got really, oh fuck I hate to say it.
He's got like fire.
He's got like, his rhyme scheme is really fucking cool.
He like, I think it's even on that first
the intro fucking thing where he's just
belting out lines of just like shit that all works together.
It's all nuanced and very,
what's that thing where it's like it's one thing
but it means another thing.
I wish I was good with words especially on a podcast.
It's like, you know, when your job is to talk and you're like,
I mean I don't have to say.
What is word?
Yeah, what is my software?
How is word?
How you say?
How you say?
How you say?
Look, let me, let me give you the breakdown.
I don't seem to don't a lot.
I fucking, I dig it.
I can fucking pretty much.
I pretty much fucking, like, sing it, like, you know,
I'm, I'm word for word with him.
It's such a beautiful song.
I fucking love it.
He's got a lot of feelings.
He's got a lot of emotions throughout the rest of the album.
You know, man's a sad boy at heart.
I reckon, you know, if this, if this dude was fucking white man,
this was a white man.
He's an emo dude.
He's an emo kid for sure, like a fucking M.V.K.
Yeah, dude.
He would have fucking made a black bear?
Black bear?
No, I was gonna say like fucking, like, attack attack and fucking,
he would be like, oh, like that.
Yeah, I reckon he would go that route.
If he was fucking, like, he's sad boy sort of shit and like,
and maybe he'd do like, uh, dashboard professional sort of shit.
He would have a little peep type, fucking sad boy.
Nah, nah, fucking, he'd be like, like, if he was a white boy,
like real, yeah, like midwest fucking emo.
Not the, not the, uh, fucking the hip hop scene.
Or if he feels to stay clear that hip hop scene is as a white man,
he'd be fucking emo's fuck.
This kid's sad.
People like to do is, you know, and I'll say it.
I'll fucking say it.
bison tillers of fucking sim that's what it's like thirteen tracks of fucking oh
man my woman gone and and I you know this check and then I banged her friend
banged a friend and then this other guy there's another guy in the future that she
woke up back trying to get a bang there's other random woman yeah she was all
feeling up on me and feeling all up on her yeah and then yeah it is I don't
know I don't know I don't know I love don't don't fuck right yeah this is a
reason why it's got a billion fucking plays like it's an absolute pop
still brust till a fucking sim I still like his music yeah it's pretty good
I say Kanye West possibly replaced right now by with a imposter Kanye but still
listen to his music it's like Miley Cyrus look at the fucking nose man
look at Miley Cyrus even what's his name bark they got from the Beatles that's
still alive oh yeah yeah he's he's not real
former carton that's not the same former carton what do you what do you what do
you reckon overall I would keep listening to this album but I'm not gonna because
I go back to like sleep token yeah so do I I was listening to a post
Malone as well in between this like the the shit that we've listened to before
like his newest album and shit I even went back and listened to some Tyler the
Crattle really really good shit yeah actually yeah I was listening to fucking gun
shit yeah yeah yeah yeah I love that song what I will give it because it is a very
very respectable album seven and a half I give in the six really yeah I'm
still fine I don't know listen to it like full twice yeah and then I'll listen to
don't and then it's done on repeat yeah yeah yeah that's I just I tried the second
time was was still pushing yeah right yeah I just I don't know man just in here
just didn't hit but that's okay not all albums do yeah like subjective this is our
fucking podcast I still think you need to listen to the fucking back end of that
J.O.D. album that we'll listen to the back end of that album is fucking hard
burger okay yeah I can't remember the five days a few songs from the front end
that I have on my playlist oh yeah so I'll hit something back in the head yeah
dude back into that fucking out it's just hot there you go six six and a half
I want to say eight but it's it's not a night for me it's a very respectable
seven and a half which means a half is very good yeah just like six is fine
if you don't get a pizza and and you're like oh that's a six you're like that's
just all you're doing is consuming it because it's there it's just better
it's like it's like when you get a good dog no pizza you know what I mean you're
like yeah I mean it's good for dominoes it's good for the donuts yeah but it's
yeah the pizza yeah it's a six yeah yeah yeah yeah for a dominoes pizza it's like a
solid nine oh yeah yeah for a dominoes yeah yeah you get a good dominoes pizza
but it bit our overall pizza it's a solid it's like a five
five trash really yeah you wouldn't if you had an option you would choose like
anything else yeah yeah Blake you don't eat steak and you'd be like I'd rather
eat a steak than eat that fucking yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Blake anyway you're gonna be very excited for the next I believe I am you know
you know why we've listened to him recently I think it was at the start of the
year maybe no dude it was the start of last year or no last year dude I think it was
dude it's been a while I'll tell you that I'll tell you that 2022 oh yeah dude wait yeah
22 oh shit oh shit it's actually been a hot minute it has been almost an entire year
hasn't it oh shit yeah okay um the next artist that we'll listen to we know and we love him his
names Oliver Tree he's just released a fucking absolute bang out it's called a
loan in a crowd yeah released fuck what was this released September 29th so this is
fresh off the presses Oliver Tree alone in a crowd it is it does say 14
tracks and there's the bonus track right at the bottom says miss you yeah yeah
dude half a billy I love that the thing that really gets me is like all these
tracks are about like two minutes the longest track is three minutes yeah no I love that
and then three minutes 26 for the bonus track but like the whole album is 35 minutes
so good so good that means you just got you got a head in and quit it get in get out get
the job done that's that's pretty much it we're listening to Oliver Tree the loan in a crowd
it's it's I'm excited because we listened to that fucking that that fifth song fair where
the friends yeah that's laughs already do that was that was the like that was the
oh yeah we're definitely doing this yeah yeah I think that's gonna that's gonna do it
yeah here at the channel for news team guys thank you so much for listening if you've
enjoyed listening to this podcast make sure you like comment share subscribe and leave
that leave a little what's the rating you do review to a rating five star
root tell your friends tell your mates tell your mates tell your team mom um my
seems to be very supportive tell your mother yeah tell it's a friend of yours tell my mom
um yeah tell my mom why don't you know why don't you know this is actually you know it's
funny my mom does every now and then wow yeah my mom will listen to because holly my sister
will fucking hear listen to it and then show my mum bits and be like this is a funny bit um
it's look that she had to scrub through all of this and there it is there's the fun of it
um we should be paying her to do it yeah and then yeah get her to make sure it's actually she could be
it now to done easily um she wants to do yeah anyway side side ways again uh thank you so much for
listening once again uh thank you for being yeah please hit the the notification bell when you hit
that subscribe button so that you can keep up to date with all of our latest news and updates and
uh check us out on all of our socials including instagram tech talk and youtube so that you can watch
this entire episode with video actually that's a really good point pause right here and then go
and go and listen to this all again with the video because there are certain visual gags that you
just wouldn't understand if you just listen and do it and you look at it right now
all of it again oh if you're an audio listen you can't see what we're doing
you know what I'm just I'm just gyrating but you don't know what I'm doing um so go get on the video
that okay yeah that's kind of that's kind of you know what that's kind of do that's kind of push
viewers to the you know okay let's get to the end of the video and this dude's just like oh I mean
he's tweaking out what the fuck is he yeah why is this guy like this oh
make sure you jump into our discord we do have a very active discord uh we're currently playing
Conan uh exos at the moment but we just do play we do still play like Tarkov we play a lot of
games honestly um and there's a lot of people in there that just love fucking chat and and doing
dumb shits it's heaps of fun um make sure you check us out on Skype uh once again we don't have any
fuck yeah we don't have any voicemails that's okay that's all right uh but you can leave us one uh such
you can just leave a message a memo or a suggestion for the album of the week uh that number is plus
61 seven five six four one ten eighty that's straight off the dome black i remember these things
oh that that number again is plus 61 seven five six four one one zero eight zero and then you can
uh you can leave us a voicemail just just remember when you call if you can just do what on your phone
you just call up and then it rings for literally one second and it goes
it that's i just shook the fuck out of my camera but yeah don't be uh don't be shy don't be shy
we don't point we will laugh at you if you just put in actually no we won't laugh i'll be upset if
you leave a whole ten seconds of silence um i'll be upset oh dang it i would also be upset
to be honest um other than that uh uh yeah make sure you check us out on facebook as well uh when you
can um yeah just just keep up to date with all the latest stuff you know sometimes actually it's been
a long time since we've had a week off if that makes sense like we we don't normally like to take weeks
off but like yeah it hasn't happened in such a long time and i'm gonna jinx it the next week
for probably the next week we'll see how it goes um if you want to see more like Bentley makes you
checking out on all of his social media so you can keep up with his gardening wizardry and his
absolutely jacked arms and shot just dudes and monsters a mass monster uh rivaling that of
Brian Shaw maybe if you've definitely not uh Blake will be going for World Strongest Man uh
2030 uh where we're just gonna be taking on the likes of half the will be answered when he comes out
of retirement yeah that's seven years that's just seven years man um you can
love you you can check out Blake on uh Instagram TikTok and youtube with the handle Blake underscore
Bentley TV uh yes check it out um you can also check out his music uh with Blake Bentley on Spotify
and everywhere you can listen to music make sure you check out that late night texting and if you
want that little bit extra check out Teddy B this is side project where he makes fucking uh just
other things he made this is like he made he made Teddy B and then said you're done son
yeah I I um stop paying for the um just for a kid unintentionally oh um and realized a lot like
way later and i was like oh oh sh*t does this work oh my god that means your music might not be
that maybe it's still there okay I just I'm not I don't think I'm only getting money on it
man be no you should you should still because it's it's still you still you're still distributed um
hey if you want to see more of my face don't look at this side I've got like a little oh wait
not this side we've got like a little black spot on my nose um would you kindly see if together youtube
you um if you want to see more of my face switch plates for kids all one would check me out on any of
my social media accounts that I regularly use and keep up to date with but no scrawl it I scrawl a lot
you do scrawl don't actually you know what's in your hospital um I'm I actually started the editing
process uh over the weekend for the crack scuff check out that youtube channel because of that
that has got content coming I want to say soon but the editing editing this big video
yeah much toll on the brain it's very uh arduous and my original uh idea of making the crackscave
voiceless and faceless yeah uh I'm gonna have to go with just faceless for a little bit um because
the way I have to explain more of my data and analysis is it's it's going to have to be with
like sort of vocal otherwise it's just reading text on the screen and it doesn't you
don't be like what are all these numbers uh my eyes um so yeah it's definitely gonna be
but yeah editing uh that sucks yeah I'm just getting better at it that's all I'm doing I'm just
getting better at it you gotta practice it my dude that's it that's it if you don't use it you lose it
yeah make sure you check me out on Spotify as well because I've got a couple of songs in
those world crew with the crew bang is some frog trap you know did I ever tell you about the time that I
uh I had pre-release frog trap uh was played on a massively loud speaker at Acap and the oldest
person in the room was he was like a trucky dude but he was also an engineer he uh got up on a table
took off his shirt and started working to frog trap which was just one um yeah I'll never forget that
we were very drunk um yeah that was uh that was pretty cool um other than that I think that's
pretty much gonna do it from all of us yeah uh did you have a good time bling yeah sure I'm kind of
tied I'm very all right yeah I'm dying bye I kicked his balls four times
I'm tied did I'm done like let's go and rest those balls together uh sounds like a play I'm gonna come
to yours and I'm gonna help you rest those balls thank god um guys thank you so much for listening
we will see you next next Thursday next bling
he's that guy he's that guy he is that's him oh man that's funny um we
still recording oh
