How many times do you think about the Roman Empire per day? (Trey Songz AOTW)
Download MP3Hello and welcome to the prodcast. A podcast where we talk life, work, and occasionally music. My name is SwitchBladesForKids and the other half of the podcast hello
It's me it's pencil. How we doing? It's him. It's the guy. It's the guy. I'm the guy. It's me. It's how like
Hey, you know, man. Oh, I said it first. No, no, no, no, no, you got to tag me. But well, this is going to be a very short episode.
Yeah, I'm going good. It's, look, it's been a long day and I will get into it, but it will do it later. I'm going pretty good though. I'm going pretty good.
Hey, that's good to hear that's good. I'm doing great. I was recently jinxed and then just got out of it. Actually, you know what?
Fun enough. I was jinxed on Sunday. Sorry, no Saturday. Okay. Like him. Like him. And so it was will go on, go through it. Switch. And there's a spot that just has like some horses and the kids were like, oh, horses. And I was like, I said horses.
Right as Kim said horses. And then she looks me and she goes, huh jinx. And then I and then I just and I like didn't say anything for the rest of the ride. Yeah.
And she was talking. I was like, you know, just just nodding and being quiet. And then we had to go to Aldi and shit. So she and I was and you know, she just went in. She's like, do you want me to go in? I'm like, yeah, say anything, but she nodded. And I just sat there and and she came back and she's like,
are you shitty with me? I just shook my head. Driving when all the way back home because I was driving. I wanted to tell her, you know, I was going to type it on my phone and say, you jinxed me at the horses.
You know, we eventually, you know, got home. I did exactly that. Just tied it out of my phone and I showed it. And she's like, I thought you were fucking pissed.
We had we were talking perfectly fine. Horses came up and then I'm just pissed.
Oh my god. What changed?
You jinxed you. Yeah. I was very upset. In fact, yeah. So I said, I stayed silent.
And yeah. So you got to be careful when you get jinxed because if you can't, you know, at least right to them saying,
hey, you jinxed me, they'll think that you're upset with them. And if you don't talk to them, they don't understand what's going on.
Women don't understand. All right. It's just women. This is a problem.
Yeah. But yeah, no, that's, you know, a lot of things happen this week.
Yeah. I want to I want to hit you with one thing first.
I did something very fun. Yeah. Okay. And this was, I think it was Wednesday.
I think it was Wednesday or Thursday. No, it was Thursday.
We went to the range and we fucking, it was a 25 meter range and they had boxes of nine
Milamo and heaps of boxes of like five, five, six. And it was like, okay, guys, grab a pistol,
go and familiarize yourself with it. You know, and if you've already been quelled on it, you know, just get
re, re familiarized on it. And then grab some magazines, load them up, get on the mound,
and start shooting and, and I was just like, oh man, this is sick. Excellent.
And, and I was like, yeah, we haven't touched nine Mil, I haven't touched nine Mil in four years.
Yeah, what? Four years since I had picked up a pistol and, and it was a target.
How long has it been since you touched a pistol? Never.
I'll tell you right now. I was, I was kind of shitty because I was like, okay,
cool. We're literally just going to do the re familiar shoot, which is just 10 rounds.
So all you need to do is shoot five rounds. You go,
looks really confronting when you've got someone like, oh, right in front of your face.
But no, you know, you just, you pull it and you go bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.
And then you take out the magazine, you reload and you go back, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.
So we did that. And then we had like, yeah, yeah, that's all it was. It was just, it's just to make
sure that you can do the basic operations of handling a pistol. And, um, we had a heap of
dudes from another unit there that needed to get re like, familiarized on it as well.
They did their nine Mil shoot and then left after doing one shoot.
We still had like three boxes. And I mean like boxes, man, three boxes full of nine Milano.
And this, the guy running the range is like, okay, if you guys are going, okay, sweet.
And then it was just like eight of us, eight of us with like boxes and boxes of fucking ammo.
And then we're just like, well, we got to get through all of it. So, um, start bombing up
your magazines and get back on the mound and just start letting loose dude. As soon as like
everyone had gone and the whole range just relaxed, the first like mag that I put in, I just like,
it was like, okay, cool. Pull it up, pull it out. And it was like, all right, uh, instant, go on.
And I'm just, bap bap bap bap. Just let loose me. Just, bap bap. Just working with crazy. John
Wicked, licked out the magazine, put it in another one. That's so funny. The safety like guy
behind me, because it's like one to three. We had a good ratio. I was like one to three. The guy
behind me just put his hands in my shoulder. And he's like, dude, nice. Next, mag.
I had like, I was so happy because I had like three mags. So I got to do like, yeah,
my first one was a perfect like John Wicked, licked out and then, uh, bap bap bap bap. Dude,
it was so much fun. Shooting 9 mil, so much fun. But I'll tell you this, we like before we got to
the fun part, this is this is scary because these people are trained on 9 mils. They didn't have,
oh, so one time they did have ammunition. I think I talked about this before, uh, on like,
actually you might not have been there. You might have been out on your thing, which you'll get to
soon. Um, well, I on the weekend, yeah. Oh, right, right, right. Yeah. Um, I was talking, I was talking
a lot about it because he knows, he knows about guns and he's in the army, bang bang, you know, we're cool.
Fucking, uh, they're doing like, uh, weapon handling tests. So it's just to make sure that you, uh,
current with the weapon and you can, you know, you can safely handle the weapon, right? Yeah.
They were passing people that couldn't cock the pistol and it's, it's like, you can either do like a
pinch creep, so you just like, you grab the back of it and you like pull forward or you pull back sort
of thing and you can rack around into the pistol, right? Yeah. Obviously, we didn't have rounds in
it when you're doing a weapon handling test. You're just, you're doing it dry. If that makes sense.
There's another way to do it, but you have the gun and you have your hand and this is, it's easy to
show it on this side. You fold the, the, the slide into your hand and then you push and pull at the same
time. So you're doing this. Yeah. And it, it, it cocks the pistol, right? As long as you don't get anything
in front of the barrel of the barrel, you're not doing these, you know, right? It's, it's, it's, it's safe.
Right. These people, these fucking retards, fucking grab in the gun and I swear to God, they were,
they would be like, okay, cool. The gun faces forward. That's great. Okay. We'll say over here is
forward. Yeah. And then there we go. And they would try and like, cock the pistol into themselves.
Into themselves like, and it's like, bra, dude, just, just put it down, just put it down because, because
they're not strong enough, these, these little, noodle neck, limp, just fucking little, little, little,
little pencil neck gigs couldn't fucking cock the, the, the pistol and it shit me, it shit me to,
like, no, no, the fact that if they have to cock it by aiming at other people and themselves, it was
like four people, man. It was like four fucking people. It was a lot, you know, fair enough, there was
like 22 people there at this range. But when you've got four of them, that's a big percentage of people
there. Yeah. They're not strong enough or completely complacent with gun safety. And it's scary,
because this one time on the range, well, on the mound, they've got rounds and the dude was talking
to his mate and just laced him with a fucking mag full of ammo ready to kill that man, just like
just pointing at him and just saying, hey, hey, man, this is fun. And then he turns back and it's like,
my brother and Christ, one slip of that finger, we're picking up brain. Yeah. We're picking up
fucking brain. So the safety suit did see it and he's like, he just grabbed him and he's just like
am it down the fucking range, bro? Am it down? Keep it facing that way. If you're gonna turn,
like, there's the front still, if you're aiming the pistol this way, just, just turn. Just do this,
you don't have to turn your entire fucking body and the gun at another person, you can just turn
your head. Sometimes you can just turn your eyes. You don't have to fucking point a gun at someone
to say hello. It's fucking scary. But as soon as they were all gone, everyone that we were with,
like our unit that would do on the pistol shoots and stuff like that, very safe. There was no
accidents. We were having fun and everyone was getting very comfortable again with shooting
pistol because it is nerve-wracking and I was very on the ball with watching people and it's just
when you see people, and this is just the people that I saw, four people that fucking either
couldn't cock it and aim at it themselves or like people just fucking lasing another dude with a
live fucking gun. Like it really, it was really good because you've got people that are like,
oh man, so happy that we got to hit this again because it's fun. It's fun shooting pistol,
fun. If anyone out there has a friend that's like, oh I'm a pistol shooter in like the Australian
sport shooters association or fucking Aspa, I think is the other one, Australian sport pistol,
I think it's shooters and pistols. I'll say the same thing. Yeah, but if you ever get a chance to go
and shoot pistols with someone or go and shoot guns with someone, it's so much fun. It's so much fun.
I think I still have bruises? No, I don't. It's all healed up because after the pistols,
we got onto like just the style, like you know, to shoot bang, bang, bang. It's not as fun, I would say
because I tell you what I did do though because I realized that after we shot like 600 rounds of
556, I shot nearly 200 rounds of pistol and 600 rounds of 556. 600 rounds when it's just hitting
here in your shoulder constantly. It's actually still tender, it's tender, but like the the bruise is
gone, but it's still tender. I got bored with just shooting the Santa Mass of the target and I
noticed that there is like a wooden post that up on the left hand side of the target. Yeah,
so I just aim for the left post and I like just shooting them wood out of this thing.
I shot out like two perfect bricks of like, well not you know like Minecraft bricks of wood.
And the like the whole target was just doing this in the way.
So I technically, I had a moving target, it was just like flopping around and I was like,
at the end of that, we're looking at mine and they're like, what did you do it? I'm like,
man, my side must be off.
But like, did you just notice that like you know, wood's flying everywhere and I was like,
kind of, the guy next to me, the guy next to me was like, I'm gonna aim at the base and it's like
obviously behind the behind the like it's called the butts. What you shoot into is called the butts
and it's it's basically like a hole-deep assand and rubber and fucking it's never concrete because
concrete can shatter and you know, it's not steel because it can ricochet. It's stuff that when
the lead goes past the target, it can safely stop in the back. Yeah. So this guy was aiming really low
shooting out more wood. The stuff that was holding up like these big rubber mats.
Because we all got bored, we were just like, oh man, we're on the way, like fucking,
fuck man, like geez, we shot 20 mags. I think it was like, geez, well before the 10th mag,
but it's like, these woodblocks. But I have a new time to just shoot a gun before you're like,
all right, I'm done. Exactly, exactly. And then after, like honestly, after three mags of
fucking shooting the styrogane, like that's your, like, you know, that's it. All the fun's sort of
gone. And then it goes into, well, either half ass kind of shoot it or how accurate can I go or
what part of the material can I just remove and make a big floppy target? Yeah.
But I'm not meant, my Thursday was fucking great. It pretty much set the tone for the weekend,
which was, you know, just want to shoot none. Well, that was good. No, I'm not sure. I'm fucking happy,
man. Don't give me, no, give me a gun. I don't think I'm a, I don't think I'm a, but, no, it's
quite the same for doing that. If we ever get the chance to go out like pistol shooting, man,
it's so much fun. It's so much fun. Yeah, sure. Why not? Yeah, but it's all we got to do is buy
ammo and just talk to someone just be like, hey, I want to go on two pistols with you. We got to
arrange and you just fucking bladder. I do, I do know someone. We both know something.
Oh, really? What do you mean? It's not me. That's not you. It's fine.
Oh, I'll figure it out later. Yeah, you'll be like, oh, I know.
Like, I'm riding you into the upside. Oh, I got it.
Well, yeah, that's, I had heaps of stuff happen this weekend, but it's all, you know,
I went to a barbecue sort of stuff that wasn't a barbecue and I got very upset, but um, yeah, other than that,
now it was, that was your week, my man. Um, yeah, it was busy. It was busy. I'll start by saying
Lucy got the sex today and she had, I think she had morphine and some other stuff, so she's been
out cold all like afternoon. She got home like, I think three, say, say around four o'clock.
Yep. And she's been out tall about now and she's upset.
And the crate and she's like, I want to move. I want to do something. So if my dog starts barking
in this episode, it's a big apology. There's definitely a reason. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But um, other than that,
no, we went, um, we went camping on, uh, sad day. That was, that was very fun. I, um, I found my cold water,
but I didn't get a chance. Oh, yeah. I didn't get a chance to go in in the morning, which sucks.
Um, like I just, I, yeah, it was not enough time. I had to wake up with the kids because Jackie didn't
sleep because she struggled to sleep being the kids kept her up and I, I slept like a log.
I get that means I wake up with them. Um, so I like had to look after the kids and, yeah, I was
upsetting, but like, it not upset enough to really make a difference, right? Like I just,
still getting on the water. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Still. It was still cold as fuck, man. That's good.
It was still real. It got to the point where I shivering. So I just sat neck deep. Yeah.
I can just went, went under and then come back up sat down, like went deep enough so that I could sit
and be neck deep. And I just sat there for like, I'm going to say like five minutes, five,
ten minutes. Yeah. It was nice. It's very, very nice. Just like chill out. I just played guitar.
That's good. You simply food. Sapphire came fire and I was like, I literally, I looked at Jackie
and I was like, I could do this. I could do this like every night. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like I could easily
do this every night. I mean, that's sweet. Yeah. So hopefully that actually, you know, well,
we'll work towards it. So long, you know, it's a bit of a struggle. We were saying, we were saying
before the show, it's like two years is not a lot of time. So we'll see because that's like the
sort of time frame that we're giving ourselves is two years to start traveling around.
But yeah, that was that was the weekend. And then, yeah, I'm just wrecked. Man, I'm wrecked
from that fucking, oh, I had two residents pass as well, which is very sad. Very sad times.
I had to like, I didn't have to. I walked outside on my wedding car and, um,
because smell, fuck me. I, the people I work with, they're so bad. I come in on the morning,
right? Yeah. And one of the residents passed on like the Friday or something.
And I'll come in the morning and I'll just go, I hate to be right because she told me that he would die.
And I'm like, fuck off, fell. Oh, like, are you fucking for a real dog?
Like, she's like, I hate to be right. And then, um, so, and then that happens, right? And then we're
like at the end of the day, she walks in, she says, birdies actively palliating. So I did tell you,
I was like, fuck off. That is not what I want to hear. I don't want to hear people dying.
You know what? You should be like, you should be like, everyone in here is going to die soon. And then,
then when, then when any of them, they're just like a told ya. Yeah, I did say, yeah,
did say, but, um, yeah, I'm like, oh, dude, I was walking out and there were these two, like, seven
of the smoke. And I was just like, ah, like, as I walked out, I was like, you guys birdies family,
and they're like, yeah, and I was just like, Bernie's not actually his name, by the way. I've just
picked him up. Oh, yeah, yeah. For, um, just for argument, sake. But I'm like, you Bernie's family,
and he's not about family. And they're like, oh, yeah, yeah. And I'm like, I was like, I don't know how,
I was like, how do I say, hey, he's dying? Yeah, yeah. It's like, go, like, cut your cigarette
short and go inside. I was like, you might want to go inside. It's like, but I was like, I don't know,
tell these people that he's actually going around. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then, just, man, it's
said the weirdest mood for the rest of my night. Like, well, it's, it's a weird thing to like, be like,
hey, um, I've got to tell you something, but you're not going to like it. Sort of, you know, and,
you, in fact, it's probably going to really hurt. Yeah. And, and it will only affect me until you leave.
Yeah. Sort of stuff. You know what I mean? It's, and it just said, such a weird move, man. Yeah.
Like, and I, I fucking went home, like, then, the dog and everything, and I was like, I'm going to
go to gym just because like, I haven't, like, I've, she's got been sick. So I haven't been going to the
gym as much. The only COVID in gastro when you fucking everything else. Yeah. And shit. Yeah.
Where sickness the kids can bring me. Um, so yeah, I went to the gym and I was like, oh, yeah,
we'll go to the gym, put my headphones on. I'd even turn them on. Like, I, I actually just like,
because I started peddling. And I got up because I always start with like, the cardio first. Yeah.
And I was just like, I'm just going to sit here. My headphones on. So no one talks to me.
Yep. And I'm just going to look out the window because it's sort of like the view is like,
of the mountains and that's actually quite an ice view, right? You've seen it from the
front of the gym. Yeah. Yeah. Literally just looked at it. Yeah. I just, I don't know. And then I,
and then I lifted in silence. Yeah. I was just like, man, sometimes silence is good.
I've done it. I've put on my headphones and I've forgotten to put on music. Yeah.
Like when I'm doing squats, I don't know what it is. But like if you, I think like if you were to
actively do it and be like, I'm going to put in ear plugs, I'm going to put in the thing I was
and just be like, I don't want to listen to anything. I want to just focus. It's like, it's a big
focusing thing. I get it. Why? I get it. Why? Like some autistic kids are just like, all right, cool.
I just need headphones on that like, cancel and stuff. And then it's, and then I can do whatever
the fuck I want. Yeah. Yeah. I get it. I get it. I'm half a school that, just with the earmuffs. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I get it too. Like sometimes I'm like, man, it's just too much going on.
I actually, you know, I remember teasing, teasing a dude. Do you have a, like, you used to talk about
Nathan, the old boyly or the old welder that I used to work with. Yeah. Old Nathan. Yeah. I think so.
I still have a picture of him on my desk. That's so funny. I'm like, I love it. It looks like he's
died, but he's not dead. I'm like, it looks like it's like a memorial picture. Yeah.
Fucking, he used to wear ear plugs like all the time. Like he used to go to work and then it was like,
okay, cool, we'll start work. And he, to be fair, he was out in the, in the welding bay, like,
hammering shit, grinding and fucking welding almost all day every day. And even when he'd come into
the office, he'd still have his ear plugs in and then he'd go and do stuff and then he'd go back out
and other floor. And I remember like one morning, I just watched him like put in the ear plugs and I was like,
I eat like one of those autismo blokes and you don't need like, you need like silence to like do anything.
He's like, he just looked at me and he's like, what the fuck off, Zach?
Oh, I'm, oh, I'm, yeah. I'm like, I love him. I love him, I love him, I'm, I'm fucking, I still send
him a message every day. I was like, I miss you, Nathan. He's like, I miss you too.
Oh, man. Yeah, it's, it's a fucking, he's a wild cat. I love him. But like,
it's funny. It's like reaction response. I'm just fuck off.
The best thing he could have said.
It's, it's, um, because he don't, it's, it's not the first time that like, either, either me or like
the rest of the general engineering section would just rag on him for no reason, just like, just pull
the piss, um, you know, it's, it's a normal thing. If you're in a job, you just, you just take the piss
out of people. And it's funny. And um, we used to hit Nathan so much with it. That's so, so much.
We used to just scream out. I'm like, I was known like, obviously very easily, uh, in,
around the workshop because I would enter the workshop and either scream out like, runny,
Coleman shit or like, um, when I knew Nathan was out the back, I would just scream, Nathan,
what the fucking, like, you know the angry boys? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Mom, nights pissing on me. I'm fucking scream that shit all the time.
Eventually, he got very used to it. Because he used to come around the corner,
like, what's going on? Someone's screaming at the window. Oh, man. Yeah. But I got nothing for you.
I got nothing for you. No, I don't have much, man. Like, it was nice. Yeah.
And I just got away from everything on the weekend. And, like, and, uh, man, and, yeah,
like this whole thing, like, just wrecked, I'm fucking exhausted. It's, yeah, telling someone that,
you know, the, the family members is dying. And it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, you've got to interrupt them too.
Go on. Interrupt them too. They're like in the middle of a siggy, and they're like,
they, that's the thing is they know what's coming. Yeah. And you don't have a good way of saying it.
No, I literally, because I was like, because I sort of sat there for a minute. I was like,
you put someone in your mind. I was like, you're going, and they were like,
I don't know. And I was like, because like, you can't say you wouldn't, you were going to be like,
like, and it's like, he's dying. Realistically. Yeah. Like, literally, it's like, I walk out there
and go, he's dying. Realistically, I'm never going to see you again. Good bye. Yeah.
Like, that's, that's literally it, right? Yeah. And then I thought, because I remember I was on the,
on the bike, also, anyway, it doesn't matter. But I, like, I was just, there was a family at
playing in the park and that, like, they had a cart and shit. Like, it was a, um, dad and like,
two kids or something, like generic fucking cookie cut of family. The picturesque family. Yeah.
Doing family things on the weekend. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Right. And I was just like, but I'm like,
looking at it, watching, I'm just like, it's just man, it's weird. Yeah. Yeah. It's just so weird
that all of this is happening in the same time. Yeah. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Just there's the people living all these different fucking lives, meters away from each other.
So weird shit, man. Yeah. Well, I find myself, um, actually, I think I was saying it to a dude,
when I was teaching G wagon, like a while back, because he was telling me, you know, I was like,
I was just asking him, you know, because I never met this person before. When you're just sitting in
the passenger seat and you're saying, and you say, Hey, I want you to drive me 30 minutes away,
and then drive me 30 minutes back. You choose your own adventure. That's what I would tell
everyone. I was like, choose your own adventure. We're going to go out for a drive and you're going
to drive me back, unless you make a safety, like fucking incident occur, like then,
we're going to be crying in the tree. Yeah. Don't crash into a tree.
But like, I remember asking to do it. I was like, Hey, man, what makes you happy? What brings you joy?
You know, what is it? What is it? You know, that makes you feel purposeful and chill like that.
And he's like, I really like music, and I really like cars. And you know, he's like telling me about
his favorite car, as some BMW and I was, you know, and his favorite music is metal and stuff like that.
Various bands. And I was like, that's really cool because I like metal, I like cars and you know,
and I was like, you know, and we just started talking about all these things. And we got to a point
where he was like, there's a lot of people and there's a lot of things. And everyone's going to like
a lot of different things. And it's, and it's, it's, I know it sounds so like broad, so vague and like
almost meaningless. But like, there's a lot, there is 100%. There is so many fucking things out there.
Like, like genres or like, niches. And exactly. Imagine, imagine,
fucking being super interested in pencils in space. And space. Space is huge, but you can even
narrow it down. You're like, Oh, fucking, I want, I want to focus on like the asteroids in space or
one part of the moon or fucking whatever it is. It's like cousin man. He's got like, because he had a camera
on the one camera and he had it set up. I saw a sassant with my own eye. I saw the ring dude. Dude. Yeah.
That's actually really fucking cool. Right? That's really fucking cool. Really fucking cool man. I could,
I like, I looked at it for ages man. Do you know how far away Saturn is? I do. It's like, it's,
it's like unthinkable. Yeah, it is. How far away is it? It's an unimaginable amount of distance. Yeah. Yeah.
Like, that's so fucking far away. And you're just like, I'm looking at it. I'm looking at it. Yeah.
There's, there's light coming from Saturn. Yeah. All that way. I said, and it's funny, because I said
real time and then I was like, well, it's not actually because it's so far away, but yeah. You know what I mean?
Like, I was just like, that's insane. Like, it's, that's it. Yeah. It's there's the ring. Yeah.
Fucking bring that's that's so cool. I couldn't make anything. Yeah. Like it, I literally, it was like a white
outline of Saturn, but I saw the ring. That's really fucking cool. Here is day man. Yeah. So that the little lump
and the bottom is it. Is it really like a top and bottom ring? Sort of thing. It's, I thought it was
sideways, depending on which way you're looking at it. Like, because as it moves in space and the plane
we're on and as do you think it, do you think it does this and fucking flips around? No, because as we
rotate, we're going to rotate in different ways so that we're going to be looking at that thing.
It's, it's a thing. Because when I looked at it, it was like sort of angle, sort of like across.
Just because of the way we positioned on the earth and looking at that thing, it's just it was on an angle.
Let me ask you this and I think this is like a future question that we might have to answer.
You know how every time we've seen a, like a diagram of the, the solar system and you go, here's
the Sun and then in a straight line, there's Mercury and then there's Venus and then there's Earth
and then there's Mars and it's, and it's, and you know what I mean? Like, or is it like they are on
different sort of, uh, Z axis? Have you not seen, have you not seen the thing that all like goes around?
It's like the Sun's in the middle and then all the little thing, the, like planets like it's,
it's been made since the very, very old thing. Yeah, yeah, first, first of all, what I'm asking is, is, is,
so if, if we're Earth and you know, there's the Sun and Earth's like fucking over here and it's, it's
unthinkable how far away the Sun is to fucking, you know, it's ridiculous. Um, and Saturn's even further
away and it's a big fucking planet. But if we're going around like that, is it going like,
around like that or is it fucking, I believe? Sure. It's gotta be, it's gotta be on some
whack fucking orbit. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it is. Cause, cause, yeah, this is, this is what trips me out
in fucking wrong. Maybe I'm wrong. I think it is, I don't think we're all in a line.
It does, it doesn't make sense, right? No, we, it's just, it's just the way I've always seen diagrams of,
uh, yeah, you would, you would draw up a diagram other than the one that we all rotate around the
Sun. And that makes sense. That makes sense. But like, now to think about it, that like, you go
into space, you were not just looking left and right and you go and forward and backwards. It's up and
down. Yeah. It's like, it's in water sort of shit. You go on up and down and left, yeah, doing all
fucking six acts of sort of shit. And that is frankly terrifying. Right? Dude, I was like, I was like,
looking at everything and it was like, because we started talking about like, Roman gods, because
the Romans believed that they were gods because they moved differently to stars because the planets
moved differently to stars. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. In the, in our sky, they moved differently. So the Romans
figured this out. So they knew that about the planets. But they thought they were gods.
So their gods were Venus, Jupiter, Neptune, Mercury, yeah, yeah. Well, that's sort of shit, right?
So planets have been like known of for a very long time. And it's just this weird like, you know what I
mean? Just like thinking about Roman times, they believed that those were gods. That was their god, right?
Yeah. That was based everything on their, their faith that that was their real god, only to find out
that they're planets. So it's like, now we know what those things in the sky that would move
you differently to stars are their planets. It's fucking they're not. It's a wall. And then it's just
a Jackie and Jackie was like, I suppose they are technically gods. I mean, if they can create life
and hold life, like, is that not like a god? It was like, that's very deep. Like, damn. That's very,
very full of soft. Yeah. Yeah. The fuck or I would. And it's like, it's been there since the dawn of time.
She's like, yeah, she's like, and I was like, I guess, it's like, I just, I guess so. Yeah.
Yeah, it's been there longer than anything else that I know. Yeah.
This is, this is like, this is getting existential. Yeah, it's really cool. Yeah, it was very
cool seeing, seeing Sutton through a telescope. It was very, very, very cool. And then like, yeah,
because I was talking about like the way that the sky moves and it has to like, he has to
set it all up. It take quite a while to set it up because he's got a like point at a certain
position at the sky to like get it all to track because if it doesn't so far away, because it moves.
It also moves. Yeah. And because it's such a fine like point magnifying whatever
lens yet he needs it to have, it has this automatic like tracking thing. That's so cool. So you can
continue to look at it. And I asked him, I was like, so if that turned off right now, he's like,
you'd have about two seconds before it was out of frame. I was like, it's like, that's how fast it
moves. It's that far away. Yeah. That's so cool. That's so fucking cool. So cold dude.
It's so cool. Chill out, man. I'm not the car, but man, fucking two podcasts in a row where
Winston has to fucking go nuts. I'm surprised. But yeah, no, it's, fuck, man. Space is real cool.
And they stayed up super like I stayed up some midnight, I think. And then I went to bed. It was like
the last we were the last three apples, him and his muscles and then me. And yeah, I was like,
oh, no, that's what they said they were going to stay up like super fucking late. Like they were
planning to be out to about four because there was like a certain, a certain fucking like, man,
he used some very technical, so he's real smart dude. Like he's really, really, really academically smart.
Like he's just researched a whole bunch of shit in his life. Right. And he's young. He's really young.
But even before he left primary school, like he was using the internet to just learn things.
Yeah. Yeah. He just knows a lot about stuff, you know what I mean? So he's telling me, you know, like
all these very technical, I can't even recall what the words are. Like that's how technical that these
fucking words are about the different types of space things that he's looking at in the sky that night.
And I was just like, all of this sounds very cool. And he's like, yeah, man, like he's like, I've got
about two terabytes worth of photos of just like this space stuff that I look at and I'm like, that's
just wild. Like that's fucking damn dude. Yeah. And I was like, you know, he's like, yeah, he can
make some pretty good money. He's like, you know, like, he's getting photos of fucking rocks in space, man.
Yeah. And then you're like, who wants them? Yeah, literally, fucking wants them. He was like, there's
just ways to earn money about like tracking planets and the way they rotate and like any changes and
just all this like weird stuff, just all this weird space stuff, right? So you can just
like, I'm like, and he's like, and yeah, you can just sort of travel around and do it remotely as well.
And I was like, that's fucking cool, man. That's very cool. Blake, you might be having to
tell us go open your fucking little rig. No, I God, no, because I can't be fucking investing the amount of
time and effort into that. It's a lot of money. Yeah. Especially like just having a fucking
a telescope man. Tell us what he's expensive. Yeah. What he the setup he had, he said something like
the fucking tracking system is like six grand, I think. That's right.
The tracking system to track the planet. It's basically a line with like magnetic poles and stuff.
Like it's like some wild tech man. Technology's fucking cold dude.
Yeah, really is. Imagine like his telescope, but you can get like that clear of a picture of Saturn.
Like, what is he looking at on the moon, man? Yeah, right.
Like, you just, what would you get close enough to see the fucking, the flag?
The, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what I thought too. And then, yeah, because he was looking at like,
I don't know, like fucking, like into Astral, like, it's like nebulous shit. You know what I mean? Like,
how is his face for my ship? Yeah. Yeah. He's like, that's what he was looking at. Stuff like that.
That's really cool star constellations that are like lit up by fucking nebulous shit.
Man, actually, fancy, fancy words shit. I think it's the, the Hubble or the, the new one that they
sit out when, when they know there's a new one. There's like a, whatever it is that one that has like,
it's like six is one of the one they dropped them broke and they had to read, then like, how to fix.
Did they? I didn't know that. Yeah, I'm sure they delayed the, like, it's in there. It's up in the
space now that they have to delay it because they like broke something on it by dropping it.
God damn. Yeah, no, whatever that new one is, that has like all these fucking
fan-angled fucking mirrors on it and telescope and whatever it is. Yeah.
Dude, some of the pictures when they show like the side by sides of this is what the Hubble got and
this is what it's got now because it's got like six fucking magnifying mirrors or whatever the
fuck it is, you can tell like when it's the Hubble and when it's this other one because, you know,
how when you look at something and you get like the light and it shows the lines and shit like that.
Yeah. The Hubble shows the lens flare, that's what it's the lens flare in a cross, in a four-way
cross, right? Yeah. This new one shows it in like six. It shows it in a six-line cross, if that makes
sense. Sure. Because it's got, it's panelled in hexagons. Right. Yeah, dude. Right. Yeah, because that's
out reflects. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, so it sees the stars as like little fucking hexagonal
things, but it's obviously a better resolution and it's so much clearer in these pictures, man.
If you, you know, anyone that's listening right now and I want to, I want to see if we can look it
up ourselves. The difference between the Hubble and whatever this new telescope is. Yeah.
Dude, the images of these like nebula, nebula, nebulaes and like, just this huge gas cloud
formations, there's one that looks like a fucking skull, dude. Yeah. Yeah, there is. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Metal is fuck. Yeah. Yeah, it looks so much better in this new telescope. Yeah. And dude, I love it.
I love space as well. Space is really fucking cool. Incredibly terrifying. Yeah, because, because, you
know, you know, you know, you know, you know, what I just remembered, you know, how we're like
orbiting the sun, right? And we're spinning and then there's the moon that's spinning around us
and we're spinning, we're spinning around the sun. Yeah. Um, turns out our entire fucking solar
system is also spinning around something else. Yeah. Incredibly fucking fast. Yeah. So we're not only
going sideways, statically, if that makes sense, as a, as a whole, we're static and we're moving
sideways. Um, or spinning it like rotating and shit. Yeah. All busy. We are fucking like moving. Yeah.
The whole fucking thing, yeah, everything in fact is moving at a speed of which that we could never
understand. Like, oh, all right. And, and this is when I remember here in something about like
rogue comets. Yeah. That's why it's so incredibly hard to predict, uh, when a, like when or if a
comment will hit because we're traveling at such a fucking high rate of knots that we couldn't,
I think it was like, it was either three minutes, we get like a three minute warning or a three day
warning. I remember there being a three or something like that. Um, we just wouldn't see it coming
and then suddenly it would be there and then everyone would know about it and then we'd all be dead.
Yeah. It's, it's like that. There's no like, okay, guys, let's get off the island. No,
no, no, everything, everything that we know in existence. It's gone. It's, it's, it's, if anything,
more of a push, uh, you know, every since I learned that, more of a push than ever to be like,
do whatever the fuck you want to do. Yeah. And here's the other thing. Good. Do this.
What makes you feel good sort of shit. Yeah. Because like even that aside, like, let's just say not
the end of the world, which is the more likely thing. Uh, I, we don't know, man, never know. You never know.
But also it never would have mattered anyway if that happens. So you may as well, you may as well do
the best thing for you. But, um, like, here's another thing is in 200 years, right? 200 years time. Okay.
Nothing that you know or did or do will matter. No, got to in 50 years. No, no, no, no, no,
I'll still be alive. No, 200 years. The reason why, because 200 years, anyone that you had like,
major, major influence on, you know, you'll always, there'll always be something along if when
you have children, essentially, because no matter what you've done something, if they continue to have
children, and then if their children continue to have children, then you've influenced somehow,
right? But other than that small thing, you will be forgotten. Like no one, I couldn't tell you
about anyone, any single person who was born 200 years ago. Uh, the James Cook.
All right, there you go. How many other people in the world? Um, we can go through like some
US revolution. Yeah, look, you can go through some history stuff. Of course,
but the average person, the average person, the average person should know the history of the
country. Well, 200 years ago would be my, my cultural heritage would be living in a tribe.
You reckon in, in, in fucking 1823? Surely there was still like, try, like,
mole, try, or fuck 1823. We would have been still like real colonial stages sort of stuff.
Um, obviously horses are still a big deal, but we know how to use iron. And the industrial
revolution, or not the industrial revolution is fucking about 100 years away. Yeah. Uh, but like,
wasn't this thing carol 1820? I believe so. Yeah. Oh, dude, that's a hard one. I think so. Dude,
the thing is, um, times are so cool. Oh, dude, time, time, time, cool. Yeah, dude. Um, did you know,
fucking, uh, this, this is really fun. Cool. You know, how like prostitution is the oldest,
fucking job in the, in the, in the, you know, the known life sort of shit. Um, uh, and, you know, beer
and fucking beer was made before fucking coffee because they didn't trust coffee and, uh,
they would, people would choose to drink alcohol because it was safer than drinking the water. Yeah.
And then, uh, they realized, uh, you know, that, that's just really fucking the mate. Tinge,
other way before all of this, um, there's, uh, I learned this during my workplace health and safety
stuff years ago. Was that, um, dude, this is, this is really fucking cool. That all the episodes
way, way, way, way back when the Egyptians were fucking building shit. Yeah. I think this is
the, it's, uh, I'm almost certain it's Egyptians. There is records of workplace health and safety,
like, uh, archmints or like, like, like, paparus, where it was like, um, you could have a person
build a house for you. You have to pay them or, or they're a slave or whatever and then they build
a fucking house. But if that house kills their child, the fucking, the, the, the, the, the dad,
just gets to straight up kill the builder. Yeah. That's a, that was a form of compensation. Yeah.
So, so, first of all, you've got workplace health and safety and you've got a judicial system
and you've got compensation. Yeah. Three things that we use heavily every day. Yep.
Like, they were, they were like, a piece of like, not, but that's like, how, how far away is that?
That's like thousands of years. That's not hundreds of years. That's like, like, BC, like a lot. Yeah.
Like, it's, it's so, it's so out of this world. They had, they had fucking banks not too long after that.
Yeah. Banks, where they'll be like, um, I need you to either hold my money or I need to borrow money
from the state so that I can go and do whatever I need to do and I'll owe you one. Yep. And
it like, it was just a thing. You could just trust someone with your life savings.
And, and then, and you wouldn't know if tomorrow, oh, you're going to get rated by barbarians and
everything's gone and nothing matters anymore. But the, dude, speaking of the Romans,
Romans had it fucking sorted, dude. Yeah. Romans had it fucking down. And you send the, the means of like,
oh, how often, yeah, yeah, it's very funny. Yeah. I'm waiting until Kim asked me how,
how often I think about the Roman Empire because like, daily, it's honestly, it's, it's pretty
frequently. It's honestly, it's, it's not every day. I would say it's not every day,
but like, it's at least a couple of times a week. It comes up. It just comes up. It comes up. Yeah.
And it's, it's the thing of like, oh man, how often do you think of swords? I love thinking about
swords and like shields and axes, like old medieval weaponry and chill like that. I love the invention
of archery and, and the fucking, the fact that, um, if I am not close enough with my sword,
I'll use this sword on a stick that I, yeah, sure, with the, and it goes perfect.
Shoulder people. Yeah. Yeah. Fireworks were made in China. Fucking, like, like, like,
like before 100 BC or something like that or after 100 BC, if that makes sense. Yeah.
Um, it's, it's like so old. It was a former communication. It was a form of scaring people. Yeah.
It's so fucking cool. History, man. If, oh, dude, I love history. I love history. You know,
there would have been a lot of cool stuff back then as well. I reckon that I'd have a loot.
I reckon they would have played some music. I reckon that would have played music.
Speaking of music, like, like, we've talked about the Roman Empire long enough. Yeah. It's a nine.
Speaking of music, we listened to the Roman Emperor himself.
Tray songs. We listened to chapter five from Tray songs. Who knew that Tray songs was two people?
Did you know that Tray songs was two people? What? Tray songs is two people. No, no.
Traumae, Nevisan and Troy Taylor. Traumae, Nevisan is like the singer. He's known as Tray songs.
And Troy Taylor is an American record producer. He's what, known for his production work and
mentorship of R&B singer Tray songs. Oh, that's weird. I thought it was both of them. But it's no.
No, it's not a sad. It's not a sad... Traumae, Nevisan and Troy Taylor.
Make up this entire album. Actually, in funnily enough, he didn't even produce a couple of them.
God damn. God damn you, Nevisan. Anyway. Yeah. Tray songs.
Tray songs.
Chapter five. What do you reckon? I have a special place for this album.
It's, you know, it's good. I listened to it when it came out in 2012. So, you know, I've listened
to this album for a long time. But what do you think? What do you reckon? Well, I've already been
wrong once tonight. You know, with Troy, Tray songs. Tray songs. Tray Taylor. Tray's brother.
Troy. Troy sang. Yeah, Troy sang. I'll tell you this. It really is. It really fucking is.
I'll tell you this. I didn't like it at first. I listened through it and I was like, okay,
I'm gonna have to grind through this. And it was like the second or third run through.
Dude, I fell in. I was like, oh, this is sick, man. Like the suit as the album would start again.
I was like, yes, who gets a listen to dive in again, panty weather. Dude, so many good songs. It was
literally when it got to, I think it was bad decisions and forever yours. Yeah. I think it was forever
yours. I was just like, okay, cool. I can skip that. And then it was like fumble the rest of the album.
And I was like, I love it. Yeah, I love it. And simply amazing can fuck off. Yeah, it's very high school
musical. It's very musical. And you know, you don't need listen to that song. If you like it,
if you don't, that's fine. You agree with us. Okay, let me tell you, I fucking, I enjoyed this.
Oh, dude, critics also found similarities with Asha songs and predicted it would be his cross
overhead. And indeed, childhood very high in the United Kingdom, peaking at number eight and
becoming his first UK top 10 hit. What? So, it's amazing. That's crazy because an entire country can
just be wrong. Yeah. Yeah. It could just be wrong. Yeah. Yeah. I don't like it. It does have 19
million streams. So it would obviously be very popular. Yeah, that's like a hard,
it's like, three idiots and hard to take so much, but it's not. Yeah, it did not, it did not hit in
Australia. Let me, let me, look, let me tell you this. Yeah. I really enjoyed this album.
I really enjoyed it. I came around real fucking fast. It was, it was literally, I think it was like
the second or third one. And when I started playing it in the workshop and one of the dudes was like,
oh, damn, Trace songs, I fucking love Trace songs. And I was like, I'm just finding out about Trace songs.
Both sort of, he was singing along to it as well. And I was just like, this is great. This is
fucking great. And then, yeah, from then on, it was, it was just on as much as I think I listened to
sleep-token. I was like, it was just on. And I'm getting the card. I was like, I'm going to put this back
on. It's going, we're going again. Yeah, no big win for me. Yeah, dude. Oh, man. Oh, oh, oh. It's good. Yeah.
It's so good. I told you, it's a good album. Yeah, yeah, it's a good album. Good album. Yeah. Yeah,
I'm a big fan of this album. I listened to it when it came out, I listened to it now.
It's just as good as it was back then. It's 11 years old. Yeah, I know. I know. I'm getting old, man.
Here I was smoking cigarettes and driving a ran, listening to this album.
It's 11 years old. I know, 11 years ago, I was doing that. I know. I know. We're getting old, man.
That's so weird, man. We're getting old, dude. Because you say, all right, it's 11 years old. I was
a, I would be like, I would have just like just started high school or some of that. Nope. No. I'm two years out of high school.
Yeah, 11 years ago, two years out of high school. Yeah. That sucks. But that's life. Dude, it goes real quick,
man. I'm telling you. It helps guys. Real quick. Yeah. But look, Bernie, Bernie, we'll fucking let you know that.
Yeah, fucking I don't believe these here anymore. Please, like tell me your side of this album.
I mean, I love it. Like, I would agree with this simply amazing. It's pretty meh.
Yeah, pretty meh. Rest of the album is lit, fucking love. It's just all good. It's all very, very good.
I wouldn't give it a 10. No. No, not a bit. I really enjoy it. I really, really enjoy it. I've listened to it a lot
this week. Yeah. So I'm going to give it. Oh, you know what? Wait, wait, wait, wait, because it's chapter five. We
should do it out of five. Oh, yeah, yeah, sure. All right. Sure. I'm going to give it a solid nine out of five.
Yep. Uh, nine out of five. Four to five.
Huge. Huge increase. Yeah. Four to half. You love it that much. Yeah, I love it. That much that I'd do. Give it a nine out of five.
18 out of 10. Four to half. Four to half. Yeah. Yeah. Give it four to house. At a five. I'm a big fan of it. I really do enjoy it.
It's a good album. Yeah. It is. I thoroughly enjoyed it as well. And I'm, I don't know if I'm going to give it a
fucking nine out of 10 or four and a half out of five. I'd give it a four and five. I've got some nostalgia for you.
I know like a lot of the words for almost all of them. In fact, when, when fucking like I first listened to
Panyweta, I was just like, this is going to be hard to listen to like, but literally the second,
yeah, the second or third time. And I was like, hell, you know, it's that.
Panyweta. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Panyweta. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's so bad. It's like, I've very 2012.
It's very, very, very 2012. It is our show in Chris Brown and and Panyweta days. Yeah.
It is like, yeah, LMFAO, all that sort of shit, right? Like that's, that's that time. You know what I mean?
Like really was. So the, the, the era of like, like, your nostalgia, R&B. Yeah. Yeah. And this is where,
this is where R&B Fridays was like born. You know, I don't even know. Yeah. Yeah. Like this, this is the
era of when R&B Fridays was born. They were like, hey, there's like been a lot of good R&B songs.
And like, they bring you out some bangers. Maybe we should do R&B on Fridays 11 years later.
I don't actually think it started in 2012. Come on off. I don't know when R&B Friday started.
It's been around for a fucking long time. He's searching, he's searching, fact check me. Was it 11 years ago?
Oh, it started when, when did 2016? Oh, holy shit. Oh, the whole of R&B Fridays live as an annual
concert held in Australia. The series was co-founded by the Hit Radio Network at Frontier Touring in
2016. R&B Fridays live? Anyway, oh, maybe it was. Oh, no, that's, that's the, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Not anyway. Same thing. Go on. It's good album. It's good album. Yeah.
Yeah, I'll give it a, I give it a, what did I say? It's an eight, add out a 10. You're giving it a
nine out of 10. Yeah. Like the only thing that we've got to do now is... There's a couple of things.
We've got to announce our next album of the week and I think it's a fucking ball.
I'm very excited for it. I'm fucking ready for this one. It's a short album. Yeah, it's a short album.
It was released in 2018. So it's a little bit fresher. Five years old. Let's go with Matthew Cham,
homemade. Homemade. Homemade. That is homemade. It's, here's 2018. I think it's a debut EP. I want to make
sure of that because this guy has been, he's been still doing stuff. Latest release is NaCi. I
can't remember what that means. It's salt, isn't it? Yeah, it is. 2023. He released it. August 25.
He literally just released something. Sorry, it's not his debut because he released a single in 2016.
Yeah, this is a debut EP. Sure. Yeah. And then he released an album called The Mathematics of Nature in
2019. Besides all that, what we're listening to is Matthew Cham is fairly, I want to say fairly
unknown, but this man has 55,000 monthly. Yeah, that's it, man. I remember. And saying he's
left on 100%. I listened to him first when I used to listen to Ryan Celsius sounds on YouTube when
I had YouTube premium and I'd listened to the mixes that he put up. So he'd make like a video and
music compilation. Yeah, I remember there was like an airport while something. Yeah, and that was,
that was this guy dancing in the airport and this song was on and I was like, oh, dang, this song
is fucking sick. Homemade. Matthew Cham. And I immediately looked it up and I was like, I need to
keep listening to this song. There was another song in there by Perp that I want to fucking listen to
as well because it was just a bot. But yeah, Ryan Celsius sounds. He's actually fucking glowed up heaps.
He's doing live like fucking, it's crazy what he does. He does like live VJ. So like video DJ stuff.
But he has like VHS tapes and he also mixes lighting into it's such a fucking mind-fuck watching this guy
do what he does. Yeah, I'll have to look him up. It's a whole fucking vibe.
Yeah. What else to say? I don't know what else to say. I fucking love Matthew Cham.
That's fine. We got to listen to Matthew Cham. That's a joke, mate. That's it.
Matthew came.
Zach. Yes.
Now, if I wanted to leave a message, you know how you do it? Would I get my phone? Yeah, you would.
Okay. Do you know the number? No. The number to call if you want to leave us a message?
No, I don't. Let me tell you. I'll tell you the number. All right, make sure you run it down.
Everyone get a pen. Get a pen right now. Yup. Yup. Look, I've got some paper. No, no, no, no. Okay. Cool. So.
I don't want it down. All right, you're ready? Yeah, I'm ready. I hope everyone else at home is listening as well.
This is this is the way to leave us a message and meme. Suggested for out of the week.
Yeah, if you just have a random question. Are you ready? I understand. I'm ready.
The number is plus 61, 7, 5, 6, 4, 1, 1, 0, 8, 0. Oh, beautiful. Do you want that number again just to double-check? Yeah, I do. Yep.
Plus 61, 7, 5, 6, 4, 1, 10, 80. If you're confused by the plus 61, it just means 0. Yeah, it literally does. Yep.
So it would be 0, 7, 5, 6, 4, which still to some people may not make any sense anyway. No, because you don't
lose your family. For those playing at home who don't live in Australia, that number still don't make sense.
It's a Queensland number, so you'll have to do the plus 61 if you're outside of Australia.
But if you put in 0, 7, 5, 6, 4, 1, 10, 80, you'll definitely get the broadcast. You'll hear.
It'll ring for a second, then it goes, "Beep, please leave your message, boop!" And then you leave your silly messages or silence.
You'll leave silence, please don't leave silence. Please, for the whole level of everything.
If you want your fucking message, listen to live by us. Make sure you're in our Skype number up.
And yeah, you'll love it. It's great. I love the idea that we have a voicemail system.
And the stuff that we were getting was just fucking, it was red hot, especially last like,
the creed stuff.
So good.
Shed, so to shit, man.
And that could be you. The, the listen of right now, that number again, plus 61, 7, 5, 6, 4, 1, 10, 80,
leave us a message. And if you're thinking, man, I don't want to like, talk into a phone.
I just want to like, text, but like, I don't want to text them. Download Discord, jump into our server.
It's, yeah, big-eye thing.
It's in the description. If you like playing games and you want to talk to us like in person,
while we're also playing games, jump into our Discord, it isn't the description. We're super friendly.
And we, we are literally on here every night. I want to say literally, it is practically, it is
actually, that's what we do. We play a lot of talk of, we also play Bouters Gate. Every now and then,
and I mean, very rarely, we'll play just another random game, maybe Jackbox and so on, that's always fun,
a little bit of party. But yeah, jump on in and, and say good, hey, and you can just fucking mess around
with us. You know what I mean? For everything else, there's, oh, what is it? For everything else, there's
blank. For everything else, there's, I can't remember that ad. You know what I mean? There's that
ad is like, for everything else, there's, whatever it is. Is it a MasterCard? Holy shit, it is.
Yeah, it is MasterCard. Yeah, for everything else, there's MasterCard because it's like, you want to buy
Tiger Woods pants and these clubs and it was like, but you missed every shot because you didn't spend
any money on training. You're shit. For everything else, there's MasterCard. Oh, that's, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Damn, because that's like, it was like, missing every shot at the club in front of your new friends,
priceless. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, for everything else. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But for everything else, that's
not monetary, you can do this one simple thing and it's free. It's priceless. You can like, share,
subscribe, follow, and hit the notifications button and bell. And if you know what, if you really
feel an adventurous and you said to yourself, man, I do feel like typing out stuff today. Leave a comment
and we read them. Yeah, we also appreciate all the views. We also appreciate all the followers,
the likes, the subscribe, because it makes us know that we're doing, it lets us know that we're doing
something important and that you guys enjoy it. And we definitely enjoy it. It gives me immense
satisfaction. Um, yeah, I'll put it that way. Anyway, anyway, do we have any voicemails this week?
Like, I'll tell you this right now. No.
Yeah, the last one was a little while ago, but that's all right, because, yeah, no, we'll make sure that
we put it in our advertising. I reckon everyone's going to be seeing the podcast a little bit more
and more and your special, special podcast that you, the listener used to listen to, it's going to be
inundated with random people. That's a real, that's a real thing. Imagine having like the special
thing that only you listen to. And then there's all these other people, all these other people
listening to the my special podcast. I'm so worried coming out of your fucking mouth right now.
It's been a long day. Yeah, same. All right, let me tell you this. Let me tell you this. Yeah,
listener. Keep, keep listening. Um, if you've enjoyed this podcast, thank you so much for listening. We,
we love you. And we, we just want you to see it next time. No, no, no, yeah, no, yeah. Do all those things
I've ever thought like share, subscribe, comment, uh, hit the rating and, uh, what are the status of
notifications bill as well so that you can keep up to date with everything that we do. If you want to
see more of Blake Bentley, make sure you check him out at Blake_Bentley, everywhere you can find him.
So Blake_BentleyTV, everywhere you can find him. Yes. That includes Instagram, TikTok and YouTube,
where you can follow him on his journey, his weight loss journey and my, who fucking knows at this point?
He's who knows probably is gardening wizardry and then and yeah, whatever else is going on in your life, man. Yeah.
He's on a follow with what the fuck's going on in my brain hole. Yeah. Then you come along for the ride. Yeah, that's it.
Yeah, I am. Um, you can also check him out on his Spotify as well at Blake_Bentley and, uh, for the, the other
different thing, uh, Teddy B. You can check that out. And, um, every time I still forget, yeah, I'm, I'm
gonna say it every time as well as I remember. Yeah, well, I keep it up here. I lock it down. I'm like an
elephant. Um, I'll do the sand. That's right. I tried. There we go. Well done. A little bit. Um, if you
want to see more of my face, uh, it's switch plates for kids, all one word. Hit me up on every
social media you can. Uh, I'm, I'm, yeah, it turns out I'm very SEO friendly, uh, because no one has my
fucking name. Yeah. Um, which is great. Um, I wonder why. And when you're, when you're looking up that name,
switch plates for kids, all one word, make sure you check me out on Spotify. Um, I make music sometimes.
Good. I do, I do release things sometimes. Um, bangers on there. Yeah. Yeah. Dude, I was, I showed
um, a couple of guys at work, uh, fucking, what is it? I showed them late night texting and I showed
them, uh, fucking, um, cream of the crop. Yeah. And now, but though they like late night texting,
and they like fucking cream of the crop. And I was like, all right. Well, maybe I should keep doing it.
Yeah. Um, maybe you should. We just keep doing that thing. Um, we also do, uh,
sorry, I also do a, uh, little side product called the crack scav. Um, I did a whole, whole lot of work
today, uh, recording and, uh, planning, uh, an entire long form video, video series, uh, just for
the talk of the scavenger talk of I am trying to break into, uh, your house, um, no, try to break into,
uh, the scavenger talk of video like YouTube, well, yeah, and uh, it's, it's happening. It's slowly but
surely happening. So make sure you follow me there at the crack scav. Um, other than that, if, uh,
that's, that's pretty much it. We do have a, we do have a Facebook, we do, we are on YouTube.
If you want to see us, you know, doing this monkey dumb shit on YouTube, do it. Yeah. Same with
Instagram, Facebook, it ticked. Talk. Yeah, we're there. We are there. Yeah, that's a good point. We are there.
Um, oh, no, guys, thank you so much for listening. You've been great. We will see you next Thursday.
Bye, bye!
Bye now!
Bye bye!
But, but I sell like love, wing!
Bye-bye, bye now!
Good podcast, good podcast.
Alright, bye!
